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[LC344#12]  Completed editorial improvements to message label rules. Moved long definitions out of tables.

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! "HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 1st February 2005), see www.w3.org" />
! <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content=
! "text/html; charset=utf-8" />
! <title>Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2:
! Adjuncts</title>
[...13682 lines suppressed...]
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Simplified the introduction; referred to Part1 for a longer introduction</td>
!             </tr>
!             <tr>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Renamed to "Part 2: Bindings"</td>
!             </tr>
!             <tr>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Created from http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315</td>
!             </tr>
!           </tbody>
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  <hr><div class="toc">
! <h2><a name="shortcontents">Short Table of Contents</a></h2><p class="toc">1. <a href="#intro">Introduction</a><br>2. <a href="#component_model">Component Model</a><br>3. <a href="#eii-types">Types</a><br>4. <a href="#modularize">Modularizing WSDL 2.0 descriptions</a><br>5. <a href="#eii-documentation">Documentation</a><br>6. <a href="#language-extensibility">Language Extensibility</a><br>7. <a href="#wsdllocation">Locating WSDL 2.0 Documents</a><br>8. <a href="#conformance">Conformance</a><br>9. <a href="#Syntax-Summary">XML Syntax Summary (Non-Normative)</a><br>10. <a href="#References">References</a><br>A. <a href="#ietf-draft">The application/wsdl+xml Media Type</a><br>B. <a href="#acknowledgments">Acknowledgements</a> (Non-Normative)<br>C. <a href="#wsdl-iri-references">IRI References for WSDL 2.0 Components</a> (Non-Normative)<br>D. <a href="#N16515">Component Summary</a> (Non-Normative)<br>E. <a href="#assertionsummary">Assertion Summary</a> (Non-Normative)<br>F. <a href="#changelog">Part 1 Change og</a> (Non-Normative)<br></p></div><hr><div class="toc">
  <h2><a name="contents">Table of Contents</a></h2><p class="toc">1. <a href="#intro">Introduction</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.1 <a href="#intro_ws">Web Service</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.2 <a href="#markup">Document Conformance</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.3 <a href="#meaning">The Meaning of a Service Description</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4 <a href="#notation">Notational Conventions</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.1 <a href="#rfc2119keywords">RFC 2119 Keywords</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.2 <a href="#rfc3986namespaces">RFC 3986 Namespaces</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.3 <a href="#nsprefixes">Prefixes and Namespaces Used in This Specification</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.4 <a href="#terminology">Terms Used in This Specification</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.5 <a href="#xmlinfosetproperties">XML Information Set Properties</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.6 <a href="#wsdlcomponentmodelproperties">WSDL 2.0 Component Model Properties</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.7 <a href="#znotation">Z Notation</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.8 <a href="#bnfpseudoschemas">BNF Pseudo-Schemas</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.9 <a href="#assertions">Assertions</a><br>2. <a href="#component_model">Component Model</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1 <a href="#Description">Description</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1.1 <a href="#Description_details">The Description Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1.2 <a href="#Description_XMLRep">XML Representation of Description Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Description_targetnamespace_attribute">targetNamespace attribute information item</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.13 <a href="#Description_Mapping">Mapping Description's XML Representation to Component
        Properties</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2 <a href="#Interface">Interface</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.1 <a href="#Interface_details">The Interface Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.2 <a href="#Interface_XMLRep">XML Representation of Interface Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Interface_name_attribute">name attribute information item with interface [owner element]</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Interface_extends_attribute">extends attribute information item</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Interface_styleDefault_attribute">styleDefault attribute information item</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.3 <a href="#Interface_Mapping">Mapping Interface's XML Representation to Component Properties</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nsp;&nbsp;2.3 <a href="#InterfaceFault">Interface Fault</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.3.1 <a href="#InterfaceFault_details">The Interface Fault Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.3.2 <a href="#InterfaceFault_XMLRep">XML Representation of Interface Fault Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Interfacefault_name_attribute">name attribute information item with fault [owner element]</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Interface_element_attribute">element attribute information item with fault [owner element]</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.3.3 <a href="#InterfaceFault_Mapping">Mapping Interface Fault's XML Representation to
--- 77,81 ----
  <hr><div class="toc">
! <h2><a name="shortcontents">Short Table of Contents</a></h2><p class="toc">1. <a href="#intro">Introduction</a><br>2. <a href="#component_model">Component Model</a><br>3. <a href="#eii-types">Types</a><br>4. <a href="#modularize">Modularizing WSDL 2.0 descriptions</a><br>5. <a href="#eii-documentation">Documentation</a><br>6. <a href="#language-extensibility">Language Extensibility</a><br>7. <a href="#wsdllocation">Locating WSDL 2.0 Documents</a><br>8. <a href="#conformance">Conformance</a><br>9. <a href="#Syntax-Summary">XML Syntax Summary (Non-Normative)</a><br>10. <a href="#References">References</a><br>A. <a href="#ietf-draft">The application/wsdl+xml Media Type</a><br>B. <a href="#acknowledgments">Acknowledgements</a> (Non-Normative)<br>C. <a href="#wsdl-iri-references">IRI References for WSDL 2.0 Components</a> (Non-Normative)<br>D. <a href="#N165E3">Component Summary</a> (Non-Normative)<br>E. <a href="#assertionsummary">Assertion Summary</a> (Non-Normative)<br>F. <a href="#changelog">Part 1 Change og</a> (Non-Normative)<br></p></div><hr><div class="toc">
  <h2><a name="contents">Table of Contents</a></h2><p class="toc">1. <a href="#intro">Introduction</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.1 <a href="#intro_ws">Web Service</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.2 <a href="#markup">Document Conformance</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.3 <a href="#meaning">The Meaning of a Service Description</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4 <a href="#notation">Notational Conventions</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.1 <a href="#rfc2119keywords">RFC 2119 Keywords</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.2 <a href="#rfc3986namespaces">RFC 3986 Namespaces</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.3 <a href="#nsprefixes">Prefixes and Namespaces Used in This Specification</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.4 <a href="#terminology">Terms Used in This Specification</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.5 <a href="#xmlinfosetproperties">XML Information Set Properties</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.6 <a href="#wsdlcomponentmodelproperties">WSDL 2.0 Component Model Properties</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.7 <a href="#znotation">Z Notation</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.8 <a href="#bnfpseudoschemas">BNF Pseudo-Schemas</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.4.9 <a href="#assertions">Assertions</a><br>2. <a href="#component_model">Component Model</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1 <a href="#Description">Description</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1.1 <a href="#Description_details">The Description Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1.2 <a href="#Description_XMLRep">XML Representation of Description Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Description_targetnamespace_attribute">targetNamespace attribute information item</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.13 <a href="#Description_Mapping">Mapping Description's XML Representation to Component
        Properties</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2 <a href="#Interface">Interface</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.1 <a href="#Interface_details">The Interface Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.2 <a href="#Interface_XMLRep">XML Representation of Interface Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Interface_name_attribute">name attribute information item with interface [owner element]</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Interface_extends_attribute">extends attribute information item</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Interface_styleDefault_attribute">styleDefault attribute information item</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.3 <a href="#Interface_Mapping">Mapping Interface's XML Representation to Component Properties</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nsp;&nbsp;2.3 <a href="#InterfaceFault">Interface Fault</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.3.1 <a href="#InterfaceFault_details">The Interface Fault Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.3.2 <a href="#InterfaceFault_XMLRep">XML Representation of Interface Fault Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Interfacefault_name_attribute">name attribute information item with fault [owner element]</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Interface_element_attribute">element attribute information item with fault [owner element]</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.3.3 <a href="#InterfaceFault_Mapping">Mapping Interface Fault's XML Representation to
*** 102,106 ****
      			attribute information item
      		</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3.3 <a href="#wsdlx-consistency">wsdlx:interface and wsdlx:binding Consistency</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3.4 <a href="#wsdlx-xsanyuri">Use of wsdlx:interface and wsdlx:binding with xs:anyURI</a><br>4. <a href="#modularize">Modularizing WSDL 2.0 descriptions</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.1 <a href="#includes">Including Descriptions</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.1.1 <a href="#include_location_attribute">location attribute information item with include [owner element]</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.2 <a href="#imports">Importing Descriptions</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.2.1 <a href="#import_namespace_attribute">namespace attribute information item</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.2.2 <a href="#import_location_attribute">location attribute information item with import [owner element]</a><br>5. <a href="#eii-documentation">Documentatin</a><br>6. <a href="#language-extensibility">Language Extensibility</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.1 <a href="#eii-extensibility">Element based Extensibility</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.1.1 <a href="#mandatoryext">Mandatory extensions</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.1.2 <a href="#required-aii">required attribute information item</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.2 <a href="#aii-extensibility">Attribute-based Extensibility</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.3 <a href="#extensibility-semantics">Extensibility Semantics</a><br>7. <a href="#wsdllocation">Locating WSDL 2.0 Documents</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7.1 <a href="#wsdlLocation-aii">wsdli:wsdlLocation attribute information item</a><br>8. <a href="#conformance">Conformance</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8.1 <a href="#infoset">XML Information Set Conformance</a><br>9. <a href="#Syntax-Summary">XML Syntax Summary (Non-Normative)</a><br>10. <a href="#References">References</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs;10.1 <a href="#Normative-References">Normative References</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10.2 <a href="#Informative-References">Informative References</a><br></p>
! <h3><a id="appendix" name="appendix">Appendices</a></h3><p class="toc">A. <a href="#ietf-draft">The application/wsdl+xml Media Type</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.1 <a href="#ietf-reg">Registration</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2 <a href="#frag-ids">Fragment Identifiers</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.1 <a href="#wsdl.description">The Description Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.2 <a href="#wsdl.elementDeclaration">The Element Declaration Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.3 <a href="#wsdl.typeDefinition">The Type Definition Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.4 <a href="#wsdl.interface">The Interface Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.5 <a href="#wsdl.interfaceFault">The Interface Fault Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.6 <a href="#wsdl.interfaceOperation">The Interface Operation Component</a><br>&nbsp;&bsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.7 <a href="#wsdl.interfaceMessageReference">The Interface Message Reference Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.8 <a href="#wsdl.interfaceFaultReference">The Interface Fault Reference Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.9 <a href="#wsdl.binding">The Binding Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.10 <a href="#wsdl.bindingFault">The Binding Fault Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.11 <a href="#wsdl.bindingOperation">The Binding Operation Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.12 <a href="#wsdl.bindingMessageReference">The Binding Message Reference Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.13 <a href="#wsdl.bindingFaultReference">The Binding Fault Reference Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.14 <a href="#wsdl.service">The Service Component</a><br>&nbp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.15 <a href="#wsdl.endpoint">The Endpoint Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.16 <a href="#wsdl.feature">The Feature Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.17 <a href="#wsdl.property">The Property Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.18 <a href="#wsdl.extension">Extension Components</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.3 <a href="#ietf-sec">Security considerations</a><br>B. <a href="#acknowledgments">Acknowledgements</a> (Non-Normative)<br>C. <a href="#wsdl-iri-references">IRI References for WSDL 2.0 Components</a> (Non-Normative)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C.1 <a href="#wsdl-iris">WSDL 2.0 IRIs</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C.2 <a href="#Iri-ref-ex">Example</a><br>D. <a href="#N16515">Component Summary</a> (Non-Normative)<br>E. <a href="#assertionsummary">Assertion Summary</a> (Non-Normative)<br>F. <a href="#changelog">Part 1 Change Log</a> (Non-Normative)<br>&nbsp;&nbs;&nbsp;&nbsp;F.1 <a href="#wsdl-changelog">WSDL 2.0 Specification Changes</a><br></p></div><hr><div class="body">
  <div class="div1">
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      			attribute information item
      		</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3.3 <a href="#wsdlx-consistency">wsdlx:interface and wsdlx:binding Consistency</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3.4 <a href="#wsdlx-xsanyuri">Use of wsdlx:interface and wsdlx:binding with xs:anyURI</a><br>4. <a href="#modularize">Modularizing WSDL 2.0 descriptions</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.1 <a href="#includes">Including Descriptions</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.1.1 <a href="#include_location_attribute">location attribute information item with include [owner element]</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.2 <a href="#imports">Importing Descriptions</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.2.1 <a href="#import_namespace_attribute">namespace attribute information item</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.2.2 <a href="#import_location_attribute">location attribute information item with import [owner element]</a><br>5. <a href="#eii-documentation">Documentatin</a><br>6. <a href="#language-extensibility">Language Extensibility</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.1 <a href="#eii-extensibility">Element based Extensibility</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.1.1 <a href="#mandatoryext">Mandatory extensions</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.1.2 <a href="#required-aii">required attribute information item</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.2 <a href="#aii-extensibility">Attribute-based Extensibility</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.3 <a href="#extensibility-semantics">Extensibility Semantics</a><br>7. <a href="#wsdllocation">Locating WSDL 2.0 Documents</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7.1 <a href="#wsdlLocation-aii">wsdli:wsdlLocation attribute information item</a><br>8. <a href="#conformance">Conformance</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8.1 <a href="#infoset">XML Information Set Conformance</a><br>9. <a href="#Syntax-Summary">XML Syntax Summary (Non-Normative)</a><br>10. <a href="#References">References</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs;10.1 <a href="#Normative-References">Normative References</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10.2 <a href="#Informative-References">Informative References</a><br></p>
! <h3><a id="appendix" name="appendix">Appendices</a></h3><p class="toc">A. <a href="#ietf-draft">The application/wsdl+xml Media Type</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.1 <a href="#ietf-reg">Registration</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2 <a href="#frag-ids">Fragment Identifiers</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.1 <a href="#wsdl.description">The Description Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.2 <a href="#wsdl.elementDeclaration">The Element Declaration Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.3 <a href="#wsdl.typeDefinition">The Type Definition Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.4 <a href="#wsdl.interface">The Interface Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.5 <a href="#wsdl.interfaceFault">The Interface Fault Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.6 <a href="#wsdl.interfaceOperation">The Interface Operation Component</a><br>&nbsp;&bsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.7 <a href="#wsdl.interfaceMessageReference">The Interface Message Reference Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.8 <a href="#wsdl.interfaceFaultReference">The Interface Fault Reference Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.9 <a href="#wsdl.binding">The Binding Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.10 <a href="#wsdl.bindingFault">The Binding Fault Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.11 <a href="#wsdl.bindingOperation">The Binding Operation Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.12 <a href="#wsdl.bindingMessageReference">The Binding Message Reference Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.13 <a href="#wsdl.bindingFaultReference">The Binding Fault Reference Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.14 <a href="#wsdl.service">The Service Component</a><br>&nbp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.15 <a href="#wsdl.endpoint">The Endpoint Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.16 <a href="#wsdl.feature">The Feature Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.17 <a href="#wsdl.property">The Property Component</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.2.18 <a href="#wsdl.extension">Extension Components</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A.3 <a href="#ietf-sec">Security considerations</a><br>B. <a href="#acknowledgments">Acknowledgements</a> (Non-Normative)<br>C. <a href="#wsdl-iri-references">IRI References for WSDL 2.0 Components</a> (Non-Normative)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C.1 <a href="#wsdl-iris">WSDL 2.0 IRIs</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;C.2 <a href="#Iri-ref-ex">Example</a><br>D. <a href="#N165E3">Component Summary</a> (Non-Normative)<br>E. <a href="#assertionsummary">Assertion Summary</a> (Non-Normative)<br>F. <a href="#changelog">Part 1 Change Log</a> (Non-Normative)<br>&nbsp;&nbs;&nbsp;&nbsp;F.1 <a href="#wsdl-changelog">WSDL 2.0 Specification Changes</a><br></p></div><hr><div class="body">
  <div class="div1">
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  which conflicts with the use of square brackets to denote XML Information Set properties
  <a href="#xmlinfosetproperties"><b>1.4.5 XML Information Set Properties</b></a>.
