2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20-adjuncts.html,1.35,1.36 wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,1.50,1.51 entities.dtd,1.24,1.25

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory homer:/tmp/cvs-serv14670

Modified Files:
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Log Message:
LC74a: IRIs

Index: wsdl20-adjuncts.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-adjuncts.html,v
retrieving revision 1.35
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*** wsdl20-adjuncts.html	27 May 2005 09:43:09 -0000	1.35
--- wsdl20-adjuncts.html	27 May 2005 10:23:13 -0000	1.36
*** 196,200 ****
  Extension Mapping To Properties of an Interface Operation
  Component</a><br />
! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2 <a href="#_operation_uri_style">URI
  Style</a><br />
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3 <a href=
--- 196,200 ----
  Extension Mapping To Properties of an Interface Operation
  Component</a><br />
! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2 <a href="#_operation_iri_style">IRI
  Style</a><br />
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3 <a href=
*** 392,397 ****
  cited in the {http location} property</a><br />
! <a href="#_http_operation_location_notcited_uri">Serialization in
! the request URI</a><br />
  <a href="#_http_operation_location_notcited_body">Serialization in
--- 392,397 ----
  cited in the {http location} property</a><br />
! <a href="#_http_operation_location_notcited_iri">Serialization in
! the request IRI</a><br />
  <a href="#_http_operation_location_notcited_body">Serialization in
*** 450,456 ****
  (Non-Normative)<br />
  B. <a href="#changelog">Part 2 Change Log</a> (Non-Normative)<br />
! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B.1 <a href="#id2299936">WSDL 2.0
  Extensions Change Log</a><br />
! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B.2 <a href="#id2300930">WSDL 2.0 Bindings
  Change Log</a><br /></p>
--- 450,456 ----
  (Non-Normative)<br />
  B. <a href="#changelog">Part 2 Change Log</a> (Non-Normative)<br />
! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B.1 <a href="#id2300002">WSDL 2.0
  Extensions Change Log</a><br />
! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;B.2 <a href="#id2300995">WSDL 2.0 Bindings
  Change Log</a><br /></p>
*** 654,658 ****
  <p>This pattern uses the rule [fault ruleset reference].</p>
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern}
! property with the value '[pattern URI]'.</p>
  <p>Note: In the template, the bracketed items indicate a
  replacement operation. Substitute the correct terms for each
--- 654,658 ----
  <p>This pattern uses the rule [fault ruleset reference].</p>
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern}
! property with the value '[pattern IRI]'.</p>
  <p>Note: In the template, the bracketed items indicate a
  replacement operation. Substitute the correct terms for each
*** 1263,1273 ****
  <div class="div2">
! <h3><a name="_operation_uri_style"></a>3.2 URI Style</h3>
! <p>The URI style may be used for Interface Operation components
  using a message exchange pattern with an initial message.</p>
! <p>The URI style is selected by assigning the Interface Operation
  component's <a href=
  "wsdl20.html#InterfaceOperation_details">{style}</a> property the
! value <em>http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/wsdl/style/uri</em>.</p>
  <p>Use of this value indicates that XML Schema [<cite><a href=
  "#XMLSchemaP1">XML Schema Structures</a></cite>] was used to define
--- 1263,1273 ----
  <div class="div2">
! <h3><a name="_operation_iri_style"></a>3.2 IRI Style</h3>
! <p>The IRI style may be used for Interface Operation components
  using a message exchange pattern with an initial message.</p>
! <p>The IRI style is selected by assigning the Interface Operation
  component's <a href=
  "wsdl20.html#InterfaceOperation_details">{style}</a> property the
! value <em>http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/wsdl/style/iri</em>.</p>
  <p>Use of this value indicates that XML Schema [<cite><a href=
  "#XMLSchemaP1">XML Schema Structures</a></cite>] was used to define
*** 1452,1456 ****
      &lt;documentation /&gt;?
!     &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> uri="<em>xs:anyURI</em>" required="<em>xs:boolean</em>"? &gt;
        &lt;documentation /&gt;?
--- 1452,1456 ----
      &lt;documentation /&gt;?
!     &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ref="<em>xs:anyURI</em>" required="<em>xs:boolean</em>"? &gt;
        &lt;documentation /&gt;?
*** 1718,1722 ****
  <p>{soap underlying protocol}, a <em>xs:anyURI</em>, which is an
! absolute URI as defined by [<cite><a href="#RFC3986">IETF RFC
  3986</a></cite>], to the Binding component.</p>
--- 1718,1722 ----
  <p>{soap underlying protocol}, a <em>xs:anyURI</em>, which is an
! absolute IRI as defined by [<cite><a href="#RFC3986">IETF RFC
  3986</a></cite>], to the Binding component.</p>
*** 1958,1962 ****
! <p>{soap mep}, a <em>xs:anyURI</em>, which is an absolute URI as
  defined by [<cite><a href="#RFC3986">IETF RFC 3986</a></cite>], to
  the Binding Operation component. The value of this property
--- 1958,1962 ----
! <p>{soap mep}, a <em>xs:anyURI</em>, which is an absolute IRI as
  defined by [<cite><a href="#RFC3986">IETF RFC 3986</a></cite>], to
  the Binding Operation component. The value of this property
*** 1970,1974 ****
! <p>{soap action}, a <em>xs:anyURI</em>, which is an absolute URI as
  defined by [<cite><a href="#RFC3986">IETF RFC 3986</a></cite>], to
  the Binding Operation component. The value of this property
--- 1970,1974 ----
! <p>{soap action}, a <em>xs:anyURI</em>, which is an absolute IRI as
  defined by [<cite><a href="#RFC3986">IETF RFC 3986</a></cite>], to
  the Binding Operation component. The value of this property
*** 2114,2118 ****
! <p>{uri} REQUIRED. A <em>xs:anyURI</em>, which is an absolute URI
  as defined by [<cite><a href="#RFC3986">IETF RFC 3986</a></cite>].
