2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,1.216,1.217

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv11192

Modified Files:
Log Message:
CR143: Renamed "transfer coding" to "content coding", and made it explicit we set HTTP Content-Encoding.

Index: wsdl20-adjuncts.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.216
retrieving revision 1.217
diff -C 2 -d -r1.216 -r1.217
*** wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	13 Feb 2007 10:27:49 -0000	1.216
--- wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	13 Feb 2007 10:52:01 -0000	1.217
*** 1379,1386 ****
  	separator</prop> on <comp>Binding Operation</comp> components,
  	as defined in <specref ref="http-operation-decl-relate"/></p></item>
! 	<item><p><prop comp="Binding">http transfer
! 	coding default</prop> on <comp>Binding</comp> and <comp>Binding Operation</comp> components, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http transfer
  	coding</prop> on <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp> and <comp>Binding Fault</comp> components, as defined in <specref
! 	ref="http-transfer-coding-decl"/></p></item>
  	<item><p><prop comp="Binding">http cookies</prop> on <comp>Binding</comp> components, as defined in <specref
--- 1379,1386 ----
  	separator</prop> on <comp>Binding Operation</comp> components,
  	as defined in <specref ref="http-operation-decl-relate"/></p></item>
! 	<item><p><prop comp="Binding">http content
! 	coding default</prop> on <comp>Binding</comp> and <comp>Binding Operation</comp> components, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http content
  	coding</prop> on <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp> and <comp>Binding Fault</comp> components, as defined in <specref
! 	ref="http-content-coding-decl"/></p></item>
  	<item><p><prop comp="Binding">http cookies</prop> on <comp>Binding</comp> components, as defined in <specref
*** 1400,1404 ****
!            whttp:transferCodingDefault="<emph>xs:string</emph>"??
--- 1400,1404 ----
!            whttp:contentCodingDefault="<emph>xs:string</emph>"??
*** 1414,1418 ****
             <b>wsoap:code</b>="<emph>union of xs:QName, xs:token</emph>"?
             <b>wsoap:subcodes</b>="<emph>union of (list of xs:QName), xs:token</emph>"?
!            whttp:transferCoding="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
        &lt;documentation /&gt;*
--- 1414,1418 ----
             <b>wsoap:code</b>="<emph>union of xs:QName, xs:token</emph>"?
             <b>wsoap:subcodes</b>="<emph>union of (list of xs:QName), xs:token</emph>"?
!            whttp:contentCoding="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
        &lt;documentation /&gt;*
*** 1429,1433 ****
      &lt;operation ref="<emph>xs:QName</emph>" 
!                whttp:transferCodingDefault="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
--- 1429,1433 ----
      &lt;operation ref="<emph>xs:QName</emph>" 
!                whttp:contentCodingDefault="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
*** 1439,1443 ****
        &lt;input messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"?
!              whttp:transferCoding="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;*
          &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ... /&gt;*
--- 1439,1443 ----
        &lt;input messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"?
!              whttp:contentCoding="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;*
          &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ... /&gt;*
*** 1447,1451 ****
        &lt;output messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"?
!              whttp:transferCoding="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;*
          &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ... /&gt;*
--- 1447,1451 ----
        &lt;output messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"?
!              whttp:contentCoding="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;*
          &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ... /&gt;*
*** 2916,2925 ****
!            <b>whttp:transferCodingDefault</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? &gt;
     &lt;documentation /&gt;?
      &lt;fault ref="<emph>xs:QName</emph>"
             <b>whttp:code</b>="<emph>union of xs:int, xs:token</emph>"?
!            <b>whttp:transferCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? >
        &lt;documentation /&gt;*
        &lt;<b>whttp:header</b> name="<emph>xs:string</emph>" type="<emph>xs:QName</emph>"
--- 2916,2925 ----
!            <b>whttp:contentCodingDefault</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? &gt;
     &lt;documentation /&gt;?
      &lt;fault ref="<emph>xs:QName</emph>"
             <b>whttp:code</b>="<emph>union of xs:int, xs:token</emph>"?
!            <b>whttp:contentCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? >
        &lt;documentation /&gt;*
        &lt;<b>whttp:header</b> name="<emph>xs:string</emph>" type="<emph>xs:QName</emph>"
*** 2936,2944 ****
!                <b>whttp:transferCodingDefault</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? &gt;
            &lt;documentation /&gt;*
        &lt;input messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"? 