  Also, in Z Notation, curly brackets are used to denote set display and set comprehension, e.g. {1<span class="zprefix">,</span> 2<span class="zprefix">,</span> 3},
  which conflicts with the use of curly brackets to denote
--- 448,451 ----
*** 3508,3524 ****
! 		  <p>
! 		  An OPTIONAL <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> 
! 		  as described below in <a href="#InterfaceMessageReference_messageReference_attribute"><b> messageLabel attribute information item with input
!         or output [owner element]</b></a>. 
! 		  </p>
! 		  <p>If the 
! 		  {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>} of the 
! 		  <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> component has only one message in a given direction, 
! 		  then the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em>
! 		  is optional for the XML representation of the 
! 		  <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceMessageReference">Interface Message Reference</a> component with that 
! 		  {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.direction">direction</a>}.
! 		  </p>
--- 3507,3518 ----
! 			<p>
! 				<code>messageLabel</code> 
! 				<em>attribute information item</em>
! 				as described below in
! 				<a href="#InterfaceMessageReference_messageReference_attribute"><b> messageLabel attribute information item with input
!         or output [owner element]</b></a>.
! 			</p>
*** 3609,3618 ****
  <h4><a name="InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping"></a>2.5.3 Mapping Interface Message Reference's XML Representation to Component Properties</h4>
! 	  The mapping from the XML Representation of the message reference <em>element information item</em>
  	  (see <a href="#InterfaceMessageReference_XMLRep"><b>2.5.2 XML Representation of Interface Message Reference Component</b></a>) to the properties of the 
  	  <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceMessageReference">Interface Message Reference</a> component (see <a href="#InterfaceMessageReference_details"><b>2.5.1 The Interface Message Reference Component</b></a>)
  	  is as described in <a href="#tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping">Table 2-5</a>.
  	  <a name="tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping"></a><br><table border="1">
  	    <caption>Table 2-5. Mapping from XML Representation to Interface Message Reference Component Properties</caption>
--- 3603,3649 ----
  <h4><a name="InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping"></a>2.5.3 Mapping Interface Message Reference's XML Representation to Component Properties</h4>
! 	  The mapping from the XML Representation of the interface message reference <em>element information item</em>
  	  (see <a href="#InterfaceMessageReference_XMLRep"><b>2.5.2 XML Representation of Interface Message Reference Component</b></a>) to the properties of the 
  	  <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceMessageReference">Interface Message Reference</a> component (see <a href="#InterfaceMessageReference_details"><b>2.5.1 The Interface Message Reference Component</b></a>)
  	  is as described in <a href="#tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping">Table 2-5</a>.
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>message exchange pattern</em> of the <em>element information item</em> to be the {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>}
+ 	  	of the parent <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> component.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>message direction</em> of the <em>element information item</em> to be <em>in</em> if its local name is <code>input</code> 
+ 	  	and <em>out</em> if its local name is <code>output</code> .
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	<a name="MessageLabel-0004-src"></a>
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		<code>messageLabel</code> 
+ 	  		<em>attribute information item</em> of an interface message reference <em>element information item</em>
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	<a href="#MessageLabel-0004">&#134;</a>
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> of an interface message reference <em>element information item</em> is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the {message label} of some placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> of an interface message reference <em>element information item</em> is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>effective message label</em> of an interface message reference <em>element information item</em>
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> if it is present, or
+ 	  	the {message label} of the unique placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	<em>attribute information item</em> is absent.
+ 	  </p>
  	  <a name="tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping"></a><br><table border="1">
  	    <caption>Table 2-5. Mapping from XML Representation to Interface Message Reference Component Properties</caption>
*** 3626,3636 ****
  		    <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.messagelabel">message label</a>}</td>
! 			<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the <code>messageLabel</code> 
! 			<em>attribute information item</em>, if any; otherwise the {message label} property of
! 			the message with same {direction} from the 
! 			{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>} of the 
! 			<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> component,
! 			provided there is exactly one such message; otherwise
! 			it is an error.
--- 3657,3662 ----
  		    <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.messagelabel">message label</a>}</td>
! 			<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
! 				The effective message label.
*** 3638,3645 ****
                      <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.direction">direction</a>}</td> 
!                         <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">If the [local name] of the <em>element information item</em> is
!                         <code>input</code>  then "in", else
!                         if the [local name] of the <em>element information item</em> is
!                         <code>output</code>  then "out".
--- 3664,3669 ----
                      <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.direction">direction</a>}</td> 
!                         <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
! 							The message direction.
*** 3953,3972 ****
          or outfault [owner element]</b></a>. 
- 		  <p>If the 
- 		  {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>} of the 
- 		  <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> component has only one message with a given
- 		  direction, the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> is
- 		  optional for the XML representation of any 
- 		  <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceFaultReference">Interface Fault Reference</a>
- 		  component with the same value for 
- 		  {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.direction">direction</a>} (if the
- 		  <em>fault propagation ruleset</em> of the 
- 		  {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>}
- 		  is <em>fault-replaces-message</em>) or of any 
- 		  <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceFaultReference">Interface Fault Reference</a> component with the opposite value for 
- 		  {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.direction">direction</a>}
- 		  (if the <em>fault propagation ruleset</em> is
- 		  <em>message-triggers-fault</em>).
- 		  </p>
--- 3977,3980 ----
*** 4032,4036 ****
  		The <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> identifies the 
  		message in the message exchange pattern of the given
! 		<code>operation</code>  <em>element information item</em> to which this fault is related to.
  		<p>The <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> has the following
--- 4040,4044 ----
  		The <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> identifies the 
  		message in the message exchange pattern of the given
! 		<code>operation</code>  <em>element information item</em> that is associated with this fault.
  		<p>The <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> has the following
*** 4045,4048 ****
--- 4053,4068 ----
+ 		  <p>The <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> MUST be present in the XML representation of an
+ 		  <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceFaultReference">Interface Fault Reference</a>
+ 		  component with a given {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.direction">direction</a>}
+ 		  if the 
+ 		  {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>} of the parent
+ 		  <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> component has more than one fault with that
+ 		  direction. Recall that the <em>fault propagation ruleset</em> of the 
+ 		  {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>} specifies the relation between
+ 		  faults and messages. For example, the <em>fault-replaces-message</em> ruleset specifies that the
+ 		  faults have the same direction as the messages, while the <em>message-triggers-fault</em> ruleset
+ 		  specifies that the faults have the opposite direction from the messages.
+ 		  </p>
*** 4061,4064 ****
--- 4081,4126 ----
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>message exchange pattern</em> of the <em>element information item</em> to be the {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>}
+ 	  	of the parent <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> component.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>fault direction</em> of the <em>element information item</em> to be <em>in</em> if its local name is <code>infault</code> 
+ 	  	and <em>out</em> if its local name is <code>outfault</code> .
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>message direction</em> of the <em>element information item</em> to be the {direction} of the placeholder message associated with the fault as
+ 	  	specifed by the fault propagation ruleset of the message exchange pattern.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	<a name="MessageLabel-0005-src"></a>
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		<code>messageLabel</code> 
+ 	  		<em>attribute information item</em> of an interface fault reference <em>element information item</em>
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	<a href="#MessageLabel-0005">&#134;</a>
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> of an interface fault reference <em>element information item</em> is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the {message label} of some placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> of an interface fault reference <em>element information item</em> is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>effective message label</em> of an interface fault reference <em>element information item</em>
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> if it is present, or
+ 	  	the {message label} of the unique placeholder message whose {direction} is equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	<em>attribute information item</em> is absent.
+ 	  </p>
  	  <a name="tab_InterfaceFaultReference_Mapping"></a><br><table border="1">
  	    <caption>Table 2-6. Mapping from XML Representation to Interface Fault Reference Component Properties</caption>
*** 4081,4086 ****
  		    	component, or an
  		    	<a href="wsdl20.html#component-Interface">Interface</a>
! 		    	component that it directly or indirectly extends, whose
! 		    	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFault.name">name</a>} property is the actual value of the
  		    	<em>attribute information item</em>.
--- 4143,4148 ----
  		    	component, or an
  		    	<a href="wsdl20.html#component-Interface">Interface</a>
! 		    	component that it directly or indirectly extends, with
! 		    	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFault.name">name</a>} equalt to the actual value of the
  		    	<em>attribute information item</em>.
*** 4089,4111 ****
! 		    <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.messagelabel">message label</a>}</td> <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of
! 			the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> if any;
! 			otherwise the 
! 			{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.messagelabel">message label</a>} property of the
! 			message with the same 
! 			{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.direction">direction</a>} from the
! 			{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>} of the 
! 			<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> component, provided there is exactly
! 			one such message and the <em>fault propagation ruleset</em> of the 
! 			{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>} is
! 			<em>fault-replaces-message</em>; 
! 			otherwise the 
! 			{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.messagelabel">message label</a>} property of the
! 			message with the opposite 
! 			{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.direction">direction</a>},
! 			provided there is exactly one such message and
! 			the <em>fault propagation ruleset</em> is
! 			<em>message-triggers-fault</em>; otherwise
! 			it is an error.
--- 4151,4157 ----
! 		    <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.messagelabel">message label</a>}</td> 
! 		    <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
! 				The effective message label.
*** 4113,4120 ****
                      <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.direction">direction</a>}</td> 
!                         <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">If the [local name] of the <em>element information item</em> is
!                         <code>infault</code>  then "in", else
!                         if the [local name] of the <em>element information item</em> is
!                         <code>outfault</code> , then "out".
--- 4159,4163 ----
                      <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.direction">direction</a>}</td> 
!                         <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The fault direction.
*** 6935,6939 ****
  	    <li><p>A [namespace name] of
! 	    "http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/wsdl".</p></li>
              <li><p>Zero or more <em>attribute information item</em>s amongst its [attributes] as
--- 6978,6984 ----
  	    <li><p>A [namespace name] of
! 	    "http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/wsdl".
! 	    </p>
! 	    </li>
              <li><p>Zero or more <em>attribute information item</em>s amongst its [attributes] as
*** 6946,6964 ****
          output [owner element]</b></a>.