  The value of this property identifies the specific SOAP module that
--- 2114,2118 ----
! <p>{ref} REQUIRED. A <em>xs:anyURI</em>, which is an absolute IRI
  as defined by [<cite><a href="#RFC3986">IETF RFC 3986</a></cite>].
  The value of this property identifies the specific SOAP module that
*** 2132,2136 ****
    &lt;binding &gt;
!     &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> uri="uri"
                    required="boolean"? &gt;
        &lt;documentation ... /&gt;?
--- 2132,2136 ----
    &lt;binding &gt;
!     &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ref="anyURI"
                    required="boolean"? &gt;
        &lt;documentation ... /&gt;?
*** 2172,2180 ****
! <p>A REQUIRED <code>uri</code> <em>attribute information item</em>
  with the following Infoset properties:</p>
! <p>A [local name] of <code>uri</code></p>
--- 2172,2180 ----
! <p>A REQUIRED <code>ref</code> <em>attribute information item</em>
  with the following Infoset properties:</p>
! <p>A [local name] of <code>ref</code></p>
*** 2255,2261 ****
! <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{uri}</td>
  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the
! <code>uri</code> <em>attribute information item</em>.</td>
--- 2255,2261 ----
! <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{ref}</td>
  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the
! <code>ref</code> <em>attribute information item</em>.</td>
*** 2280,2284 ****
  Framework scheme:</p>
! wsoap.module(<em>parent</em>/<em>uri</em>))</code></p>
--- 2280,2284 ----
  Framework scheme:</p>
! wsoap.module(<em>parent</em>/<em>ref</em>))</code></p>
*** 2289,2293 ****
! <p><em><code>uri</code></em> is the value of the {uri} property of
  the component.</p>
--- 2289,2293 ----
! <p><em><code>ref</code></em> is the value of the {ref} property of
  the component.</p>
*** 2610,2622 ****
! <p><em>HTTP URI Generation.</em> This default binding rule is
  applicable when the value of the {soap underlying protocol}
  property of the Binding component is
  "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/". If the {soap mep}
  property of the Binding Operation component has the value
! "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/mep/soap-response/" then the URI to
  execute the HTTP GET against MUST be generated using the HTTP
! binding's rules for generating a URI for HTTP GET (see <a href=
! "#http-binding"><b>5. WSDL HTTP Binding</b></a>). The input
  serialization format of <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code> is the
  only supported serialization format for HTTP GET in the SOAP
--- 2610,2623 ----
! <p><em>HTTP IRI Generation.</em> This default binding rule is
  applicable when the value of the {soap underlying protocol}
  property of the Binding component is
  "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/bindings/HTTP/". If the {soap mep}
  property of the Binding Operation component has the value
! "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/mep/soap-response/" then the IRI to
  execute the HTTP GET against MUST be generated using the HTTP
! binding's rules for generating a IRI for HTTP GET (see <a href=
! "#_http_x-www-form-urlencoded"><b>5.9.1 Serialization as
! application/x-www-form-urlencoded</b></a> ). The input
  serialization format of <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code> is the
  only supported serialization format for HTTP GET in the SOAP
*** 2636,2640 ****
  <a href=
! points #2 and #3 of Binding message content to URI analysis</a>).
  It decided that the limitations of the serialization format, which
  could potentially be solved by a serialization format extension,
--- 2637,2641 ----
  <a href=
! points #2 and #3 of Binding message content to IRI analysis</a>).
  It decided that the limitations of the serialization format, which
  could potentially be solved by a serialization format extension,
*** 2913,2917 ****
  href="#instance_data">instance data</a> corresponding to the
  message. An example of such modification is the WSDL SOAP Binding
! HTTP URI Serialization rules specified in <a href=
  "#soap-defaults"><b>4.3 Default Binding Rules</b></a>. This binding
  specifies that the <a href=
--- 2914,2918 ----
  href="#instance_data">instance data</a> corresponding to the
  message. An example of such modification is the WSDL SOAP Binding
! HTTP IRI Serialization rules specified in <a href=
  "#soap-defaults"><b>4.3 Default Binding Rules</b></a>. This binding
  specifies that the <a href=
*** 3138,3151 ****
! <p>{http location}, REQUIRED. A <em>xs:anyURI</em>. This URI is
! combined with the base URI specified in the <a href=
  "wsdl20.html#Endpoint_details">{address}</a> property of the
! endpoint component to form the full URI for the HTTP request to
  invoke the operation. It MUST contain an absolute or a relative
! URI, i.e. it MUST NOT include a fragment identifier in the URI.
