2002/ws/desc/test-suite assertions-report.xsl,1.6,1.7 assertions-report.html,1.9,1.10

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/test-suite
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv28354/test-suite

Modified Files:
	assertions-report.xsl assertions-report.html 
Log Message:

Index: assertions-report.xsl
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/test-suite/assertions-report.xsl,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C 2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** assertions-report.xsl	7 Jul 2006 17:50:05 -0000	1.6
--- assertions-report.xsl	7 Jul 2006 18:53:24 -0000	1.7
*** 21,29 ****
  			    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  				<style type='text/css'>
! 					th, td { border: 1px solid black; padding: 0.5ex }
! 					th { background: #ccc }
  					.good { background: green }
  					.bad { background: red }
  					.class, .count { text-align: center }
--- 21,31 ----
  			    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  				<style type='text/css'>
! 					.border th, .border td { border: 1px solid black; padding: 0.5ex }
! 					.border th { background: #ccc }
  					.good { background: green }
  					.bad { background: red }
  					.class, .count { text-align: center }
+ 					.bar { font-weight: bold; }
+ 					.synopsis { font-size: small }
*** 42,45 ****
--- 44,72 ----
  		        <xsl:variable name='count_message'
+                 <xsl:variable name="unique_violations"
+ 						     select="$ViolatesAssertions//ViolateAssertion[not(@assertion=following::ViolateAssertion/@assertion)]" />   
+     			<table>
+     			<tbody>
+     			  <tr>
+     			  <th width='200px' style='text-align: left'><xsl:value-of select='$count'/> Assertions</th>
+     			  <td>
+     			<table class='bar' width='{$count}px' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
+     			<tbody>
+     			<tr>
+     			 <td width='{count($unique_violations)}px' class='good'>
+     			   <xsl:value-of select='count($unique_violations)'/>
+     			 </td>
+     			<td width='{$count - count($unique_violations)}px' style='text-align: right' class='bad'>
+     			  <xsl:value-of select='$count - count($unique_violations)'/>
+     			  </td>
+     			 </tr>
+     			 </tbody>
+     			 </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
                  <p><xsl:value-of select='$count'/> assertions
                  (<xsl:value-of select='$count_component'/> component,
*** 48,54 ****
                  <xsl:value-of select='$count_message'/> message).
  				<xsl:value-of select='count($assertions[@part="1"])'/> for part 1, 
! 				<xsl:value-of select='count($assertions[@part="2"])'/> for part 2.
!                 </p>
! 				<table>
--- 75,80 ----
                  <xsl:value-of select='$count_message'/> message).
  				<xsl:value-of select='count($assertions[@part="1"])'/> for part 1, 
! 				<xsl:value-of select='count($assertions[@part="2"])'/> for part 2.</p>
!    				<table class='border'>
*** 68,72 ****
  							<xsl:variable name='violations'
! 							<xsl:variable name='count_violations'
--- 94,98 ----
  							<xsl:variable name='violations'
! 							<xsl:variable name='count_violations_2'
*** 75,79 ****
                                  <xsl:attribute name="class">
!                                                 <xsl:when test="$count_violations = 0">bad</xsl:when>
--- 101,105 ----
                                  <xsl:attribute name="class">
!                                                 <xsl:when test="$count_violations_2 = 0">bad</xsl:when>
*** 81,89 ****
! 								<td class='count'><xsl:value-of select='$count_violations'/></td>
  									<a href='{concat(@origin, "/#", @id)}'><xsl:value-of select='$id' /></a>
! 								<td>
  									<xsl:value-of select='.'/>
--- 107,115 ----
! 								<td class='count'><xsl:value-of select='$count_violations_2'/></td>
  									<a href='{concat(@origin, "/#", @id)}'><xsl:value-of select='$id' /></a>
! 								<td class='synopsis'>
  									<xsl:value-of select='.'/>

Index: assertions-report.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/test-suite/assertions-report.html,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C 2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** assertions-report.html	7 Jul 2006 17:50:05 -0000	1.9
--- assertions-report.html	7 Jul 2006 18:53:24 -0000	1.10
*** 6,18 ****
  <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"/>
  <style type="text/css">
! 					th, td { border: 1px solid black; padding: 0.5ex }
! 					th { background: #ccc }
  					.good { background: green }
  					.bad { background: red }
  					.class, .count { text-align: center }
[...2970 lines suppressed...]
--- 2299,2303 ----
  <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-wsdl20-adjuncts-20060327/#WRPC-5026">WRPC-5026</a>
! <td class="synopsis">For each pair (q, #return), there MUST be a child element of the output element with a name of q and there MUST NOT be a child element of the input element with the same name.</td>
  <td class="class">component</td>
*** 2291,2295 ****
  <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-wsdl20-adjuncts-20060327/#WRPC-5027">WRPC-5027</a>
! <td>Additionally, each even-numbered item (0, 2, 4, ...) in the list MUST be of type xs:QName and each odd-numbered item (1, 3, 5, ...) in the list MUST be of the subtype of xs:token described in the previous paragraph.</td>
  <td class="class">document</td>
--- 2309,2313 ----
  <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-wsdl20-adjuncts-20060327/#WRPC-5027">WRPC-5027</a>
! <td class="synopsis">Additionally, each even-numbered item (0, 2, 4, ...) in the list MUST be of type xs:QName and each odd-numbered item (1, 3, 5, ...) in the list MUST be of the subtype of xs:token described in the previous paragraph.</td>
  <td class="class">document</td>

Received on Friday, 7 July 2006 18:53:35 UTC