2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,1.239,1.240

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv30580/wsdl20

Modified Files:
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Editorial fixes to

Index: wsdl20-adjuncts.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.239
retrieving revision 1.240
diff -C 2 -d -r1.239 -r1.240
*** wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	16 Feb 2007 18:59:57 -0000	1.239
--- wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	19 Feb 2007 18:20:10 -0000	1.240
*** 4376,4380 ****
  				<item><p>or by enclosing the element name within exclamated-curly
  				braces, to include the element without percent-encoding.
! 				For example, <attval>temperature/{!town}</attval>. Detailed rules further below.</p></item>
--- 4376,4380 ----
  				<item><p>or by enclosing the element name within exclamated-curly
  				braces, to include the element without percent-encoding.
! 				For example, <attval>temperature/{!town}</attval>. Detailed rules follow.</p></item>
*** 4439,4447 ****
                  from the <termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref> of the input
                  message.</assert> When there is no match, the template is replaced by
!                 an empty string. Otherwise, the template consummes the first non-consummed matching
                  element from the <termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref>.
!                 The next occurrence of the template consummes the next non-consummed matching
                  element, and so on until all templates are processed. Matching elements are
!                 consummed in the order in which they appear in the
                  <termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref>.</p></item>
--- 4439,4447 ----
                  from the <termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref> of the input
                  message.</assert> When there is no match, the template is replaced by
!                 an empty string. Otherwise, the template consumes the first non-consumed matching
                  element from the <termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref>.
!                 The next occurrence of the template consumes the next non-consumed matching
                  element, and so on until all templates are processed. Matching elements are
!                 consumed in the order in which they appear in the
                  <termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref>.</p></item>
*** 4456,4460 ****
                  <item><p>A double curly brace (<el>openBrace</el>
!                 and <el>closeBrace</el> productions in the grammar above) MAY be used to include a single
                  literal curly brace (<attval>{</attval> or <attval>}</attval> respectively)
                  in the request IRI. This provides a simple escaping
--- 4456,4460 ----
                  <item><p>A double curly brace (<el>openBrace</el>
!                 or <el>closeBrace</el> production in the grammar above) MAY be used to include a single
                  literal curly brace (<attval>{</attval> or <attval>}</attval> respectively)
                  in the request IRI. This provides a simple escaping
*** 4465,4469 ****
  				<p>Note that the mechanism described in this section could be used to
  				indicate the entire absolute IRI, including the scheme, host, or port, for example:
! 				<eg>{scheme}://{host}:{port}/temperature/{town}</eg> or even: <eg>{myIRI}</eg></p>
--- 4465,4469 ----
  				<p>Note that the mechanism described in this section could be used to
  				indicate the entire absolute IRI, including the scheme, host, or port, for example:
! 				<eg>{scheme}://{host}:{port}/temperature/{town}</eg> or even: <eg>{!myIRI}</eg></p>

Received on Monday, 19 February 2007 18:20:29 UTC