  Input serializations may define additional processing rules to be
  applied to the value of {http location} before combining it with
  the <a href="wsdl20.html#Endpoint_details">{address}</a> property
! of the endpoint element to form the HTTP request URI. For example,
  the application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization defined in
  section <a href="#_http_x-www-form-urlencoded"><b>5.9.1
--- 3139,3152 ----
! <p>{http location}, REQUIRED. A <em>xs:anyURI</em>. This IRI is
! combined with the base IRI specified in the <a href=
  "wsdl20.html#Endpoint_details">{address}</a> property of the
! endpoint component to form the full IRI for the HTTP request to
  invoke the operation. It MUST contain an absolute or a relative
! IRI, i.e. it MUST NOT include a fragment identifier in the IRI.
  Input serializations may define additional processing rules to be
  applied to the value of {http location} before combining it with
  the <a href="wsdl20.html#Endpoint_details">{address}</a> property
! of the endpoint element to form the HTTP request IRI. For example,
  the application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization defined in
  section <a href="#_http_x-www-form-urlencoded"><b>5.9.1
*** 3153,3157 ****
  a syntax to use the {http location} as a template using elements of
  the instance data.</p>
! <p>If the resulting URI uses the <code>https</code> scheme, then
  HTTP over TLS [<cite><a href="#RFC2818">IETF RFC 2818</a></cite>]
  is used to send the HTTP request.</p>
--- 3154,3158 ----
  a syntax to use the {http location} as a template using elements of
  the instance data.</p>
! <p>If the resulting IRI uses the <code>https</code> scheme, then
  HTTP over TLS [<cite><a href="#RFC2818">IETF RFC 2818</a></cite>]
  is used to send the HTTP request.</p>
*** 3718,3736 ****
  as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"</h4>
  <p>This serialization format is designed to allow a Web service to
! produce a URI based on the <a title="instance_data" href=
  "#instance_data">instance data</a> of input messages. It may only
! be used for interface operation using the URI Style format as
! defined in <a href="#_operation_uri_style"><b>3.2 URI
! Style</b></a>. Because the URI Style constrains the instance data
  not to contain multiple children elements declared with the same
! local name, elements can be serialized in the request URI with
  their local names unambiguously.</p>
  <p>Elements from the instance data can be inserted into the path of
! the request URI, or a query parameter, as shown in the example
  <div class="exampleOuter">
  <p style="text-align: left" class="exampleHead"><a name=
  "urlencoded_example" id="urlencoded_example"></a><i><span>Example
! 5-1.</span> Instance data serialized in a URI</i></p>
  <p>The following instance data of an input message</p>
  <div class="exampleInner">
--- 3719,3737 ----
  as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"</h4>
  <p>This serialization format is designed to allow a Web service to
! produce a IRI based on the <a title="instance_data" href=
  "#instance_data">instance data</a> of input messages. It may only
! be used for interface operation using the IRI Style format as
! defined in <a href="#_operation_iri_style"><b>3.2 IRI
! Style</b></a>. Because the IRI Style constrains the instance data
  not to contain multiple children elements declared with the same
! local name, elements can be serialized in the request IRI with
  their local names unambiguously.</p>
  <p>Elements from the instance data can be inserted into the path of
! the request IRI, or a query parameter, as shown in the example
  <div class="exampleOuter">
  <p style="text-align: left" class="exampleHead"><a name=
  "urlencoded_example" id="urlencoded_example"></a><i><span>Example
! 5-1.</span> Instance data serialized in a IRI</i></p>
  <p>The following instance data of an input message</p>
  <div class="exampleInner">
*** 3755,3759 ****
      address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;
! <p>will serialize the message in the URI as follow:</p>
  <div class="exampleInner">
--- 3756,3760 ----
      address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;
! <p>will serialize the message in the IRI as follow:</p>
  <div class="exampleInner">
*** 3761,3779 ****
- <div class="note">
- <p class="prefix"><b>Note:</b></p>
- <p>Element name and element content MUST be URI escaped when
- inserted into the request, as defined in "<a href=
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-xforms-20031014/slice11.html#serialize-urlencode">Serialization
- as application/x-www-form-urlencoded</a>" ([<cite><a href=
- "#XForms10">XForms 1.0</a></cite>], Section 11.6).</p>
- </div>
  <p>In this serialization, the value of the {http location} property
  is used as a template which is combined with the <a href=
  "wsdl20.html#Endpoint_details">{address}</a> property of the
! endpoint element to form the full URI to be used in an HTTP
  request, as specified in section <a href=
  "#http-operation-decl-relate"><b>5.6.2 Relationship to WSDL
  Component Model</b></a>.</p>
  <div class="div4">
  <h5><a name="_http_operation_location_cited_get"></a> Case
--- 3762,3775 ----
  <p>In this serialization, the value of the {http location} property
  is used as a template which is combined with the <a href=
  "wsdl20.html#Endpoint_details">{address}</a> property of the
! endpoint element to form the full IRI to be used in an HTTP
  request, as specified in section <a href=
  "#http-operation-decl-relate"><b>5.6.2 Relationship to WSDL
  Component Model</b></a>.</p>
+ <p>This IRI MUST be mapped to an URI for use in the HTTP Request as
+ per section 3.1 "Mapping of IRIs to URIs" of the IRI specification