- 		  <p>
- 		  	If the
- 		  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>}
- 		  	of the
- 		  	<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a>
- 		  	component being bound has only one message with a given
- 		  	value for
- 		  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.direction">direction</a>}, then the
- 		  	<code>messageLabel</code> 
- 		  	<em>attribute information item</em>
- 		  	is optional for the XML representation of the
- 		  	<a href="wsdl20.html#component-BindingMessageReference">Binding Message Reference</a>
- 		  	component with that
- 		  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.direction">direction</a>}.
- 		  </p>
--- 6991,6994 ----
*** 7008,7014 ****
--- 7038,7046 ----
  		  <li><p>A [namespace name] which has no value.</p></li>
  		The type of the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> is <em>xs:NCName</em>.
*** 7039,7042 ****
--- 7071,7111 ----
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>message exchange pattern</em> of the <em>element information item</em> to be the {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>}
+ 	  	of the <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> component being bound.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>message direction</em> of the <em>element information item</em> to be <em>in</em> if its local name is <code>input</code> 
+ 	  	and <em>out</em> if its local name is <code>output</code> .
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	<a name="MessageLabel-0006-src"></a>
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		<code>messageLabel</code> 
+ 	  		<em>attribute information item</em> of a binding message reference <em>element information item</em>
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	<a href="#MessageLabel-0006">&#134;</a>
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> of a binding message reference <em>element information item</em> is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the {message label} of some placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> of a binding message reference <em>element information item</em> is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>effective message label</em> of a binding message reference <em>element information item</em>
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> if it is present, or
+ 	  	the {message label} of the unique placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	<em>attribute information item</em> is absent.
+ 	  </p>
  	  <a name="tab_Binding_Message_Reference_Mapping"></a><br><table border="1">
  	  	<caption>Table 2-12. 
*** 7056,7092 ****
  	  			<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
! 	  				Define the set of eligible message reference
! 	  				components as the set of
! 	  				<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceMessageReference">Interface Message Reference</a>
! 	  				components listed under the
! 	  				{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.interfacemessagereferences">interface message references</a>}
! 	  				property of the
! 	  				<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a>
! 	  				component being bound such that their
! 	  				{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.direction">direction</a>}
! 	  				property matches the direction denoted by the
! 	  				[local name] of the
! 	  				<em>element information item</em>, i.e. whose
! 	  				{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.direction">direction</a>}
! 	  				is
! 	  				<code>in</code> 
! 	  				if the [local name] of the
! 	  				<em>element information item</em>
! 	  				is
! 	  				<code>input</code> , resp.
! 	  				<code>out</code> 
! 	  				if it is
! 	  				<code>output</code> . If the
! 	  				<code>messageLabel</code> 
! 	  				<em>attribute information item</em>
! 	  				has a value, then the
! 	  				<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceMessageReference">Interface Message Reference</a>
! 	  				component among the eligible message reference
! 	  				components with the same {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.messagelabel">message label</a>} property;
! 	  				otherwise, the
! 	  				<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceMessageReference">Interface Message Reference</a>
! 	  				component among the eligible message reference
! 	  				components, provided there is exactly one such
! 	  				component; otherwise error.
--- 7125,7131 ----
  	  			<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
! 	  				The <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceMessageReference">Interface Message Reference</a> component in the {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.interfacemessagereferences">interface message references</a>}
! 	  				of the <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> component being bound with {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.messagelabel">message label</a>} equal
! 	  				to the effecttive message label.
*** 7368,7389 ****
  		  described below in <a href="#Binding_Fault_Reference_messageLabel_attribute"><b> messageLabel attribute information item with infault or
          outfault [owner element]</b></a>.
! 		  </p>
! 		  <p>
! 		  	If the
! 		  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>}
! 		  	of the
! 		  	<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a>
! 		  	component being bound has only one message with a given
! 		  	value for
! 		  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.direction">direction</a>}, then the
! 		  	<code>messageLabel</code> 
! 		  	<em>attribute information item</em>
! 		  	is optional for the XML representation of the
! 		  	<a href="wsdl20.html#component-BindingFaultReference">Binding Fault Reference</a>
! 		  	component with that
! 		  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceMessageReference.direction">direction</a>}.
! 		  </p>
--- 7407,7413 ----
  		  described below in <a href="#Binding_Fault_Reference_messageLabel_attribute"><b> messageLabel attribute information item with infault or
          outfault [owner element]</b></a>.
! 		  </p>		  
*** 7449,7452 ****
--- 7473,7477 ----
  		The type of the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> is <em>xs:NCName</em>.
*** 7477,7480 ****
--- 7502,7557 ----
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>message exchange pattern</em> of the <em>element information item</em> to be the {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.messageexchangepattern">message exchange pattern</a>}
+ 	  	of the <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> component being bound.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>fault direction</em> of the <em>element information item</em> to be <em>in</em> if its local name is <code>infault</code> 
+ 	  	and <em>out</em> if its local name is <code>outfault</code> .
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>message direction</em> of the <em>element information item</em> to be the {direction} of the placeholder message associated with the fault as
+ 	  	specifed by the fault propagation ruleset of the message exchange pattern.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	<a name="MessageLabel-0007-src"></a>
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		<code>messageLabel</code> 
+ 	  		<em>attribute information item</em> of a binding fault reference <em>element information item</em>
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	<a href="#MessageLabel-0007">&#134;</a>
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> of a binding fault reference <em>element information item</em> is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the {message label} of some placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> of a binding fault reference <em>element information item</em> is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with {direction}  equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <em>effective message label</em> of a binding fault reference <em>element information item</em>
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the <code>messageLabel</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> if it is present, or
+ 	  	the {message label} of the unique placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	<em>attribute information item</em> is absent.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	There MUST be an <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceFaultReference">Interface Fault Reference</a> component in the 
+ 	  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.interfacefaultreferences">interface fault references</a>} of the 
+ 	  	<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> being bound with 
+ 	  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.messagelabel">message label</a>} equal to the effective message label
+ 	  	and with {<a href="#property-InterfaceFault.interfacefault">interface fault</a>} equal to an 
+ 	  	<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceFault">Interface Fault</a> component with 
+ 	  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFault.name">name</a>} equal to the actual value of the <code>ref</code>  <em>attribute information item</em>.
+ 	  </p>
  	  <a name="tab_Binding_Fault_Reference_Mapping"></a><br><table border="1">
  	  	<caption>Table 2-13. 
*** 7494,7541 ****
  	  			<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
! 	  				Define the set of eligible interface fault
! 	  				reference components as the set of
! 	  				<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceFaultReference">Interface Fault Reference</a>
! 	  				components listed under the
! 	  				{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.interfacefaultreferences">interface fault references</a>}
! 	  				property of the
! 	  				<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a>
! 	  				component being bound such that (1) their
! 	  				{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.direction">direction</a>}
! 	  				property matches the direction denoted by the
! 	  				[local name] of the
! 	  				<em>element information item</em>, i.e. whose
! 	  				{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.direction">direction</a>}
! 	  				is
! 	  				<code>in</code> 
! 	  				if the [local name] of the
! 	  				<em>element information item</em>
! 	  				is
! 	  				<code>infault</code> , resp.
! 	  				<code>out</code> 
! 	  				if it is
! 	  				<code>outfault</code> , and (2) the
! 	  				<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceFault">Interface Fault</a>
! 	  				components referred to by their
! 	  				{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-BindingFaultReference.interfacefaultreference">interface fault reference</a>}
! 	  				property have a
! 	  				{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFault.name">name</a>}
! 	  				property whose value is equal to the value of the
! 	  				<code>ref</code> 
! 	  				<em>attribute information item</em>
! 	  				of the
! 	  				<em>element information item</em>. If the
! 	  				<code>messageLabel</code> 
! 	  				<em>attribute information item</em>
! 	  				has a value, then the
! 	  				<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceFaultReference">Interface Fault Reference</a>
! 	  				component among the eligible fault reference
! 	  				components with the same
! 	  				{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.messagelabel">message label</a>}
! 	  				property; otherwise, the
! 	  				<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceFaultReference">Interface Fault Reference</a>
! 	  				component among the eligible fault reference
! 	  				components, provided there is exactly one such
! 	  				component; otherwise error.
--- 7571,7581 ----
  	  			<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
! 	  	The <a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceFaultReference">Interface Fault Reference</a> component in the 
! 	  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceOperation.interfacefaultreferences">interface fault references</a>} of the 
! 	  	<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceOperation">Interface Operation</a> being bound with 
! 	  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFaultReference.messagelabel">message label</a>} equal to the effective message label
! 	  	and with {<a href="#property-InterfaceFault.interfacefault">interface fault</a>} equal to an 
! 	  	<a href="wsdl20.html#component-InterfaceFault">Interface Fault</a> component with 
! 	  	{<a href="wsdl20.html#property-InterfaceFault.name">name</a>} equal to the actual value of the <code>ref</code>  <em>attribute information item</em>.
*** 7972,7975 ****
--- 8012,8021 ----
  	  cannot be referred to by QName (see <a href="#frag-ids"><b>A.2 Fragment Identifiers</b></a>).
+ 	  <p>The {<a href="wsdl20.html#property-Endpoint.address">address</a>} property is optional
+ 	  to allow for means other than IRIs to be used, e.g. a WS-Addressing
+           Endpoint Reference [<cite><a href="#WSA-Core">WSA 1.0 Core</a></cite>].
+ 	  It is also possible that in certain scenarios an address will not
+ 	  be required, in which case this property may not be present.
+ 	  </p>
  	  <p>The properties of the <a name="component-Endpoint">Endpoint</a> component are as follows:</p>
*** 8367,8370 ****
--- 8413,8417 ----
  	  			<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  	  				The set of
  	  				<a href="wsdl20.html#component-Feature">Feature</a>
  	  				components corresponding to the
*** 10170,10173 ****
--- 10217,10230 ----
+           <dt class="label"><a name="WSA-Core"></a>[WSA 1.0 Core]</dt><dd>
+             <cite><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/CR-ws-addr-core-20050817/">Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core</a></cite>
+             , M. Gudgin, M. Hadley, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium,
+             17 August 2005. This
+             version of Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core is
+ 	    http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/CR-ws-addr-core-20050817/
+             The latest version of the "Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core"
+ 	    document is available from http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-addr-core.
+ 	  </dd>
  	  <dt class="label"><a name="WSDL11"></a>[WSDL 1.1]</dt><dd>
  	  <cite><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315">Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
*** 11409,11413 ****
      <div class="div1">
! <h2><a name="N16515"></a>D. Component Summary (Non-Normative)</h2>
      		<a href="#component-summary">Table D-1</a>
--- 11466,11470 ----
      <div class="div1">
! <h2><a name="N165E3"></a>D. Component Summary (Non-Normative)</h2>
      		<a href="#component-summary">Table D-1</a>
*** 11839,11842 ****
--- 11896,11907 ----
+     <tr>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20051103</td>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">AGR</td>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><a href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/5/lc-issues/#LC344">LC344#12</a>
+     		: Completed editorial improvements to message label rules. Moved long definitions out of tables.
+     	</td>
+     </tr>
      	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20051101</td>
*** 13061,13064 ****
--- 13126,13130 ----
  	  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
  	  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Updated the feature description, as per Glen and David Booth's
*** 13792,13796 ****
         <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020627</td>
         <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">SW</td>
--- 13858,13861 ----

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*** wsdl20.tex	1 Nov 2005 14:04:56 -0000	1.76
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*** 437,441 ****
  which conflicts with the use of square brackets to denote XML Information Set properties
  \hyperlink{xmlinfosetproperties}{\textbf{\ref*{xmlinfosetproperties} XML Information Set Properties}}.
  Also, in Z Notation, curly brackets are used to denote set display and set comprehension, e.g. $\{1, 2, 3\}$,
  which conflicts with the use of curly brackets to denote
--- 437,440 ----
*** 4055,4071 ****
! 		  An OPTIONAL \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} 
! 		  as described below in \hyperlink{InterfaceMessageReference_messageReference_attribute}{\textbf{\ref*{InterfaceMessageReference_messageReference_attribute} \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} with \texttt{input}
!         or \texttt{output} [owner element]}}. 
! 		  If the 
! 		  message exchange pattern of the 
! 		  Interface Operation component has only one message in a given direction, 
! 		  then the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item}
! 		  is optional for the XML representation of the 
! 		  Interface Message Reference component with that 
! 		  direction.
--- 4054,4065 ----
! 				\texttt{messageLabel}
! 				\textit{attribute information item}
! 				as described below in
! 				\hyperlink{InterfaceMessageReference_messageReference_attribute}{\textbf{\ref*{InterfaceMessageReference_messageReference_attribute} \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} with \texttt{input}
!         or \texttt{output} [owner element]}}.
*** 4159,4168 ****
! 	  The mapping from the XML Representation of the message reference \textit{element information item}
  	  (see \hyperlink{InterfaceMessageReference_XMLRep}{\textbf{\ref*{InterfaceMessageReference_XMLRep} XML Representation of Interface Message Reference Component}}) to the properties of the 
  	  Interface Message Reference component (see \hyperlink{InterfaceMessageReference_details}{\textbf{\ref*{InterfaceMessageReference_details} The Interface Message Reference Component}})
  	  is as described in \hyperlink{tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping}{Table \ref*{tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping} }.