!              <b>whttp:transferCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;*
  	&lt;<b>whttp:header</b> ... /&gt;*
--- 2936,2944 ----
!                <b>whttp:contentCodingDefault</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? &gt;
            &lt;documentation /&gt;*
        &lt;input messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"? 
!              <b>whttp:contentCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;*
  	&lt;<b>whttp:header</b> ... /&gt;*
*** 2946,2950 ****
        &lt;output messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"?
!               <b>whttp:transferCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;*
  	&lt;<b>whttp:header</b> ... /&gt;*
--- 2946,2950 ----
        &lt;output messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"?
!               <b>whttp:contentCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;*
  	&lt;<b>whttp:header</b> ... /&gt;*
*** 3033,3045 ****
  	<div3 id="_http_binding_default_rule_coding">
! 	  <head>HTTP Transfer Coding Selection</head>
  	  <p><assert class="component" id="HTTPBinding-5058">When formulating the HTTP message to be
! 	    transmitted, the HTTP transfer coding used MUST be selected using one of
! 	    the following:</assert></p>
  	    <p>For a given <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp> component whose
! 	    <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http transfer coding</prop> property has a value
  	    (including an empty value), then the value of the
  	    this property.
--- 3033,3045 ----
  	<div3 id="_http_binding_default_rule_coding">
! 	  <head>HTTP Content Coding Selection</head>
  	  <p><assert class="component" id="HTTPBinding-5058">When formulating the HTTP message to be
! 	    transmitted, the value of the HTTP <att>Content-Encoding</att> header-field MUST be
! 	    set using one of the following:</assert></p>
  	    <p>For a given <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp> component whose
! 	    <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http content coding</prop> property has a value
  	    (including an empty value), then the value of the
  	    this property.
*** 3048,3057 ****
  	    <p>Otherwise, the value of the parent <comp>Binding Operation</comp> component's
! 	    <prop comp="Binding Operation">http transfer coding default</prop> property, if any.
  	    <p>Otherwise, the value of the grandparent <comp>Binding</comp> component's
! 	    <prop comp="Binding">http transfer coding default</prop> property, if any.
--- 3048,3057 ----
  	    <p>Otherwise, the value of the parent <comp>Binding Operation</comp> component's
! 	    <prop comp="Binding Operation">http content coding default</prop> property, if any.
  	    <p>Otherwise, the value of the grandparent <comp>Binding</comp> component's
! 	    <prop comp="Binding">http content coding default</prop> property, if any.
*** 3062,3072 ****
  	  <p><assert class="component" id="HTTPBinding-5059">When formulating the HTTP fault message to be
! 	    transmitted, the HTTP transfer coding used MUST be selected using one of
! 	    the following:</assert></p>
  	    <p>For a given <comp>Binding Fault</comp> component whose
! 	    <prop comp="Binding Fault">http transfer coding</prop> property has a value
  	    (including an empty value), then the value of the
  	    this property.
--- 3062,3072 ----
  	  <p><assert class="component" id="HTTPBinding-5059">When formulating the HTTP fault message to be
! 	    transmitted, the value of the HTTP <att>Content-Encoding</att> header-field MUST be
! 	    set using one of the following:</assert></p>
  	    <p>For a given <comp>Binding Fault</comp> component whose
! 	    <prop comp="Binding Fault">http content coding</prop> property has a value
  	    (including an empty value), then the value of the
  	    this property.
*** 3075,3079 ****
  	    <p>Otherwise, the value of the parent <comp>Binding</comp> component's
! 	    <prop comp="Binding">http transfer coding default</prop> property, if any.
--- 3075,3079 ----
  	    <p>Otherwise, the value of the parent <comp>Binding</comp> component's
! 	    <prop comp="Binding">http content coding default</prop> property, if any.
*** 4653,4659 ****
! 	  <assert class="component" id="HTTPSerialization-5075">The <code>Content-Type</code> HTTP header MUST have the value
  	  <code>application/xml</code>, or a media type compatible with
! 	  <code>application/xml</code> as specified in section <specref ref="_http_ser_xml"/>.</assert> Other HTTP headers, such as
  	  <code>Content-Encoding</code> or
  	  <code>Transfer-Encoding</code>, MAY be used.
--- 4653,4661 ----
! 	  <assert class="component" id="HTTPSerialization-5075">The <code>Content-Type</code>
! 	  HTTP header MUST have the value
  	  <code>application/xml</code>, or a media type compatible with
! 	  <code>application/xml</code> as specified in section <specref ref="_http_ser_xml"/>.</assert>
! 	  Other HTTP headers, such as
  	  <code>Content-Encoding</code> or
  	  <code>Transfer-Encoding</code>, MAY be used.