+ [<cite><a href="#RFC3987">IETF RFC 3987</a></cite>].</p>
  <div class="div4">
  <h5><a name="_http_operation_location_cited_get"></a> Case
*** 3798,3807 ****
  from the <a title="instance_data" href="#instance_data">instance
  data</a> of the input message to be serialized in the path
! component of the request URI ("Syntax Components", [<cite><a href=
  "#RFC3986">IETF RFC 3986</a></cite>], Section 3) by enclosing the
  element name within curly braces (e.g. "temperature/{town}"):</p>
! <p>When constructing the request URI, each pair of curly braces
  (and enclosed element name) is replaced by the possibly empty
  single value of the corresponding element. It is an error for this
--- 3794,3803 ----
  from the <a title="instance_data" href="#instance_data">instance
  data</a> of the input message to be serialized in the path
! component of the request IRI ("Syntax Components", [<cite><a href=
  "#RFC3986">IETF RFC 3986</a></cite>], Section 3) by enclosing the
  element name within curly braces (e.g. "temperature/{town}"):</p>
! <p>When constructing the request IRI, each pair of curly braces
  (and enclosed element name) is replaced by the possibly empty
  single value of the corresponding element. It is an error for this
*** 3811,3815 ****
  <p>A double curly brace (i.e. "{{" or "}}") MAY be used to include
! a single, literal curly brace in the request URI.</p>
--- 3807,3811 ----
  <p>A double curly brace (i.e. "{{" or "}}") MAY be used to include
! a single, literal curly brace in the request IRI.</p>
*** 3818,3822 ****
  <p>An element name MAY be followed by a slash (i.e. "/") inside
  curly braces (e.g. "temperature/{town/}") to indicate that no other
! element must be serialized in the request URI (see <a href=
  "#_http_operation_location_notcited_get"><b> Case elements
  NOT cited in the {http location} property</b></a>).</p>
--- 3814,3818 ----
  <p>An element name MAY be followed by a slash (i.e. "/") inside
  curly braces (e.g. "temperature/{town/}") to indicate that no other
! element must be serialized in the request IRI (see <a href=
  "#_http_operation_location_notcited_get"><b> Case elements
  NOT cited in the {http location} property</b></a>).</p>
*** 3838,3851 ****
  Serialization in the message body</b></a>), otherwise the elements
! not cited must be serialized as parameters in the request URI (see
! <a href="#_http_operation_location_notcited_uri"><b>
! Serialization in the request URI</b></a>).</p>
  <div class="div5">
! <h6><a name="_http_operation_location_notcited_uri"></a>
! Serialization in the request URI</h6>
  <p>Non-nil elements with a possibly empty single value of the
  <a title="instance_data" href="#instance_data">instance data</a>
  from the input message NOT cited by the {http location} property
! are serialized as query parameters appended to the request URI
  (e.g. <a href="#urlencoded_example">Example 5-1</a>) in the order
  they appear in the instance data.</p>
--- 3834,3847 ----
  Serialization in the message body</b></a>), otherwise the elements
! not cited must be serialized as parameters in the request IRI (see
! <a href="#_http_operation_location_notcited_iri"><b>
! Serialization in the request IRI</b></a>).</p>
  <div class="div5">
! <h6><a name="_http_operation_location_notcited_iri"></a>
! Serialization in the request IRI</h6>
  <p>Non-nil elements with a possibly empty single value of the
  <a title="instance_data" href="#instance_data">instance data</a>
  from the input message NOT cited by the {http location} property
! are serialized as query parameters appended to the request IRI
  (e.g. <a href="#urlencoded_example">Example 5-1</a>) in the order
  they appear in the instance data.</p>
*** 3878,3882 ****
  <h6><a name="_http_operation_location_notcited_body"></a>
  Serialization in the message body</h6>
! <p>In addition to the serialization in the request URI of the
  elements cited in the {http location} property, the entire
  <a title="instance_data" href="#instance_data">instance data</a> is
--- 3874,3878 ----
  <h6><a name="_http_operation_location_notcited_body"></a>
  Serialization in the message body</h6>
! <p>In addition to the serialization in the request IRI of the
  elements cited in the {http location} property, the entire
  <a title="instance_data" href="#instance_data">instance data</a> is
*** 3889,3893 ****
  "urlencoded_example_body" id=
  "urlencoded_example_body"></a><i><span>Example 5-2.</span> Instance
! data serialized in a URI and in a message body</i></p>
  <p>The following instance data of an input message</p>
  <div class="exampleInner">
--- 3885,3889 ----
  "urlencoded_example_body" id=
  "urlencoded_example_body"></a><i><span>Example 5-2.</span> Instance
! data serialized in a IRI and in a message body</i></p>
  <p>The following instance data of an input message</p>
  <div class="exampleInner">
*** 3914,3918 ****
      address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;
! <p>will serialize the message in the URI as follow:</p>
  <div class="exampleInner">
--- 3910,3919 ----
      address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;
! <p>will serialize the message in an IRI as follows:</p>
! <div class="exampleInner">
! <pre>
! http://ws.example.com/service1/temperature/Fréjus
! </pre></div>
! <p>which will be %-encoded as a URI as follows:</p>
  <div class="exampleInner">
*** 4459,4462 ****
--- 4460,4470 ----
  Engineering Task Force, January 2005. Available at
+ <dt class="label"><a name="RFC3987" id="RFC3987"></a>[IETF RFC
+ 3987]</dt>
+ <dd><cite><a href=
+ "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3987.txt">Internationalized Resource
+ Identifiers (IRIs)</a></cite>, M. Duerst, M. Suignard, Authors.