  \caption{Mapping from XML Representation to Interface Message Reference Component Properties\label{tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping}}\\
--- 4153,4199 ----
! 	  The mapping from the XML Representation of the interface message reference \textit{element information item}
  	  (see \hyperlink{InterfaceMessageReference_XMLRep}{\textbf{\ref*{InterfaceMessageReference_XMLRep} XML Representation of Interface Message Reference Component}}) to the properties of the 
  	  Interface Message Reference component (see \hyperlink{InterfaceMessageReference_details}{\textbf{\ref*{InterfaceMessageReference_details} The Interface Message Reference Component}})
  	  is as described in \hyperlink{tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping}{Table \ref*{tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping} }.
+ 	  	Define the \textit{message exchange pattern} of the \textit{element information item} to be the message exchange pattern
+ 	  	of the parent Interface Operation component.
+ 	  	Define the \textit{message direction} of the \textit{element information item} to be \textit{in} if its local name is \texttt{input}
+ 	  	and \textit{out} if its local name is \texttt{output}.
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		\texttt{messageLabel}
+ 	  		\textit{attribute information item} of an interface message reference \textit{element information item}
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	If the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} of an interface message reference \textit{element information item} is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the \{message label\} of some placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	If the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} of an interface message reference \textit{element information item} is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	Define the \textit{effective message label} of an interface message reference \textit{element information item}
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} if it is present, or
+ 	  	the \{message label\} of the unique placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	\textit{attribute information item} is absent.
  \caption{Mapping from XML Representation to Interface Message Reference Component Properties\label{tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping}}\\
*** 4175,4185 ****
  		    message label&
! 			The actual value of the \texttt{messageLabel}
! 			\textit{attribute information item}, if any; otherwise the \{message label\} property of
! 			the message with same \{direction\} from the 
! 			message exchange pattern of the 
! 			Interface Operation component,
! 			provided there is exactly one such message; otherwise
! 			it is an error.
  		  \\ \hline 
--- 4206,4211 ----
  		    message label&
! 				The effective message label.
  		  \\ \hline 
*** 4187,4194 ****
!                         If the [local name] of the \textit{element information item} is
!                         \texttt{input} then {\tt "in"}, else
!                         if the [local name] of the \textit{element information item} is
!                         \texttt{output} then {\tt "out"}.
                    \\ \hline 
--- 4213,4218 ----
! 							The message direction.
                    \\ \hline 
*** 4540,4559 ****
          or \texttt{outfault} [owner element]}}. 
- 		  If the 
- 		  message exchange pattern of the 
- 		  Interface Operation component has only one message with a given
- 		  direction, the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} is
- 		  optional for the XML representation of any 
- 		  Interface Fault Reference
- 		  component with the same value for 
- 		  direction (if the
- 		  \textit{fault propagation ruleset} of the 
- 		  message exchange pattern
- 		  is \textit{fault-replaces-message}) or of any 
- 		  Interface Fault Reference component with the opposite value for 
- 		  direction
- 		  (if the \textit{fault propagation ruleset} is
- 		  \textit{message-triggers-fault}).
--- 4564,4567 ----
*** 4621,4625 ****
  		The \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} identifies the 
  		message in the message exchange pattern of the given
! 		\texttt{operation} \textit{element information item} to which this fault is related to.
  		The \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} has the following
--- 4629,4633 ----
  		The \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} identifies the 
  		message in the message exchange pattern of the given
! 		\texttt{operation} \textit{element information item} that is associated with this fault.
  		The \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} has the following
*** 4634,4637 ****
--- 4642,4657 ----
+ 		  The \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} MUST be present in the XML representation of an
+ 		  Interface Fault Reference
+ 		  component with a given direction
+ 		  if the 
+ 		  message exchange pattern of the parent
+ 		  Interface Operation component has more than one fault with that
+ 		  direction. Recall that the \textit{fault propagation ruleset} of the 
+ 		  message exchange pattern specifies the relation between
+ 		  faults and messages. For example, the \textit{fault-replaces-message} ruleset specifies that the
+ 		  faults have the same direction as the messages, while the \textit{message-triggers-fault} ruleset
+ 		  specifies that the faults have the opposite direction from the messages.
*** 4651,4654 ****
--- 4671,4716 ----
+ 	  	Define the \textit{message exchange pattern} of the \textit{element information item} to be the message exchange pattern
+ 	  	of the parent Interface Operation component.
+ 	  	Define the \textit{fault direction} of the \textit{element information item} to be \textit{in} if its local name is \texttt{infault}
+ 	  	and \textit{out} if its local name is \texttt{outfault}.
+ 	  	Define the \textit{message direction} of the \textit{element information item} to be the \{direction\} of the placeholder message associated with the fault as
+ 	  	specifed by the fault propagation ruleset of the message exchange pattern.
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		\texttt{messageLabel}
+ 	  		\textit{attribute information item} of an interface fault reference \textit{element information item}
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	If the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} of an interface fault reference \textit{element information item} is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the \{message label\} of some placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	If the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} of an interface fault reference \textit{element information item} is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	Define the \textit{effective message label} of an interface fault reference \textit{element information item}
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} if it is present, or
+ 	  	the \{message label\} of the unique placeholder message whose \{direction\} is equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	\textit{attribute information item} is absent.
  \caption{Mapping from XML Representation to Interface Fault Reference Component Properties\label{tab_InterfaceFaultReference_Mapping}}\\
*** 4670,4675 ****
  		    	component, or an
! 		    	component that it directly or indirectly extends, whose
! 		    	name property is the actual value of the
  		    	\textit{attribute information item}.
--- 4732,4737 ----
  		    	component, or an
! 		    	component that it directly or indirectly extends, with
! 		    	name equalt to the actual value of the
  		    	\textit{attribute information item}.
*** 4678,4700 ****
! 		    message label& The actual value of
! 			the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} if any;
! 			otherwise the 
! 			message label property of the
! 			message with the same 
! 			direction from the
! 			message exchange pattern of the 
! 			Interface	Operation component, provided there is exactly
! 			one such message and the \textit{fault propagation ruleset} of the 
! 			message exchange pattern is
! 			\textit{fault-replaces-message}; 
! 			otherwise the 
! 			message label property of the
! 			message with the opposite 
! 			direction,
! 			provided there is exactly one such message and
! 			the \textit{fault propagation ruleset} is
! 			\textit{message-triggers-fault}; otherwise
! 			it is an error.
  		  \\ \hline 
--- 4740,4746 ----
! 		    message label& 
! 				The effective message label.
  		  \\ \hline 
*** 4702,4709 ****
!                         If the [local name] of the \textit{element information item} is
!                         \texttt{infault} then {\tt "in"}, else
!                         if the [local name] of the \textit{element information item} is
!                         \texttt{outfault}, then {\tt "out"}.
                    \\ \hline 
--- 4748,4752 ----
!                         The fault direction.
                    \\ \hline 
*** 7816,7819 ****
--- 7859,7864 ----
  	    \item A [namespace name] of
  	    {\tt "http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/wsdl"}.
              \item Zero or more \textit{attribute information item}s amongst its [attributes] as
*** 7826,7846 ****
          \texttt{output} [owner element]}}.
- 		  	If the
- 		  		message exchange pattern
- 		  	of the
- 		  	Interface Operation
- 		  	component being bound has only one message with a given
- 		  	value for
- 		  	direction, then the
- 		  	\texttt{messageLabel}
- 		  	\textit{attribute information item}
- 		  	is optional for the XML representation of the
- 		  	Binding Message Reference
- 		  	component with that
- 		  	direction.
--- 7871,7874 ----
*** 7892,7897 ****
--- 7920,7927 ----
  		The type of the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} is \textit{xs:NCName}.
*** 7925,7928 ****
--- 7955,7995 ----
+ 	  	Define the \textit{message exchange pattern} of the \textit{element information item} to be the message exchange pattern
+ 	  	of the Interface Operation component being bound.
+ 	  	Define the \textit{message direction} of the \textit{element information item} to be \textit{in} if its local name is \texttt{input}
+ 	  	and \textit{out} if its local name is \texttt{output}.
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		\texttt{messageLabel}
+ 	  		\textit{attribute information item} of a binding message reference \textit{element information item}
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	If the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} of a binding message reference \textit{element information item} is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the \{message label\} of some placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	If the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} of a binding message reference \textit{element information item} is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	Define the \textit{effective message label} of a binding message reference \textit{element information item}
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} if it is present, or
+ 	  	the \{message label\} of the unique placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	\textit{attribute information item} is absent.
*** 7943,7985 ****
! 	  				Define the set of eligible message reference
! 	  				components as the set of
! 	  				Interface Message Reference
! 	  				components listed under the
! 	  					interface message references
! 	  				property of the
! 	  				Interface Operation
! 	  				component being bound such that their
! 	  					direction
! 	  				property matches the direction denoted by the
! 	  				[local name] of the
! 	  				\textit{element information item}, i.e. whose
! 	  					direction
! 	  				is
! 	  				\texttt{in}
! 	  				if the [local name] of the
! 	  				\textit{element information item}
! 	  				is
! 	  				\texttt{input}, resp.
! 	  				\texttt{out}
! 	  				if it is
! 	  				\texttt{output}. If the
! 	  				\texttt{messageLabel}
! 	  				\textit{attribute information item}
! 	  				has a value, then the
! 	  				Interface Message Reference
! 	  				component among the eligible message reference
! 	  				components with the same message label property;
! 	  				otherwise, the
! 	  				Interface Message Reference
! 	  				component among the eligible message reference
! 	  				components, provided there is exactly one such
! 	  				component; otherwise error.
  	  		\\ \hline 
--- 8010,8016 ----
! 	  				The Interface Message Reference component in the interface message references
! 	  				of the Interface Operation component being bound with message label equal
! 	  				to the effecttive message label.
  	  		\\ \hline 
*** 8311,8334 ****
  		  described below in \hyperlink{Binding_Fault_Reference_messageLabel_attribute}{\textbf{\ref*{Binding_Fault_Reference_messageLabel_attribute} \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} with \texttt{infault} or
          \texttt{outfault} [owner element]}}.
! 		  	If the
! 		  		message exchange pattern
! 		  	of the
! 		  	Interface Operation
! 		  	component being bound has only one message with a given
! 		  	value for
! 		  	direction, then the
! 		  	\texttt{messageLabel}
! 		  	\textit{attribute information item}
! 		  	is optional for the XML representation of the
! 		  	Binding Fault Reference
! 		  	component with that
! 		  	direction.
--- 8342,8348 ----
  		  described below in \hyperlink{Binding_Fault_Reference_messageLabel_attribute}{\textbf{\ref*{Binding_Fault_Reference_messageLabel_attribute} \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} with \texttt{infault} or
          \texttt{outfault} [owner element]}}.
*** 8396,8399 ****
--- 8410,8414 ----
  		The type of the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} is \textit{xs:NCName}.
*** 8426,8429 ****
--- 8441,8496 ----
+ 	  	Define the \textit{message exchange pattern} of the \textit{element information item} to be the message exchange pattern
+ 	  	of the Interface Operation component being bound.
+ 	  	Define the \textit{fault direction} of the \textit{element information item} to be \textit{in} if its local name is \texttt{infault}
+ 	  	and \textit{out} if its local name is \texttt{outfault}.
+ 	  	Define the \textit{message direction} of the \textit{element information item} to be the \{direction\} of the placeholder message associated with the fault as
+ 	  	specifed by the fault propagation ruleset of the message exchange pattern.
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		\texttt{messageLabel}
+ 	  		\textit{attribute information item} of a binding fault reference \textit{element information item}
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	If the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} of a binding fault reference \textit{element information item} is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the \{message label\} of some placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	If the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} of a binding fault reference \textit{element information item} is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with \{direction\}  equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	Define the \textit{effective message label} of a binding fault reference \textit{element information item}
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the \texttt{messageLabel} \textit{attribute information item} if it is present, or
+ 	  	the \{message label\} of the unique placeholder message with \{direction\} equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	\textit{attribute information item} is absent.
+ 	  	There MUST be an Interface Fault Reference component in the 
+ 	  	interface fault references of the 
+ 	  	Interface Operation being bound with 
+ 	  	message label equal to the effective message label
+ 	  	and with interface fault equal to an 
+ 	  	Interface Fault component with 
+ 	  	name equal to the actual value of the \texttt{ref} \textit{attribute information item}.
*** 8444,8501 ****
! 	  				Define the set of eligible interface fault
! 	  				reference components as the set of
! 	  				Interface Fault Reference
! 	  				components listed under the
! 	  					interface fault references
! 	  				property of the
! 	  				Interface Operation
! 	  				component being bound such that (1) their
! 	  					direction
! 	  				property matches the direction denoted by the
! 	  				[local name] of the
! 	  				\textit{element information item}, i.e. whose
! 	  					direction
! 	  				is
! 	  				\texttt{in}
! 	  				if the [local name] of the
! 	  				\textit{element information item}
! 	  				is
! 	  				\texttt{infault}, resp.