*** 4796,4801 ****
        <!-- +++++++++ -->
!       <div2 id="http-transfer-coding-decl">
!         <head>Specifying the Transfer Coding</head>
          <div3 id="http-transfer-description">
--- 4798,4803 ----
        <!-- +++++++++ -->
!       <div2 id="http-content-coding-decl">
!         <head>Specifying the Content Coding</head>
          <div3 id="http-transfer-description">
*** 4826,4832 ****
! 	      <p><propdef comp="Binding">http transfer coding default</propdef> OPTIONAL. A
  	      <emph>xs:string</emph> to the <comp>Binding</comp>
! 	      component. This property indicates the default transfer
  	      codings available for all <comp>Binding Message
  	      Reference</comp> and <comp>Binding Fault</comp>
--- 4828,4834 ----
! 	      <p><propdef comp="Binding">http content coding default</propdef> OPTIONAL. A
  	      <emph>xs:string</emph> to the <comp>Binding</comp>
! 	      component. This property indicates the default content
  	      codings available for all <comp>Binding Message
  	      Reference</comp> and <comp>Binding Fault</comp>
*** 4834,4840 ****
! 	      <p><propdef comp="Binding Operation">http transfer coding default</propdef> OPTIONAL. A
  	      <emph>xs:string</emph> to the <comp>Binding Operation</comp>
! 	      component. This property indicates the default transfer
  	      codings available for all <comp>Binding Message
  	      Reference</comp> of this <comp>Binding Operation</comp>
--- 4836,4842 ----
! 	      <p><propdef comp="Binding Operation">http content coding default</propdef> OPTIONAL. A
  	      <emph>xs:string</emph> to the <comp>Binding Operation</comp>
! 	      component. This property indicates the default content
  	      codings available for all <comp>Binding Message
  	      Reference</comp> of this <comp>Binding Operation</comp>
*** 4842,4851 ****
! 	      <p><propdef comp="Binding Message Reference">http transfer coding</propdef> OPTIONAL.
  	      A <emph>xs:string</emph> to
  	      the <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp> component. This property indicates the
! 	      transfer codings available for this <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp> component.</p>
! 	    <item><p>Similarly, <propdef comp="Binding Fault">http transfer coding</propdef> OPTIONAL,
  	    to the <comp>Binding Fault</comp> component</p></item>
--- 4844,4853 ----
! 	      <p><propdef comp="Binding Message Reference">http content coding</propdef> OPTIONAL.
  	      A <emph>xs:string</emph> to
  	      the <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp> component. This property indicates the
! 	      content codings available for this <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp> component.</p>
! 	    <item><p>Similarly, <propdef comp="Binding Fault">http content coding</propdef> OPTIONAL,
  	    to the <comp>Binding Fault</comp> component</p></item>
*** 4855,4876 ****
!         <div3 id="http-transfer-coding-decl-xml">
            <head>XML Representation</head>
            <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;description&gt;
    &lt;binding name="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>" interface="<emph>xs:QName</emph>"? type="<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>"
!            <b>whttp:transferCodingDefault</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? >
      &lt;fault ref="<emph>xs:QName</emph>"
!            <b>whttp:transferCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? >
      &lt;operation location="<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>"?
!                <b>whttp:transferCodingDefault</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? &gt;
        &lt;input messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"? 
!              <b>whttp:transferCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? /&gt;
        &lt;output messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"?
!               <b>whttp:transferCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? /&gt;
--- 4857,4878 ----
!         <div3 id="http-content-coding-decl-xml">
            <head>XML Representation</head>
            <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;description&gt;
    &lt;binding name="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>" interface="<emph>xs:QName</emph>"? type="<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>"
!            <b>whttp:contentCodingDefault</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? >
      &lt;fault ref="<emph>xs:QName</emph>"
!            <b>whttp:contentCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? >
      &lt;operation location="<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>"?
!                <b>whttp:contentCodingDefault</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? &gt;
        &lt;input messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"? 
!              <b>whttp:contentCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? /&gt;
        &lt;output messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"?