+ Internet Engineering Task Force, January 2005. Available at
+ http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3987.txt.</dd>
  <dt class="label"><a name="XForms10" id="XForms10"></a>[XForms
*** 4673,4676 ****
--- 4681,4691 ----
  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">HH</td>
  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><a href=
+ "http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC74a">LC74a</a>:
+ switched to IRIs</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20050527</td>
+ <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">HH</td>
+ <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"><a href=
  defined fragment identifiers for defined components <a href=
*** 4900,4904 ****
  <br />
  <div class="div2">
! <h3><a name="id2299936" id="id2299936"></a>B.1 WSDL 2.0 Extensions
  Change Log</h3>
  <a name="wsdl-changelog-table" id="wsdl-changelog-table"></a><br />
--- 4915,4919 ----
  <br />
  <div class="div2">
! <h3><a name="id2300002" id="id2300002"></a>B.1 WSDL 2.0 Extensions
  Change Log</h3>
  <a name="wsdl-changelog-table" id="wsdl-changelog-table"></a><br />
*** 5120,5124 ****
  <br /></div>
  <div class="div2">
! <h3><a name="id2300930" id="id2300930"></a>B.2 WSDL 2.0 Bindings
  Change Log</h3>
  <a name="wsdl-spec3-changelog-table" id=
--- 5135,5139 ----
  <br /></div>
  <div class="div2">
! <h3><a name="id2300995" id="id2300995"></a>B.2 WSDL 2.0 Bindings
  Change Log</h3>
  <a name="wsdl-spec3-changelog-table" id=

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*** wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	27 May 2005 09:43:09 -0000	1.50
--- wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	27 May 2005 10:23:14 -0000	1.51
*** 282,286 ****
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern}
! property with the value '[pattern URI]'.</p>
  <p>Note: In the template, the bracketed items indicate a replacement operation.
--- 282,286 ----
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern}
! property with the value '[pattern IRI]'.</p>
  <p>Note: In the template, the bracketed items indicate a replacement operation.
*** 880,894 ****
!         <div2 id="_operation_uri_style">
!           <head>URI Style</head>
! 	  The URI style may be used for Interface Operation
  	  components using a message exchange pattern with an initial
! 	  The URI style is selected by assigning the Interface
  	  Operation component's &interface_operation-style-p; property the value
! 	  <emph>&URI-STYLE;</emph>.
--- 880,894 ----
!         <div2 id="_operation_iri_style">
!           <head>IRI Style</head>
! 	  The IRI style may be used for Interface Operation
  	  components using a message exchange pattern with an initial
! 	  The IRI style is selected by assigning the Interface
  	  Operation component's &interface_operation-style-p; property the value
! 	  <emph>&IRI-STYLE;</emph>.
*** 1111,1115 ****
      &lt;documentation /&gt;?
!     &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> uri="<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>" required="<emph>xs:boolean</emph>"? &gt;
        &lt;documentation /&gt;?
--- 1111,1115 ----
      &lt;documentation /&gt;?
!     &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ref="<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>" required="<emph>xs:boolean</emph>"? &gt;
        &lt;documentation /&gt;?
*** 1387,1391 ****
              <item><p>{soap underlying protocol}, a
! 	    <emph>xs:anyURI</emph>, which is an absolute URI as defined by
              <bibref ref="RFC3986"/>, to the Binding
--- 1387,1391 ----
              <item><p>{soap underlying protocol}, a
! 	    <emph>xs:anyURI</emph>, which is an absolute IRI as defined by
              <bibref ref="RFC3986"/>, to the Binding
*** 1635,1639 ****
!             <item><p>{soap mep}, a <emph>xs:anyURI</emph>, which is an absolute URI as defined by <bibref
              ref="RFC3986"/>, to the Binding Operation component. The
              value of this property identifies the SOAP Message
--- 1635,1639 ----
!             <item><p>{soap mep}, a <emph>xs:anyURI</emph>, which is an absolute IRI as defined by <bibref
              ref="RFC3986"/>, to the Binding Operation component. The
              value of this property identifies the SOAP Message
*** 1646,1650 ****
              <item><p>{soap action}, a <emph>xs:anyURI</emph>, which
! 	    is an absolute URI as defined by <bibref
              ref="RFC3986"/>, to the Binding Operation component. The
              value of this property identifies the value of the SOAP
--- 1646,1650 ----
              <item><p>{soap action}, a <emph>xs:anyURI</emph>, which
! 	    is an absolute IRI as defined by <bibref
              ref="RFC3986"/>, to the Binding Operation component. The
              value of this property identifies the value of the SOAP
*** 1786,1790 ****
!             <item> <p>{uri} REQUIRED. A <emph>xs:anyURI</emph>, which is an absolute URI as defined by <bibref
              ref="RFC3986"/>. The value of this property identifies the
              specific SOAP module that is in use.</p> </item>
--- 1786,1790 ----
!             <item> <p>{ref} REQUIRED. A <emph>xs:anyURI</emph>, which is an absolute IRI as defined by <bibref
              ref="RFC3986"/>. The value of this property identifies the
              specific SOAP module that is in use.</p> </item>
*** 1800,1804 ****
            <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;description&gt;
    &lt;binding &gt;
!     &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> uri="uri"
                    required="boolean"? &gt;
        &lt;documentation ... /&gt;?