! 	  				\texttt{out}
! 	  				if it is
! 	  				\texttt{outfault}, and (2) the
! 	  				Interface Fault
! 	  				components referred to by their
! 	  					interface fault reference
! 	  				property have a
! 	  				name
! 	  				property whose value is equal to the value of the
! 	  				\texttt{ref}
! 	  				\textit{attribute information item}
! 	  				of the
! 	  				\textit{element information item}. If the
! 	  				\texttt{messageLabel}
! 	  				\textit{attribute information item}
! 	  				has a value, then the
! 	  				Interface Fault Reference
! 	  				component among the eligible fault reference
! 	  				components with the same
! 	  					message label
! 	  				property; otherwise, the
! 	  				Interface Fault Reference
! 	  				component among the eligible fault reference
! 	  				components, provided there is exactly one such
! 	  				component; otherwise error.
  	  		\\ \hline 
--- 8511,8521 ----
! 	  	The Interface Fault Reference component in the 
! 	  	interface fault references of the 
! 	  	Interface Operation being bound with 
! 	  	message label equal to the effective message label
! 	  	and with interface fault equal to an 
! 	  	Interface Fault component with 
! 	  	name equal to the actual value of the \texttt{ref} \textit{attribute information item}.
  	  		\\ \hline 
*** 8968,8971 ****
--- 8988,8997 ----
  	  cannot be referred to by QName (see \hyperlink{frag-ids}{\textbf{\ref*{frag-ids} Fragment Identifiers}}).
+ 	  The address property is optional
+ 	  to allow for means other than IRIs to be used, e.g. a WS-Addressing
+           Endpoint Reference \hyperlink{WSA-Core}{[\textit{WSA 1.0 Core}]}.
+ 	  It is also possible that in certain scenarios an address will not
+ 	  be required, in which case this property may not be present.
  	  The properties of the Endpoint component are as follows:
*** 9402,9405 ****
--- 9428,9432 ----
  	  				The set of
  	  				components corresponding to the
*** 11274,11277 ****
--- 11301,11315 ----
+           \item[{[WSA 1.0 Core]}]\hypertarget{WSA-Core}{}\ 
+             \href{http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/CR-ws-addr-core-20050817/}{Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core}
+             , M. Gudgin, M. Hadley, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium,
+             17 August 2005. This
+             version of Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core is
+ 	    http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/CR-ws-addr-core-20050817/
+             The latest version of the "Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core"
+ 	    document is available from http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-addr-core.
  	  \item[{[WSDL 1.1]}]\hypertarget{WSDL11}{}\ 
*** 13018,13021 ****
--- 13056,13067 ----
      \\ \hline 
+     	20051103&
+     	AGR&
+     	\href{http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/5/lc-issues/#LC344}{LC344#12}
+     		: Completed editorial improvements to message label rules. Moved long definitions out of tables.
+     \\ \hline 
*** 14240,14243 ****
--- 14286,14290 ----
  	  Updated the feature description, as per Glen and David Booth's
  	\\ \hline 
*** 14971,14975 ****
      \\ \hline 
--- 15018,15021 ----

Index: component-table.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/component-table.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -C2 -d -r1.22 -r1.23
*** component-table.xml	3 Nov 2005 01:50:25 -0000	1.22
--- component-table.xml	3 Nov 2005 15:59:25 -0000	1.23
*** 1,33 ****
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
!   <tr>
!     <th>Component</th>
!     <th>Defined Properties</th>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp></comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="">features</prop>, <prop comp="">name</prop>, <prop comp="">parent</prop>, <prop comp="">properties</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Binding</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Binding">binding faults</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">binding operations</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">features</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">interface</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">name</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">properties</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">type</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Binding Fault</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Binding Fault">
        				interface fault
!       			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">features</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">properties</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Binding Fault Reference</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
          			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
--- 1,40 ----
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
! <tr>
! <th>Component</th>
! <th>Defined Properties</th>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp/>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="">features</prop>, <prop comp="">name</prop>, <prop comp="">parent</prop>, <prop comp="">properties</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Binding</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Binding">binding faults</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">binding operations</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">features</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">interface</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">name</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">properties</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">type</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Binding Fault</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Binding Fault">features</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">
        				interface fault
!       			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">properties</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Binding Fault Reference</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
          			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
*** 37,47 ****
          			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
!         			</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
          			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
--- 44,56 ----
          			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
!         			</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
          			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
*** 51,289 ****
          			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
!         			</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Binding Operation</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Binding Operation">
        				binding fault references
        			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">
        				binding message references
!       			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">
        				interface operation
!       			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">features</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">properties</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Description</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Description">bindings</prop>, <prop comp="Description">element declarations</prop>, <prop comp="Description">interfaces</prop>, <prop comp="Description">services</prop>, <prop comp="Description">type definitions</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Element Declaration</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td>
!       <prop comp="Element Declaration">name</prop>
!     </td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Endpoint</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Endpoint">address</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">binding</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">features</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">name</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">properties</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Feature</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Feature">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Feature">ref</prop>, <prop comp="Feature">required</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Interface</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Interface">extended interfaces</prop>, <prop comp="Interface">features</prop>, <prop comp="Interface">interface faults</prop>, <prop comp="Interface">interface operations</prop>, <prop comp="Interface">name</prop>, <prop comp="Interface">properties</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Interface Fault</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Interface Fault">element declaration</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault">features</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault">name</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault">properties</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Interface Fault Reference</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">direction</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">features</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">interface fault</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">message label</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">properties</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Interface Message Reference</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">element declaration</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">features</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message content model</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message label</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">properties</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Interface Operation</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Interface Operation">features</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">interface fault references</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">interface message references</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">name</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">properties</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">style</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Property</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Property">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Property">ref</prop>, <prop comp="Property">value</prop>, <prop comp="Property">value constraint</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Service</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Service">endpoints</prop>, <prop comp="Service">features</prop>, <prop comp="Service">interface</prop>, <prop comp="Service">name</prop>, <prop comp="Service">properties</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Type Definition</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td>
!       <prop comp="Type Definition">name</prop>
!     </td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <th>Property</th>
!     <th>Where Defined</th>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>address</td>
!     <td>Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">address</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>binding</td>
!     <td>Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">binding</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>binding faults</td>
!     <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">binding faults</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>binding operations</td>
!     <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">binding operations</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>bindings</td>
!     <td>Description.<prop comp="Description">bindings</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>direction</td>
!     <td>Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">direction</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>element declaration</td>
!     <td>Interface Fault.<prop comp="Interface Fault">element declaration</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">element declaration</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>element declarations</td>
!     <td>Description.<prop comp="Description">element declarations</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>endpoints</td>
!     <td>Service.<prop comp="Service">endpoints</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>extended interfaces</td>
!     <td>Interface.<prop comp="Interface">extended interfaces</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>features</td>
!     <td>.<prop comp="">features</prop>, Binding.<prop comp="Binding">features</prop>, Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">features</prop>, Binding Fault Reference.<prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
          			</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
!         			</prop>, Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">features</prop>, Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">features</prop>, Interface.<prop comp="Interface">features</prop>, Interface Fault.<prop comp="Interface Fault">features</prop>, Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">features</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">features</prop>, Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">features</prop>, Service.<prop comp="Service">features</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>interface</td>
!     <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">interface</prop>, Service.<prop comp="Service">interface</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>interface fault</td>
!     <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">
        				interface fault
!       			</prop>, Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">interface fault</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>interface fault references</td>
!     <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">interface fault references</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>interface faults</td>
!     <td>Interface.<prop comp="Interface">interface faults</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>interface message references</td>
!     <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">interface message references</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>interface operations</td>
!     <td>Interface.<prop comp="Interface">interface operations</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>interfaces</td>
!     <td>Description.<prop comp="Description">interfaces</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>message content model</td>
!     <td>Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message content model</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>message exchange pattern</td>
!     <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>message label</td>
!     <td>Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">message label</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message label</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>name</td>
!     <td>.<prop comp="">name</prop>, Binding.<prop comp="Binding">name</prop>, Element Declaration.<prop comp="Element Declaration">name</prop>, Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">name</prop>, Interface.<prop comp="Interface">name</prop>, Interface Fault.<prop comp="Interface Fault">name</prop>, Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">name</prop>, Service.<prop comp="Service">name</prop>, Type Definition.<prop comp="Type Definition">name</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>parent</td>
!     <td>.<prop comp="">parent</prop>, Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">parent</prop>, Binding Fault Reference.<prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
          			</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
!         			</prop>, Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">parent</prop>, Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">parent</prop>, Feature.<prop comp="Feature">parent</prop>, Interface Fault.<prop comp="Interface Fault">parent</prop>, Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">parent</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">parent</prop>, Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">parent</prop>, Property.<prop comp="Property">parent</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>properties</td>
!     <td>.<prop comp="">properties</prop>, Binding.<prop comp="Binding">properties</prop>, Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">properties</prop>, Binding Fault Reference.<prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
          			</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
!         			</prop>, Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">properties</prop>, Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">properties</prop>, Interface.<prop comp="Interface">properties</prop>, Interface Fault.<prop comp="Interface Fault">properties</prop>, Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">properties</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">properties</prop>, Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">properties</prop>, Service.<prop comp="Service">properties</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>ref</td>
!     <td>Feature.<prop comp="Feature">ref</prop>, Property.<prop comp="Property">ref</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>required</td>
!     <td>Feature.<prop comp="Feature">required</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>services</td>
!     <td>Description.<prop comp="Description">services</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>style</td>
!     <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">style</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>type</td>
!     <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">type</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>type definitions</td>
!     <td>Description.<prop comp="Description">type definitions</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>value</td>
!     <td>Property.<prop comp="Property">value</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>value constraint</td>
!     <td>Property.<prop comp="Property">value constraint</prop></td>
!   </tr>
--- 60,353 ----
          			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
!         			</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Binding Operation</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Binding Operation">
        				binding fault references
        			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">
        				binding message references
!       			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">features</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">
        				interface operation
!       			</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">properties</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Description</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Description">bindings</prop>, <prop comp="Description">element declarations</prop>, <prop comp="Description">interfaces</prop>, <prop comp="Description">services</prop>, <prop comp="Description">type definitions</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Element Declaration</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Element Declaration">name</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Endpoint</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Endpoint">address</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">binding</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">features</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">name</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">properties</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Feature</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Feature">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Feature">ref</prop>, <prop comp="Feature">required</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Interface</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Interface">extended interfaces</prop>, <prop comp="Interface">features</prop>, <prop comp="Interface">interface faults</prop>, <prop comp="Interface">interface operations</prop>, <prop comp="Interface">name</prop>, <prop comp="Interface">properties</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Interface Fault</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Interface Fault">element declaration</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault">features</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault">name</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault">properties</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Interface Fault Reference</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">direction</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">features</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">interface fault</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">message label</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">properties</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Interface Message Reference</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">element declaration</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">features</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message content model</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message label</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">properties</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Interface Operation</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Interface Operation">features</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">interface fault references</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">interface message references</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">name</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">properties</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">style</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Property</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Property">parent</prop>, <prop comp="Property">ref</prop>, <prop comp="Property">value</prop>, <prop comp="Property">value constraint</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Service</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Service">endpoints</prop>, <prop comp="Service">features</prop>, <prop comp="Service">interface</prop>, <prop comp="Service">name</prop>, <prop comp="Service">properties</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Type Definition</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Type Definition">name</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <th>Property</th>
! <th>Where Defined</th>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>address</td>
! <td>Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">address</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>binding</td>
! <td>Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">binding</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>binding faults</td>
! <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">binding faults</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>binding operations</td>
! <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">binding operations</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>bindings</td>
! <td>Description.<prop comp="Description">bindings</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>direction</td>
! <td>Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">direction</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>element declaration</td>
! <td>Interface Fault.<prop comp="Interface Fault">element declaration</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">element declaration</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>element declarations</td>
! <td>Description.<prop comp="Description">element declarations</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>endpoints</td>
! <td>Service.<prop comp="Service">endpoints</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>extended interfaces</td>
! <td>Interface.<prop comp="Interface">extended interfaces</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>features</td>
! <td>.<prop comp="">features</prop>, Binding.<prop comp="Binding">features</prop>, Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">features</prop>, Binding Fault Reference.<prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
          			</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
!         			</prop>, Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">features</prop>, Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">features</prop>, Interface.<prop comp="Interface">features</prop>, Interface Fault.<prop comp="Interface Fault">features</prop>, Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">features</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">features</prop>, Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">features</prop>, Service.<prop comp="Service">features</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>interface</td>
! <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">interface</prop>, Service.<prop comp="Service">interface</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>interface fault</td>
! <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">
        				interface fault
!       			</prop>, Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">interface fault</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>interface fault references</td>
! <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">interface fault references</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>interface faults</td>
! <td>Interface.<prop comp="Interface">interface faults</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>interface message references</td>
! <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">interface message references</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>interface operations</td>
! <td>Interface.<prop comp="Interface">interface operations</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>interfaces</td>
! <td>Description.<prop comp="Description">interfaces</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>message content model</td>
! <td>Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message content model</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>message exchange pattern</td>
! <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>message label</td>
! <td>Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">message label</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message label</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>name</td>
! <td>.<prop comp="">name</prop>, Binding.<prop comp="Binding">name</prop>, Element Declaration.<prop comp="Element Declaration">name</prop>, Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">name</prop>, Interface.<prop comp="Interface">name</prop>, Interface Fault.<prop comp="Interface Fault">name</prop>, Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">name</prop>, Service.<prop comp="Service">name</prop>, Type Definition.<prop comp="Type Definition">name</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>parent</td>
! <td>.<prop comp="">parent</prop>, Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">parent</prop>, Binding Fault Reference.<prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
          			</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
!         			</prop>, Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">parent</prop>, Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">parent</prop>, Feature.<prop comp="Feature">parent</prop>, Interface Fault.<prop comp="Interface Fault">parent</prop>, Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">parent</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">parent</prop>, Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">parent</prop>, Property.<prop comp="Property">parent</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>properties</td>
! <td>.<prop comp="">properties</prop>, Binding.<prop comp="Binding">properties</prop>, Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">properties</prop>, Binding Fault Reference.<prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
          			</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">
!         			</prop>, Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">properties</prop>, Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">properties</prop>, Interface.<prop comp="Interface">properties</prop>, Interface Fault.<prop comp="Interface Fault">properties</prop>, Interface Fault Reference.<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">properties</prop>, Interface Message Reference.<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">properties</prop>, Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">properties</prop>, Service.<prop comp="Service">properties</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>ref</td>
! <td>Feature.<prop comp="Feature">ref</prop>, Property.<prop comp="Property">ref</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>required</td>
! <td>Feature.<prop comp="Feature">required</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>services</td>
! <td>Description.<prop comp="Description">services</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>style</td>
! <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">style</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>type</td>
! <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">type</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>type definitions</td>
! <td>Description.<prop comp="Description">type definitions</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>value</td>
! <td>Property.<prop comp="Property">value</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>value constraint</td>
! <td>Property.<prop comp="Property">value constraint</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>

Index: wsdl20.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.343
retrieving revision 1.344
diff -C2 -d -r1.343 -r1.344
*** wsdl20.xml	3 Nov 2005 01:50:27 -0000	1.343
--- wsdl20.xml	3 Nov 2005 15:59:25 -0000	1.344
*** 3999,4015 ****
! 		  <p>
! 		  An OPTIONAL <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; 
! 		  as described below in <specref
! 		  ref="InterfaceMessageReference_messageReference_attribute"/>. 