!               <b>whttp:contentCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>"? /&gt;
*** 4878,4882 ****
!           <p>The XML representation for specifying the transfer coding
            is an OPTIONAL &AII; for the <el>input</el>,
            <el>output</el>, and <el>fault</el>
--- 4880,4884 ----
!           <p>The XML representation for specifying the content coding
            is an OPTIONAL &AII; for the <el>input</el>,
            <el>output</el>, and <el>fault</el>
*** 4885,4889 ****
!               <p>A [local name] of <att>transferCoding</att>
--- 4887,4891 ----
!               <p>A [local name] of <att>contentCoding</att>
*** 4898,4902 ****
            <p>The XML representation for specifying the default
!           transfer coding is an OPTIONAL &AII; for the
            <el>binding</el> &EII; or <el>binding</el>'s child
            <el>operation</el> &EII;s with the following Infoset
--- 4900,4904 ----
            <p>The XML representation for specifying the default
!           content coding is an OPTIONAL &AII; for the
            <el>binding</el> &EII; or <el>binding</el>'s child
            <el>operation</el> &EII;s with the following Infoset
*** 4905,4909 ****
!               <p>A [local name] of <att>transferCodingDefault</att>
--- 4907,4911 ----
!               <p>A [local name] of <att>contentCodingDefault</att>
*** 4919,4928 ****
!         <div3 id="http-transfer-coding-decl-mapping">
            <head>Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties</head>
!           <p>See <specref ref="tab_HTTP_Transfer_Coding_Mapping"/>.</p>
!           <table border="1" id="tab_HTTP_Transfer_Coding_Mapping">
              <caption>Mapping from XML Representation to <comp>Interface Message Reference</comp> component Extension
--- 4921,4930 ----
!         <div3 id="http-content-coding-decl-mapping">
            <head>Mapping from XML Representation to Component Properties</head>
!           <p>See <specref ref="tab_HTTP_Content_Coding_Mapping"/>.</p>
!           <table border="1" id="tab_HTTP_Content_Coding_Mapping">
              <caption>Mapping from XML Representation to <comp>Interface Message Reference</comp> component Extension
*** 4934,4941 ****
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><prop comp="Binding">http
! 		transfer coding default</prop> of the
  		<comp>Binding</comp> component</td>
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the
!                 <att>whttp:transferCodingDefault</att>
  		&AII; of
  		the <el>binding</el> &EII;, if present.</td>
--- 4936,4943 ----
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><prop comp="Binding">http
! 		content coding default</prop> of the
  		<comp>Binding</comp> component</td>
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the
!                 <att>whttp:contentCodingDefault</att>
  		&AII; of
  		the <el>binding</el> &EII;, if present.</td>
*** 4943,4950 ****
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><prop comp="Binding
! 							Operation">http transfer coding default</prop> of the
  		<comp>Binding Operation</comp> component</td>
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the
!                 <att>whttp:transferCodingDefault</att>
  		&AII; of
  		the <el>operation</el> &EII;, if present.</td>
--- 4945,4952 ----
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><prop comp="Binding
! 							Operation">http content coding default</prop> of the
  		<comp>Binding Operation</comp> component</td>
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the
!                 <att>whttp:contentCodingDefault</att>
  		&AII; of
  		the <el>operation</el> &EII;, if present.</td>
*** 4953,4959 ****
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><prop comp="Binding
! 							Reference">http transfer coding</prop> of the <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp> component</td>
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the
!                 <att>whttp:transferCoding</att> &AII; of
  		the <el>input</el> or <el>output</el> &EII;,
                  if present.</td>
--- 4955,4961 ----
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><prop comp="Binding
! 							Reference">http content coding</prop> of the <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp> component</td>
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the
!                 <att>whttp:contentCoding</att> &AII; of
  		the <el>input</el> or <el>output</el> &EII;,
                  if present.</td>
*** 4961,4967 ****
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><prop comp="Binding
! 							Fault">http transfer coding</prop> of the <comp>Binding Fault</comp> component</td>
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the
!                 <att>whttp:transferCoding</att> &AII; of
  		the <el>fault</el> &EII;,
                  if present.</td>
--- 4963,4969 ----
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><prop comp="Binding
! 							Fault">http content coding</prop> of the <comp>Binding Fault</comp> component</td>
                  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the
!                 <att>whttp:contentCoding</att> &AII; of
  		the <el>fault</el> &EII;,
                  if present.</td>
*** 5486,5489 ****
--- 5488,5500 ----
+ 	      href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/5/cr-issues/issues.html#CR143">CR143</loc>:
+ 	      Renamed "transfer coding" to "content coding", and made it explicit we set HTTP Content-Encoding.
+ 	      </td>
+ 	    </tr>
+ 	    <tr>
+ 	    	<td>20070213</td>
+ 	    	<td>JJM</td>
+ 	      <td><loc
  	      Ignoring uncited and nillable

Received on Tuesday, 13 February 2007 10:52:17 UTC