--- 1800,1804 ----
            <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;description&gt;
    &lt;binding &gt;
!     &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ref="anyURI"
                    required="boolean"? &gt;
        &lt;documentation ... /&gt;?
*** 1842,1851 ****
!                   <p>A REQUIRED <att>uri</att>
                      &AII; with the following
        Infoset properties:</p>
!                       <p>A [local name] of <att>uri</att>
--- 1842,1851 ----
!                   <p>A REQUIRED <att>ref</att>
                      &AII; with the following
        Infoset properties:</p>
!                       <p>A [local name] of <att>ref</att>
*** 1923,1928 ****
!                 <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{uri}</td>
!                 <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the <att>uri</att>
--- 1923,1928 ----
!                 <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{ref}</td>
!                 <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the <att>ref</att>
*** 1951,1955 ****
! 	  wsoap.module(<emph>parent</emph>/<emph>uri</emph>))</code></p>
--- 1951,1955 ----
! 	  wsoap.module(<emph>parent</emph>/<emph>ref</emph>))</code></p>
*** 1966,1972 ****
! 		  <code>uri</code>
! 		is the value of the {uri} property of the component.
--- 1966,1972 ----
! 		  <code>ref</code>
! 		is the value of the {ref} property of the component.
*** 2310,2314 ****
!           <item><p><emph>HTTP URI Generation.</emph> This default
            binding rule is applicable when the value of the {soap
            underlying protocol} property of the Binding component is
--- 2310,2314 ----
!           <item><p><emph>HTTP IRI Generation.</emph> This default
            binding rule is applicable when the value of the {soap
            underlying protocol} property of the Binding component is
*** 2317,2323 ****
            has the value
!           then the URI to execute the HTTP GET against MUST be
            generated using the HTTP binding's rules for generating a
!           URI for HTTP GET (see <specref ref="http-binding"/>). The
            input serialization format of
            <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code> is the only supported
--- 2317,2323 ----
            has the value
!           then the IRI to execute the HTTP GET against MUST be
            generated using the HTTP binding's rules for generating a
!           IRI for HTTP GET (see <specref ref="_http_x-www-form-urlencoded"/>). The
            input serialization format of
            <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code> is the only supported
*** 2332,2336 ****
  	      format (see <loc
! 	      #2 and #3 of Binding message content to URI
  	      analysis</loc>). It decided that the limitations of the
  	      serialization format, which could potentially be solved
--- 2332,2336 ----
  	      format (see <loc
! 	      #2 and #3 of Binding message content to IRI
  	      analysis</loc>). It decided that the limitations of the
  	      serialization format, which could potentially be solved
*** 2628,2632 ****
  	  def="instance_data">instance data</termref> corresponding to
  	  the message. An example of such modification is the WSDL
! 	  SOAP Binding HTTP URI Serialization rules specified in
  	  <specref ref="soap-defaults"/>. This binding specifies that
  	  the <xspecref
--- 2628,2632 ----
  	  def="instance_data">instance data</termref> corresponding to
  	  the message. An example of such modification is the WSDL
! 	  SOAP Binding HTTP IRI Serialization rules specified in
  	  <specref ref="soap-defaults"/>. This binding specifies that
  	  the <xspecref
*** 2878,2891 ****
                <p>{http location}, REQUIRED. A <emph>xs:anyURI</emph>.  This
!               URI is combined with the base URI specified in the
                &endpoint-address-p; property of the endpoint component to
!               form the full URI for the HTTP request to invoke the
                operation. It MUST contain an absolute or a relative
!               URI, i.e. it MUST NOT include a fragment identifier in
!               the URI. Input serializations may define additional
                processing rules to be applied to the value of {http
                location} before combining it with the
                &endpoint-address-p; property of the endpoint element to
!               form the HTTP request URI. For example, the
                application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization defined
                in section <specref ref='_http_x-www-form-urlencoded'/>
--- 2878,2891 ----
                <p>{http location}, REQUIRED. A <emph>xs:anyURI</emph>.  This
!               IRI is combined with the base IRI specified in the
                &endpoint-address-p; property of the endpoint component to
!               form the full IRI for the HTTP request to invoke the
                operation. It MUST contain an absolute or a relative
!               IRI, i.e. it MUST NOT include a fragment identifier in
!               the IRI. Input serializations may define additional
                processing rules to be applied to the value of {http
                location} before combining it with the
                &endpoint-address-p; property of the endpoint element to
!               form the HTTP request IRI. For example, the
                application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization defined
                in section <specref ref='_http_x-www-form-urlencoded'/>
*** 2893,2897 ****
                template using elements of the instance data.