! 		  </p>
! 		  <p>If the 
! 		  <prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop> of the 
! 		  <comp>Interface Operation</comp> component has only one message in a given direction, 
! 		  then the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII;
! 		  is optional for the XML representation of the 
! 		  <comp>Interface Message Reference</comp> component with that 
! 		  <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop>.
! 		  </p>
--- 3999,4010 ----
! 			<p>
! 				<att>messageLabel</att>
! 				&AII;
! 				as described below in
! 				<specref
! 					ref="InterfaceMessageReference_messageReference_attribute" />.
! 			</p>
*** 4098,4107 ****
  	  <head>Mapping Interface Message Reference's XML Representation to Component Properties</head>
! 	  The mapping from the XML Representation of the message reference &EII;
  	  (see <specref ref="InterfaceMessageReference_XMLRep"/>) to the properties of the 
  	  <comp>Interface Message Reference</comp> component (see <specref ref="InterfaceMessageReference_details"/>)
  	  is as described in <specref ref="tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping"/>.
  	  <table border="1" id="tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping">
  	    <caption>Mapping from XML Representation to Interface Message Reference Component Properties</caption>
--- 4093,4139 ----
  	  <head>Mapping Interface Message Reference's XML Representation to Component Properties</head>
! 	  The mapping from the XML Representation of the interface message reference &EII;
  	  (see <specref ref="InterfaceMessageReference_XMLRep"/>) to the properties of the 
  	  <comp>Interface Message Reference</comp> component (see <specref ref="InterfaceMessageReference_details"/>)
  	  is as described in <specref ref="tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping"/>.
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>message exchange pattern</emph> of the &EII; to be the <prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop>
+ 	  	of the parent <comp>Interface Operation</comp> component.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>message direction</emph> of the &EII; to be <emph>in</emph> if its local name is <el>input</el>
+ 	  	and <emph>out</emph> if its local name is <el>output</el>.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	<assert class="model" id="MessageLabel-0004">
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		<att>messageLabel</att>
+ 	  		&AII; of an interface message reference &EII;
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	</assert>
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; of an interface message reference &EII; is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the {message label} of some placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; of an interface message reference &EII; is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>effective message label</emph> of an interface message reference &EII;
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; if it is present, or
+ 	  	the {message label} of the unique placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	&AII; is absent.
+ 	  </p>
  	  <table border="1" id="tab_InterfaceMessageReference_Mapping">
  	    <caption>Mapping from XML Representation to Interface Message Reference Component Properties</caption>
*** 4115,4125 ****
  		    <td><prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message label</prop></td>
! 			<td>The actual value of the <att>messageLabel</att>
! 			&AII;, if any; otherwise the {message label} property of
! 			the message with same {direction} from the 
! 			<prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop> of the 
! 			<comp>Interface Operation</comp> component,
! 			provided there is exactly one such message; otherwise
! 			it is an error.
--- 4147,4152 ----
  		    <td><prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message label</prop></td>
! 			<td>
! 				The effective message label.
*** 4127,4134 ****
                      <td><prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop></td> 
!                         <td>If the [local name] of the &EII; is
!                         <el>input</el> then <attval>in</attval>, else
!                         if the [local name] of the &EII; is
!                         <el>output</el> then <attval>out</attval>.
--- 4154,4159 ----
                      <td><prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop></td> 
!                         <td>
! 							The message direction.
*** 4470,4489 ****
- 		  <p>If the 
- 		  <prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop> of the 
- 		  <comp>Interface Operation</comp> component has only one message with a given
- 		  direction, the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; is
- 		  optional for the XML representation of any 
- 		  <comp>Interface Fault Reference</comp>
- 		  component with the same value for 
- 		  <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">direction</prop> (if the
- 		  <emph>fault propagation ruleset</emph> of the 
- 		  <prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop>
- 		  is <emph>fault-replaces-message</emph>) or of any 
- 		  <comp>Interface Fault Reference</comp> component with the opposite value for 
- 		  <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">direction</prop>
- 		  (if the <emph>fault propagation ruleset</emph> is
- 		  <emph>message-triggers-fault</emph>).
- 		  </p>
--- 4495,4498 ----
*** 4548,4552 ****
  		The <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; identifies the 
  		message in the message exchange pattern of the given
! 		<el>operation</el> &EII; to which this fault is related to.
  		<p>The <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; has the following
--- 4557,4561 ----
  		The <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; identifies the 
  		message in the message exchange pattern of the given
! 		<el>operation</el> &EII; that is associated with this fault.
  		<p>The <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; has the following
*** 4561,4564 ****
--- 4570,4585 ----
+ 		  <p>The <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; MUST be present in the XML representation of an
+ 		  <comp>Interface Fault Reference</comp>
+ 		  component with a given <prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">direction</prop>
+ 		  if the 
+ 		  <prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop> of the parent
+ 		  <comp>Interface Operation</comp> component has more than one fault with that
+ 		  direction. Recall that the <emph>fault propagation ruleset</emph> of the 
+ 		  <prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop> specifies the relation between
+ 		  faults and messages. For example, the <emph>fault-replaces-message</emph> ruleset specifies that the
+ 		  faults have the same direction as the messages, while the <emph>message-triggers-fault</emph> ruleset
+ 		  specifies that the faults have the opposite direction from the messages.
+ 		  </p>
*** 4576,4579 ****
--- 4597,4642 ----
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>message exchange pattern</emph> of the &EII; to be the <prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop>
+ 	  	of the parent <comp>Interface Operation</comp> component.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>fault direction</emph> of the &EII; to be <emph>in</emph> if its local name is <el>infault</el>
+ 	  	and <emph>out</emph> if its local name is <el>outfault</el>.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>message direction</emph> of the &EII; to be the {direction} of the placeholder message associated with the fault as
+ 	  	specifed by the fault propagation ruleset of the message exchange pattern.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	<assert class="model" id="MessageLabel-0005">
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		<att>messageLabel</att>
+ 	  		&AII; of an interface fault reference &EII;
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	</assert>
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; of an interface fault reference &EII; is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the {message label} of some placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; of an interface fault reference &EII; is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>effective message label</emph> of an interface fault reference &EII;
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; if it is present, or
+ 	  	the {message label} of the unique placeholder message whose {direction} is equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	&AII; is absent.
+ 	  </p>
  	  <table border="1" id="tab_InterfaceFaultReference_Mapping">
  	    <caption>Mapping from XML Representation to Interface Fault Reference Component Properties</caption>
*** 4596,4601 ****
  		    	component, or an
! 		    	component that it directly or indirectly extends, whose
! 		    	<prop comp="Interface Fault">name</prop> property is the actual value of the
--- 4659,4664 ----
  		    	component, or an
! 		    	component that it directly or indirectly extends, with
! 		    	<prop comp="Interface Fault">name</prop> equalt to the actual value of the
*** 4604,4626 ****
! 		    <td><prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">message label</prop></td> <td>The actual value of
! 			the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; if any;
! 			otherwise the 
! 			<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message label</prop> property of the
! 			message with the same 
! 			<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop> from the
! 			<prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop> of the 
! 			<comp>Interface	Operation</comp> component, provided there is exactly
! 			one such message and the <emph>fault propagation ruleset</emph> of the 
! 			<prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop> is
! 			<emph>fault-replaces-message</emph>; 
! 			otherwise the 
! 			<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message label</prop> property of the
! 			message with the opposite 
! 			<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop>,
! 			provided there is exactly one such message and
! 			the <emph>fault propagation ruleset</emph> is
! 			<emph>message-triggers-fault</emph>; otherwise
! 			it is an error.
--- 4667,4673 ----
! 		    <td><prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">message label</prop></td> 
! 		    <td>
! 				The effective message label.
*** 4628,4635 ****
                      <td><prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">direction</prop></td> 
!                         <td>If the [local name] of the &EII; is
!                         <el>infault</el> then <attval>in</attval>, else
!                         if the [local name] of the &EII; is
!                         <el>outfault</el>, then <attval>out</attval>.
--- 4675,4679 ----
                      <td><prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">direction</prop></td> 
!                         <td>The fault direction.
*** 7681,7685 ****
  	    <item><p>A [namespace name] of
! 	    <attval>&wsdl-ns;</attval>.</p></item>
              <item><p>Zero or more &AII;s amongst its [attributes] as
--- 7725,7731 ----
  	    <item><p>A [namespace name] of
! 	    <attval>&wsdl-ns;</attval>.
! 	    </p>
! 	    </item>
              <item><p>Zero or more &AII;s amongst its [attributes] as
*** 7692,7712 ****
- 		  <p>
- 		  	If the
- 		  	<prop comp="Interface Operation">
- 		  		message exchange pattern
- 		  	</prop>
- 		  	of the
- 		  	<comp>Interface Operation</comp>
- 		  	component being bound has only one message with a given
- 		  	value for
- 		  	<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop>, then the
- 		  	<att>messageLabel</att>
- 		  	&AII;
- 		  	is optional for the XML representation of the
- 		  	<comp>Binding Message Reference</comp>
- 		  	component with that
- 		  	<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop>.
- 		  </p>
--- 7738,7741 ----
*** 7757,7763 ****
--- 7786,7794 ----
  		  <item><p>A [namespace name] which has no value.</p></item>
  		The type of the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; is <emph>xs:NCName</emph>.
*** 7788,7791 ****
--- 7819,7859 ----
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>message exchange pattern</emph> of the &EII; to be the <prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop>
+ 	  	of the <comp>Interface Operation</comp> component being bound.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>message direction</emph> of the &EII; to be <emph>in</emph> if its local name is <el>input</el>
+ 	  	and <emph>out</emph> if its local name is <el>output</el>.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	<assert class="model" id="MessageLabel-0006">
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		<att>messageLabel</att>
+ 	  		&AII; of a binding message reference &EII;
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	</assert>
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; of a binding message reference &EII; is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the {message label} of some placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; of a binding message reference &EII; is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>effective message label</emph> of a binding message reference &EII;
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; if it is present, or
+ 	  	the {message label} of the unique placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	&AII; is absent.