! 	      <p>If the resulting URI uses the <code>https</code>
  	      scheme, then HTTP over TLS <bibref ref="RFC2818"/> is
  	      used to send the HTTP request.</p>
--- 2893,2897 ----
                template using elements of the instance data.
! 	      <p>If the resulting IRI uses the <code>https</code>
  	      scheme, then HTTP over TLS <bibref ref="RFC2818"/> is
  	      used to send the HTTP request.</p>
*** 3482,3501 ****
  	  This serialization format is designed to allow a Web service
! 	  to produce a URI based on the <termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref> of input
! 	  It may only be used for interface operation using the URI
! 	  Style format as defined in <specref ref="_operation_uri_style"/>.
! 	  Because the URI Style constrains the instance data not to
  	  contain multiple children elements declared with the same
  	  local name, elements can be serialized in
! 	  the request URI with their local names unambiguously.
  	  Elements from the instance data can be inserted into
! 	  the path of the request URI, or a query parameter, as shown in
  	  the example below:
            <example id="urlencoded_example">
!             <head>Instance data serialized in a URI</head>
  	    The following instance data of an input message
--- 3482,3501 ----
  	  This serialization format is designed to allow a Web service
! 	  to produce a IRI based on the <termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref> of input
! 	  It may only be used for interface operation using the IRI
! 	  Style format as defined in <specref ref="_operation_iri_style"/>.
! 	  Because the IRI Style constrains the instance data not to
  	  contain multiple children elements declared with the same
  	  local name, elements can be serialized in
! 	  the request IRI with their local names unambiguously.
  	  Elements from the instance data can be inserted into
! 	  the path of the request IRI, or a query parameter, as shown in
  	  the example below:
            <example id="urlencoded_example">
!             <head>Instance data serialized in a IRI</head>
  	    The following instance data of an input message
*** 3518,3539 ****
      address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;</eg>
! 	    will serialize the message in the URI as follow:
              <eg xml:space="preserve">http://ws.example.com/service1/temperature/Fr%C3%A9jus?date=2004-01-16&amp;unit=C</eg>
-           <note>
-             <p>
- 	    Element name and element content MUST be URI escaped when
- 	    inserted into the request, as defined in "<xspecref href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-xforms-20031014/slice11.html#serialize-urlencode">Serialization
- 	    as application/x-www-form-urlencoded</xspecref>" (<bibref ref="XForms10"/>, Section 11.6).
- 	  </p>
-           </note>
  	  <p>In this serialization, the value of the {http location}
  	  property is used as a template which is combined with the
  	  &endpoint-address-p; property of the endpoint element to
! 	  form the full URI to be used in an HTTP request, as
  	  specified in section <specref ref="http-operation-decl-relate"/>.</p>
            <div4 id="_http_operation_location_cited_get">
              <head>Case of elements cited in the {http location}
--- 3518,3536 ----
      address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;</eg>
! 	    will serialize the message in the IRI as follow:
              <eg xml:space="preserve">http://ws.example.com/service1/temperature/Fr%C3%A9jus?date=2004-01-16&amp;unit=C</eg>
  	  <p>In this serialization, the value of the {http location}
  	  property is used as a template which is combined with the
  	  &endpoint-address-p; property of the endpoint element to
! 	  form the full IRI to be used in an HTTP request, as
  	  specified in section <specref ref="http-operation-decl-relate"/>.</p>
+ 	  <p>This IRI MUST be mapped to an URI for use in the HTTP
+ 	  Request as per section 3.1 "Mapping of IRIs to URIs" of the
+ 	  IRI specification <bibref ref="RFC3987"/>.</p>
            <div4 id="_http_operation_location_cited_get">
              <head>Case of elements cited in the {http location}
*** 3553,3557 ****
  				input message to be serialized in the
  				path component of the
! 				request URI ("Syntax Components", <bibref ref="RFC3986"/>,
  	    Section 3) by enclosing the element name within curly
  				braces (e.g. <attval>temperature/{town}</attval>):
--- 3550,3554 ----
  				input message to be serialized in the
  				path component of the
! 				request IRI ("Syntax Components", <bibref ref="RFC3986"/>,
  	    Section 3) by enclosing the element name within curly
  				braces (e.g. <attval>temperature/{town}</attval>):
*** 3559,3563 ****
!                 <p>When constructing the request URI, each pair of
                  curly braces (and enclosed element name) is replaced
                  by the possibly empty single value of the
--- 3556,3560 ----
!                 <p>When constructing the request IRI, each pair of
                  curly braces (and enclosed element name) is replaced
                  by the possibly empty single value of the
*** 3569,3573 ****
                  <p>A double curly brace (i.e. <attval>{{</attval> or <attval>}}</attval>) MAY be used to include
! 				a single, literal curly brace in the request URI.</p>
--- 3566,3570 ----
                  <p>A double curly brace (i.e. <attval>{{</attval> or <attval>}}</attval>) MAY be used to include
! 				a single, literal curly brace in the request IRI.</p>
*** 3577,3581 ****
  	      inside curly braces
  	      (e.g. <attval>temperature/{town/}</attval>) to indicate that
! 	      no other element must be serialized in the request URI
  	      (see <specref
--- 3574,3578 ----
  	      inside curly braces
  	      (e.g. <attval>temperature/{town/}</attval>) to indicate that
! 	      no other element must be serialized in the request IRI
  	      (see <specref
*** 3600,3608 ****
  	    ref="_http_operation_location_notcited_body"/>), otherwise
  	    the elements not cited must be serialized as parameters in
! 	    the request URI (see <specref
! 	    ref="_http_operation_location_notcited_uri"/>).</p>
! 	    <div5 id="_http_operation_location_notcited_uri">
! 	      <head>Serialization in the request URI</head>
    elements with a possibly empty single value of the <termref def="instance_data">instance
--- 3597,3605 ----
  	    ref="_http_operation_location_notcited_body"/>), otherwise
  	    the elements not cited must be serialized as parameters in
! 	    the request IRI (see <specref
! 	    ref="_http_operation_location_notcited_iri"/>).</p>
! 	    <div5 id="_http_operation_location_notcited_iri">
! 	      <head>Serialization in the request IRI</head>
    elements with a possibly empty single value of the <termref def="instance_data">instance
*** 3610,3614 ****
  	    {http location} property
                are serialized as query parameters appended to the
! 	      request URI (e.g. <specref
  	      ref="urlencoded_example"/>) in the order they appear in
  	      the instance data.
--- 3607,3611 ----
  	    {http location} property
                are serialized as query parameters appended to the
! 	      request IRI (e.g. <specref
  	      ref="urlencoded_example"/>) in the order they appear in
  	      the instance data.
*** 3654,3658 ****
  	      <head>Serialization in the message body</head>
! 	      <p>In addition to the serialization in the request URI
  	      of the elements cited in the {http location} property,
  	      the entire <termref def="instance_data">instance
--- 3651,3655 ----
  	      <head>Serialization in the message body</head>
! 	      <p>In addition to the serialization in the request IRI
  	      of the elements cited in the {http location} property,
  	      the entire <termref def="instance_data">instance
*** 3663,3667 ****
  	      <example id="urlencoded_example_body">
! 		<head>Instance data serialized in a URI and in a
  		message body</head>
--- 3660,3664 ----
  	      <example id="urlencoded_example_body">
! 		<head>Instance data serialized in a IRI and in a
  		message body</head>
*** 3687,3691 ****
      address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;</eg>
! 	    will serialize the message in the URI as follow:
              <eg xml:space="preserve">http://ws.example.com/service1/temperature/Fr%C3%A9jus</eg>
--- 3684,3692 ----
      address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;</eg>
! 	    will serialize the message in an IRI as follows:
! 	  </p>
!             <eg xml:space="preserve">http://ws.example.com/service1/temperature/Fréjus</eg>
!             <p>
! 	    which will be %-encoded as a URI as follows:
              <eg xml:space="preserve">http://ws.example.com/service1/temperature/Fr%C3%A9jus</eg>
*** 4268,4271 ****
--- 4269,4278 ----
  	    Authors. Internet Engineering Task Force, January 2005. Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt.
+           <bibl id="RFC3987" key="IETF RFC 3987" href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3987.txt">
+             <titleref>Internationalized Resource Identifiers
+             (IRIs)</titleref>, M. Duerst, M. Suignard,
+             Authors. Internet Engineering Task Force, January
+             2005. Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3987.txt.
+ 	  </bibl>
            <bibl id="XForms10" key="XForms 1.0" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-xforms-20031014/">
              <titleref>XForms 1.0</titleref>, M. Dubinko, et al.,
*** 4423,4426 ****
--- 4430,4440 ----
+ 	      href='http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC74a'>LC74a</loc>:
+ 	      switched to IRIs</td>
+ 	</tr>
+         <tr>
+ 	      <td>20050527</td>
+ 	      <td>HH</td>
+ 	      <td><loc
  	      defined fragment identifiers for defined components <loc

Index: entities.dtd
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/entities.dtd,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
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*** 106,110 ****
  <!ENTITY ATTR-SET-STYLE "http://www.w3.org/&draft.year;/&draft.mm;/wsdl/style/set-attribute">
  <!ENTITY ATTR-GET-STYLE "http://www.w3.org/&draft.year;/&draft.mm;/wsdl/style/get-attribute">
! <!ENTITY URI-STYLE "http://www.w3.org/&draft.year;/&draft.mm;/wsdl/style/uri">
  <!ENTITY MULTIPART-STYLE "http://www.w3.org/&draft.year;/&draft.mm;/wsdl/style/multipart">
--- 106,110 ----
  <!ENTITY ATTR-SET-STYLE "http://www.w3.org/&draft.year;/&draft.mm;/wsdl/style/set-attribute">
  <!ENTITY ATTR-GET-STYLE "http://www.w3.org/&draft.year;/&draft.mm;/wsdl/style/get-attribute">
! <!ENTITY IRI-STYLE "http://www.w3.org/&draft.year;/&draft.mm;/wsdl/style/iri">
  <!ENTITY MULTIPART-STYLE "http://www.w3.org/&draft.year;/&draft.mm;/wsdl/style/multipart">

Received on Friday, 27 May 2005 10:23:32 UTC