+ 	  </p>
  	  <table border="1" id="tab_Binding_Message_Reference_Mapping">
*** 7807,7849 ****
! 	  				Define the set of eligible message reference
! 	  				components as the set of
! 	  				<comp>Interface Message Reference</comp>
! 	  				components listed under the
! 	  				<prop comp="Interface Operation">
! 	  					interface message references
! 	  				</prop>
! 	  				property of the
! 	  				<comp>Interface Operation</comp>
! 	  				component being bound such that their
! 	  				<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">
! 	  					direction
! 	  				</prop>
! 	  				property matches the direction denoted by the
! 	  				[local name] of the
! 	  				&EII;, i.e. whose
! 	  				<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">
! 	  					direction
! 	  				</prop>
! 	  				is
! 	  				<el>in</el>
! 	  				if the [local name] of the
! 	  				&EII;
! 	  				is
! 	  				<el>input</el>, resp.
! 	  				<el>out</el>
! 	  				if it is
! 	  				<el>output</el>. If the
! 	  				<att>messageLabel</att>
! 	  				&AII;
! 	  				has a value, then the
! 	  				<comp>Interface Message Reference</comp>
! 	  				component among the eligible message reference
! 	  				components with the same <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message label</prop> property;
! 	  				otherwise, the
! 	  				<comp>Interface Message Reference</comp>
! 	  				component among the eligible message reference
! 	  				components, provided there is exactly one such
! 	  				component; otherwise error.
--- 7875,7881 ----
! 	  				The <comp>Interface Message Reference</comp> component in the <prop comp="Interface Operation">interface message references</prop>
! 	  				of the <comp>Interface Operation</comp> component being bound with <prop comp="Interface Message Reference">message label</prop> equal
! 	  				to the effecttive message label.
*** 8164,8187 ****
  		  described below in <specref
! 		  </p>
! 		  <p>
! 		  	If the
! 		  	<prop comp="Interface Operation">
! 		  		message exchange pattern
! 		  	</prop>
! 		  	of the
! 		  	<comp>Interface Operation</comp>
! 		  	component being bound has only one message with a given
! 		  	value for
! 		  	<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop>, then the
! 		  	<att>messageLabel</att>
! 		  	&AII;
! 		  	is optional for the XML representation of the
! 		  	<comp>Binding Fault Reference</comp>
! 		  	component with that
! 		  	<prop comp="Interface Message Reference">direction</prop>.
! 		  </p>
--- 8196,8202 ----
  		  described below in <specref
! 		  </p>		  
*** 8247,8250 ****
--- 8262,8266 ----
  		The type of the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; is <emph>xs:NCName</emph>.
*** 8274,8277 ****
--- 8290,8345 ----
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>message exchange pattern</emph> of the &EII; to be the <prop comp="Interface Operation">message exchange pattern</prop>
+ 	  	of the <comp>Interface Operation</comp> component being bound.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>fault direction</emph> of the &EII; to be <emph>in</emph> if its local name is <el>infault</el>
+ 	  	and <emph>out</emph> if its local name is <el>outfault</el>.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>message direction</emph> of the &EII; to be the {direction} of the placeholder message associated with the fault as
+ 	  	specifed by the fault propagation ruleset of the message exchange pattern.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	<assert class="model" id="MessageLabel-0007">
+ 	  		The
+ 	  		<att>messageLabel</att>
+ 	  		&AII; of a binding fault reference &EII;
+ 	  		MUST be present if the message exchange pattern has
+ 	  		more than one placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  	</assert>
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; of a binding fault reference &EII; is present then its actual value
+ 	  	MUST match the {message label} of some placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	If the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; of a binding fault reference &EII; is absent then there MUST be a unique
+ 	  	placeholder message with {direction}  equal to the message direction.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	Define the <emph>effective message label</emph> of a binding fault reference &EII;
+ 	  	to be either the actual value of the <att>messageLabel</att> &AII; if it is present, or
+ 	  	the {message label} of the unique placeholder message with {direction} equal to the message direction if the
+ 	  	&AII; is absent.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  	There MUST be an <comp>Interface Fault Reference</comp> component in the 
+ 	  	<prop comp="Interface Operation">interface fault references</prop> of the 
+ 	  	<comp>Interface Operation</comp> being bound with 
+ 	  	<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">message label</prop> equal to the effective message label
+ 	  	and with <prop comp="Interface Fault">interface fault</prop> equal to an 
+ 	  	<comp>Interface Fault</comp> component with 
+ 	  	<prop comp="Interface Fault">name</prop> equal to the actual value of the <att>ref</att> &AII;.
+ 	  </p>
  	  <table border="1" id="tab_Binding_Fault_Reference_Mapping">
*** 8293,8350 ****
! 	  				Define the set of eligible interface fault
! 	  				reference components as the set of
! 	  				<comp>Interface Fault Reference</comp>
! 	  				components listed under the
! 	  				<prop comp="Interface Operation">
! 	  					interface fault references
! 	  				</prop>
! 	  				property of the
! 	  				<comp>Interface Operation</comp>
! 	  				component being bound such that (1) their
! 	  				<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">
! 	  					direction
! 	  				</prop>
! 	  				property matches the direction denoted by the
! 	  				[local name] of the
! 	  				&EII;, i.e. whose
! 	  				<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">
! 	  					direction
! 	  				</prop>
! 	  				is
! 	  				<el>in</el>
! 	  				if the [local name] of the
! 	  				&EII;
! 	  				is
! 	  				<el>infault</el>, resp.
! 	  				<el>out</el>
! 	  				if it is
! 	  				<el>outfault</el>, and (2) the
! 	  				<comp>Interface Fault</comp>
! 	  				components referred to by their
! 	  				<prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">
! 	  					interface fault reference
! 	  				</prop>
! 	  				property have a
! 	  				<prop comp="Interface Fault">name</prop>
! 	  				property whose value is equal to the value of the
! 	  				<att>ref</att>
! 	  				&AII;
! 	  				of the
! 	  				&EII;. If the
! 	  				<att>messageLabel</att>
! 	  				&AII;
! 	  				has a value, then the
! 	  				<comp>Interface Fault Reference</comp>
! 	  				component among the eligible fault reference
! 	  				components with the same
! 	  				<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">
! 	  					message label
! 	  				</prop>
! 	  				property; otherwise, the
! 	  				<comp>Interface Fault Reference</comp>
! 	  				component among the eligible fault reference
! 	  				components, provided there is exactly one such
! 	  				component; otherwise error.
--- 8361,8371 ----
! 	  	The <comp>Interface Fault Reference</comp> component in the 
! 	  	<prop comp="Interface Operation">interface fault references</prop> of the 
! 	  	<comp>Interface Operation</comp> being bound with 
! 	  	<prop comp="Interface Fault Reference">message label</prop> equal to the effective message label
! 	  	and with <prop comp="Interface Fault">interface fault</prop> equal to an 
! 	  	<comp>Interface Fault</comp> component with 
! 	  	<prop comp="Interface Fault">name</prop> equal to the actual value of the <att>ref</att> &AII;.
*** 12309,12312 ****
--- 12330,12341 ----
+     <tr>
+     	<td>20051103</td>
+     	<td>AGR</td>
+     	<td><loc href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/5/lc-issues/#LC344">LC344#12</loc>
+     		: Completed editorial improvements to message label rules. Moved long definitions out of tables.
+     	</td>
+     </tr>

Index: adjuncts-component-table.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/adjuncts-component-table.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -C2 -d -r1.24 -r1.25
*** adjuncts-component-table.xml	3 Nov 2005 01:50:25 -0000	1.24
--- adjuncts-component-table.xml	3 Nov 2005 15:59:25 -0000	1.25
*** 1,193 ****
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
!   <tr>
!     <th>Component</th>
!     <th>Defined Properties</th>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Binding</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Binding">http cookies</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">http version</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">soap modules</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">soap underlying protocol</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">soap version</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Binding Fault</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Binding Fault">http error status code</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">http headers</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">soap fault code</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">soap fault subcodes</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">soap headers</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">soap modules</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Binding Fault Reference</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td>
!       <prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">soap modules</prop>
!     </td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http headers</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http transfer coding</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">soap headers</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">soap modules</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Binding Operation</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Binding Operation">http fault serialization</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">http input serialization</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">http location</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">http method</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">http output serialization</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">http query parameter separator</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">soap action</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">soap mep</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">soap modules</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Endpoint</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Endpoint">http authentication realm</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">http authentication scheme</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>HTTP Header</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="HTTP Header">name</prop>, <prop comp="HTTP Header">parent</prop>, <prop comp="HTTP Header">required</prop>, <prop comp="HTTP Header">type definition</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>Interface Operation</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="Interface Operation">rpc signature</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">safety</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>SOAP Header Block</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="SOAP Header Block">element declaration</prop>, <prop comp="SOAP Header Block">mustUnderstand</prop>, <prop comp="SOAP Header Block">parent</prop>, <prop comp="SOAP Header Block">required</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>
!       <comp>SOAP Module</comp>
!     </td>
!     <td><prop comp="SOAP Module">parent</prop>, <prop comp="SOAP Module">ref</prop>, <prop comp="SOAP Module">required</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <th>Property</th>
!     <th>Where Defined</th>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>element declaration</td>
!     <td>SOAP Header Block.<prop comp="SOAP Header Block">element declaration</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http authentication realm</td>
!     <td>Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">http authentication realm</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http authentication scheme</td>
!     <td>Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">http authentication scheme</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http cookies</td>
!     <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">http cookies</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http error status code</td>
!     <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">http error status code</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http fault serialization</td>
!     <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http fault serialization</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http headers</td>
!     <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">http headers</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http headers</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http input serialization</td>
!     <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http input serialization</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http location</td>
!     <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http location</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http method</td>
!     <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http method</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http output serialization</td>
!     <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http output serialization</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http query parameter separator</td>
!     <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http query parameter separator</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http transfer coding</td>
!     <td>Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http transfer coding</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>http version</td>
!     <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">http version</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>mustUnderstand</td>
!     <td>SOAP Header Block.<prop comp="SOAP Header Block">mustUnderstand</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>name</td>
!     <td>HTTP Header.<prop comp="HTTP Header">name</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>parent</td>
!     <td>HTTP Header.<prop comp="HTTP Header">parent</prop>, SOAP Header Block.<prop comp="SOAP Header Block">parent</prop>, SOAP Module.<prop comp="SOAP Module">parent</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>ref</td>
!     <td>SOAP Module.<prop comp="SOAP Module">ref</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>required</td>
!     <td>HTTP Header.<prop comp="HTTP Header">required</prop>, SOAP Header Block.<prop comp="SOAP Header Block">required</prop>, SOAP Module.<prop comp="SOAP Module">required</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>rpc signature</td>
!     <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">rpc signature</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>safety</td>
!     <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">safety</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>soap action</td>
!     <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">soap action</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>soap fault code</td>
!     <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">soap fault code</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>soap fault subcodes</td>
!     <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">soap fault subcodes</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>soap headers</td>
!     <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">soap headers</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">soap headers</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>soap mep</td>
!     <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">soap mep</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>soap modules</td>
!     <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">soap modules</prop>, Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">soap modules</prop>, Binding Fault Reference.<prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">soap modules</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">soap modules</prop>, Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">soap modules</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>soap underlying protocol</td>
!     <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">soap underlying protocol</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>soap version</td>
!     <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">soap version</prop></td>
!   </tr>
!   <tr>
!     <td>type definition</td>
!     <td>HTTP Header.<prop comp="HTTP Header">type definition</prop></td>
!   </tr>
--- 1,241 ----
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
! <tr>
! <th>Component</th>
! <th>Defined Properties</th>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Binding</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Binding">http cookies</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">http version</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">soap modules</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">soap underlying protocol</prop>, <prop comp="Binding">soap version</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Binding Fault</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Binding Fault">http error status code</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">http headers</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">soap fault code</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">soap fault subcodes</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">soap headers</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Fault">soap modules</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Binding Fault Reference</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">soap modules</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Binding Message Reference</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http headers</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http transfer coding</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">soap headers</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Message Reference">soap modules</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Binding Operation</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Binding Operation">http fault serialization</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">http input serialization</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">http location</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">http method</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">http output serialization</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">http query parameter separator</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">soap action</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">soap mep</prop>, <prop comp="Binding Operation">soap modules</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Endpoint</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Endpoint">http authentication realm</prop>, <prop comp="Endpoint">http authentication scheme</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>HTTP Header</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="HTTP Header">name</prop>, <prop comp="HTTP Header">parent</prop>, <prop comp="HTTP Header">required</prop>, <prop comp="HTTP Header">type definition</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>Interface Operation</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="Interface Operation">rpc signature</prop>, <prop comp="Interface Operation">safety</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>SOAP Header Block</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="SOAP Header Block">element declaration</prop>, <prop comp="SOAP Header Block">mustUnderstand</prop>, <prop comp="SOAP Header Block">parent</prop>, <prop comp="SOAP Header Block">required</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>
! <comp>SOAP Module</comp>
! </td>
! <td>
! <prop comp="SOAP Module">parent</prop>, <prop comp="SOAP Module">ref</prop>, <prop comp="SOAP Module">required</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <th>Property</th>
! <th>Where Defined</th>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>element declaration</td>
! <td>SOAP Header Block.<prop comp="SOAP Header Block">element declaration</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http authentication realm</td>
! <td>Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">http authentication realm</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http authentication scheme</td>
! <td>Endpoint.<prop comp="Endpoint">http authentication scheme</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http cookies</td>
! <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">http cookies</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http error status code</td>
! <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">http error status code</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http fault serialization</td>
! <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http fault serialization</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http headers</td>
! <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">http headers</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http headers</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http input serialization</td>
! <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http input serialization</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http location</td>
! <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http location</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http method</td>
! <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http method</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http output serialization</td>
! <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http output serialization</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http query parameter separator</td>
! <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">http query parameter separator</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http transfer coding</td>
! <td>Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">http transfer coding</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>http version</td>
! <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">http version</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>mustUnderstand</td>
! <td>SOAP Header Block.<prop comp="SOAP Header Block">mustUnderstand</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>name</td>
! <td>HTTP Header.<prop comp="HTTP Header">name</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>parent</td>
! <td>HTTP Header.<prop comp="HTTP Header">parent</prop>, SOAP Header Block.<prop comp="SOAP Header Block">parent</prop>, SOAP Module.<prop comp="SOAP Module">parent</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>ref</td>
! <td>SOAP Module.<prop comp="SOAP Module">ref</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>required</td>
! <td>HTTP Header.<prop comp="HTTP Header">required</prop>, SOAP Header Block.<prop comp="SOAP Header Block">required</prop>, SOAP Module.<prop comp="SOAP Module">required</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>rpc signature</td>
! <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">rpc signature</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>safety</td>
! <td>Interface Operation.<prop comp="Interface Operation">safety</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>soap action</td>
! <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">soap action</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>soap fault code</td>
! <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">soap fault code</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>soap fault subcodes</td>
! <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">soap fault subcodes</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>soap headers</td>
! <td>Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">soap headers</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">soap headers</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>soap mep</td>
! <td>Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">soap mep</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>soap modules</td>
! <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">soap modules</prop>, Binding Fault.<prop comp="Binding Fault">soap modules</prop>, Binding Fault Reference.<prop comp="Binding Fault Reference">soap modules</prop>, Binding Message Reference.<prop comp="Binding Message Reference">soap modules</prop>, Binding Operation.<prop comp="Binding Operation">soap modules</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>soap underlying protocol</td>
! <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">soap underlying protocol</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>soap version</td>
! <td>Binding.<prop comp="Binding">soap version</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>
! <tr>
! <td>type definition</td>
! <td>HTTP Header.<prop comp="HTTP Header">type definition</prop>
! </td>
! </tr>

Index: wsdl20-z.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-z.html,v
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! <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 1st February 2005), see www.w3.org" />
! <title>Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1:
! Core Language</title>
! <style type="text/css">
[...29786 lines suppressed...]
!     <tr>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020620</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">SW</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Started adding abstract model</td>
!     </tr>
!     <tr>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020406</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">SW</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Created document from WSDL 1.1</td>
!     </tr>
!   </tbody>
! </table><br>
!       </div>
!     </div>
!   </div>
! </body></html>
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RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-defs.xml,v
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! 	<spec src="wsdl20.xml"><compdef comp="Element Declaration"/><compdef comp="Type Definition"/><compdef comp="Description"/><compdef comp="Interface"/><compdef comp="Interface Fault"/><compdef comp="Interface Operation"/><compdef comp="Interface Message Reference"/><compdef comp="Interface Fault Reference"/><compdef comp="Feature"/><compdef comp="Property"/><compdef comp="Binding"/><compdef comp="Binding Fault"/><compdef comp="Binding Operation"/><compdef comp="Binding Message Reference"/><compdef comp="Binding Fault Reference"/><compdef comp="Service"/><compdef comp="Endpoint"/><propdef comp="Element Declaration" prop="name"/><propdef comp="Type Definition" prop="name"/><propdef comp="" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Description" prop="interfaces"/><propdef comp="Description" prop="bindings"/><propdef comp="Description" prop="services"/><propdef comp="Description" prop="element declarations"/><propdef comp="Description" prop="type definitions"/><propdef comp="Interface" prop="name"/><propdef comp="Interfac" prop="extended interfaces"/><propdef comp="Interface" prop="interface faults"/><propdef comp="Interface" prop="interface operations"/><propdef comp="Interface" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Interface" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Interface Fault" prop="name"/><propdef comp="Interface Fault" prop="element declaration"/><propdef comp="Interface Fault" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Interface Fault" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Interface Fault" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Interface Operation" prop="name"/><propdef comp="Interface Operation" prop="message exchange pattern"/><propdef comp="Interface Operation" prop="interface message references"/><propdef comp="Interface Operation" prop="interface fault references"/><propdef comp="Interface Operation" prop="style"/><propdef comp="Interface Operation" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Interface Operation" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Interface Operation" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Interface Message Reference" prop="message label"/><propdef omp="Interface Message Reference" prop="direction"/><propdef comp="Interface Message Reference" prop="message content model"/><propdef comp="Interface Message Reference" prop="element declaration"/><propdef comp="Interface Message Reference" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Interface Message Reference" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Interface Message Reference" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Interface Fault Reference" prop="interface fault"/><propdef comp="Interface Fault Reference" prop="message label"/><propdef comp="Interface Fault Reference" prop="direction"/><propdef comp="Interface Fault Reference" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Interface Fault Reference" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Interface Fault Reference" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Feature" prop="ref"/><propdef comp="Feature" prop="required"/><propdef comp="Feature" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Property" prop="ref"/><propdef comp="Property" prop="value constraint"/><propdef comp="Property" prop="value"><propdef comp="Property" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="name"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="interface"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="type"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="binding faults"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="binding operations"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault" prop="interface fault"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="interface operation"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="binding message references"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="binding fault references"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Binding Message Reference" prop="interface message reference"/><propdef comp="Binding essage Reference" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Binding Message Reference" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Binding Message Reference" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault Reference" prop="interface fault reference"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault Reference" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault Reference" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault Reference" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Service" prop="name"/><propdef comp="Service" prop="interface"/><propdef comp="Service" prop="endpoints"/><propdef comp="Service" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Service" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Endpoint" prop="name"/><propdef comp="Endpoint" prop="binding"/><propdef comp="Endpoint" prop="address"/><propdef comp="Endpoint" prop="features"/><propdef comp="Endpoint" prop="properties"/><propdef comp="Endpoint" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="" prop="name"/></spec>
! 	<spec src="wsdl20-adjuncts.xml"><compdef comp="SOAP Module"/><compdef comp="SOAP Header Block"/><compdef comp="HTTP Header"/><propdef comp="Interface Operation" prop="safety"/><propdef comp="Interface Operation" prop="rpc signature"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="soap version"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="soap underlying protocol"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault" prop="soap fault code"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault" prop="soap fault subcodes"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="soap mep"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="soap action"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="soap modules"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="soap modules"/><propdef comp="Binding Message Reference" prop="soap modules"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault" prop="soap modules"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault Reference" prop="soap modules"/><propdef comp="SOAP Module" prop="ref"/><propdef comp="SOAP Module" prop="required"/><propdef comp="SOAP Module" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Binding Message Reference" prop="soap headers"/>propdef comp="Binding Fault" prop="soap headers"/><propdef comp="SOAP Header Block" prop="element declaration"/><propdef comp="SOAP Header Block" prop="mustUnderstand"/><propdef comp="SOAP Header Block" prop="required"/><propdef comp="SOAP Header Block" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="http version"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="http location"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="http method"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="http input serialization"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="http output serialization"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="http fault serialization"/><propdef comp="Binding Operation" prop="http query parameter separator"/><propdef comp="Binding Message Reference" prop="http headers"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault" prop="http headers"/><propdef comp="HTTP Header" prop="name"/><propdef comp="HTTP Header" prop="type definition"/><propdef comp="HTTP Header" prop="required"/><propdef comp="HTTP Header" prop="parent"/><propdef comp="Binding Fault prop="http error status code"/><propdef comp="Binding Message Reference" prop="http transfer coding"/><propdef comp="Binding" prop="http cookies"/><propdef comp="Endpoint" prop="http authentication scheme"/><propdef comp="Endpoint" prop="http authentication realm"/></spec>
--- 1,153 ----
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! 	<spec src="wsdl20.xml">
! <compdef comp="Element Declaration"/>
! <compdef comp="Type Definition"/>
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! <compdef comp="Interface"/>
! <compdef comp="Interface Fault"/>
! <compdef comp="Interface Operation"/>
! <compdef comp="Interface Message Reference"/>
! <compdef comp="Interface Fault Reference"/>
! <compdef comp="Feature"/>
! <compdef comp="Property"/>
! <compdef comp="Binding"/>
! <compdef comp="Binding Fault"/>
! <compdef comp="Binding Operation"/>
! <compdef comp="Binding Message Reference"/>
! <compdef comp="Binding Fault Reference"/>
! <compdef comp="Service"/>
! <compdef comp="Endpoint"/>
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! <propdef prop="parent" comp="Interface Fault"/>
! <propdef prop="name" comp="Interface Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="message exchange pattern" comp="Interface Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="interface message references" comp="Interface Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="interface fault references" comp="Interface Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="style" comp="Interface Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="features" comp="Interface Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="properties" comp="Interface Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="parent" comp="Interface Operation"/>
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! <propdef prop="direction" comp="Interface Message Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="message content model" comp="Interface Message Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="element declaration" comp="Interface Message Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="features" comp="Interface Message Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="properties" comp="Interface Message Reference"/>
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! <propdef prop="properties" comp="Interface Fault Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="parent" comp="Interface Fault Reference"/>
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! <propdef prop="type" comp="Binding"/>
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! <propdef prop="features" comp="Binding"/>
! <propdef prop="properties" comp="Binding"/>
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! <propdef prop="features" comp="Binding Fault"/>
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! <propdef prop="properties" comp="Binding Operation"/>
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! <propdef prop="features" comp="Binding Message Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="properties" comp="Binding Message Reference"/>
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! <propdef prop="interface fault reference" comp="Binding Fault Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="features" comp="Binding Fault Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="properties" comp="Binding Fault Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="parent" comp="Binding Fault Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="name" comp="Service"/>
! <propdef prop="interface" comp="Service"/>
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! <propdef prop="features" comp="Service"/>
! <propdef prop="properties" comp="Service"/>
! <propdef prop="name" comp="Endpoint"/>
! <propdef prop="binding" comp="Endpoint"/>
! <propdef prop="address" comp="Endpoint"/>
! <propdef prop="features" comp="Endpoint"/>
! <propdef prop="properties" comp="Endpoint"/>
! <propdef prop="parent" comp="Endpoint"/>
! <propdef prop="name" comp=""/>
! </spec>
! 	<spec src="wsdl20-adjuncts.xml">
! <compdef comp="SOAP Module"/>
! <compdef comp="SOAP Header Block"/>
! <compdef comp="HTTP Header"/>
! <propdef prop="safety" comp="Interface Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="rpc signature" comp="Interface Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="soap version" comp="Binding"/>
! <propdef prop="soap underlying protocol" comp="Binding"/>
! <propdef prop="soap fault code" comp="Binding Fault"/>
! <propdef prop="soap fault subcodes" comp="Binding Fault"/>
! <propdef prop="soap mep" comp="Binding Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="soap action" comp="Binding Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="soap modules" comp="Binding"/>
! <propdef prop="soap modules" comp="Binding Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="soap modules" comp="Binding Message Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="soap modules" comp="Binding Fault"/>
! <propdef prop="soap modules" comp="Binding Fault Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="ref" comp="SOAP Module"/>
! <propdef prop="required" comp="SOAP Module"/>
! <propdef prop="parent" comp="SOAP Module"/>
! <propdef prop="soap headers" comp="Binding Message Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="soap headers" comp="Binding Fault"/>
! <propdef prop="element declaration" comp="SOAP Header Block"/>
! <propdef prop="mustUnderstand" comp="SOAP Header Block"/>
! <propdef prop="required" comp="SOAP Header Block"/>
! <propdef prop="parent" comp="SOAP Header Block"/>
! <propdef prop="http version" comp="Binding"/>
! <propdef prop="http location" comp="Binding Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="http method" comp="Binding Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="http input serialization" comp="Binding Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="http output serialization" comp="Binding Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="http fault serialization" comp="Binding Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="http query parameter separator" comp="Binding Operation"/>
! <propdef prop="http headers" comp="Binding Message Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="http headers" comp="Binding Fault"/>
! <propdef prop="name" comp="HTTP Header"/>
! <propdef prop="type definition" comp="HTTP Header"/>
! <propdef prop="required" comp="HTTP Header"/>
! <propdef prop="parent" comp="HTTP Header"/>
! <propdef prop="http error status code" comp="Binding Fault"/>
! <propdef prop="http transfer coding" comp="Binding Message Reference"/>
! <propdef prop="http cookies" comp="Binding"/>
! <propdef prop="http authentication scheme" comp="Endpoint"/>
! <propdef prop="http authentication realm" comp="Endpoint"/>
! </spec>

Index: wsdl20.html
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!     <tr>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020620</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">SW</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Started adding abstract model</td>
!     </tr>
!     <tr>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020406</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">SW</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Created document from WSDL 1.1</td>
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Received on Thursday, 3 November 2005 15:59:53 UTC