2002/ws/desc/media-types xml-media-types.xml,1.30,1.31 xml-media-types.html,1.23,1.24

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/media-types
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv15028

Modified Files:
	xml-media-types.xml xml-media-types.html 
Log Message:

Index: xml-media-types.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/media-types/xml-media-types.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.30
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -C2 -d -r1.30 -r1.31
*** xml-media-types.xml	10 Mar 2005 03:17:58 -0000	1.30
--- xml-media-types.xml	10 Mar 2005 21:21:43 -0000	1.31
*** 110,114 ****
          A XML Schema annotation attribute
!         (<emph>xmime:expectedContentType</emph>) to indicate, in XML Schema, the 
          expected content-type(s) for an element content whose type is 
          <emph>xs:base64Binary</emph> or <emph>xs:hexBinary</emph>.
--- 110,114 ----
          A XML Schema annotation attribute
!         (<emph>xmime:expectedContentTypes</emph>) to indicate, in XML Schema, the 
          expected content-type(s) for an element content whose type is 
          <emph>xs:base64Binary</emph> or <emph>xs:hexBinary</emph>.
*** 118,122 ****
!     The XML Schema annotation, <emph>xmime:expectedContentType</emph>, 
      specifies the expected range of values for the
      <emph>xmime:contentType</emph> attribute and the expected range of 
--- 118,122 ----
!     The XML Schema annotation, <emph>xmime:expectedContentTypes</emph>, 
      specifies the expected range of values for the
      <emph>xmime:contentType</emph> attribute and the expected range of 
*** 276,295 ****
!       <div2 id="expectedContentType">
!         <head>xmime:expectedContentType Attribute </head>
!         <p> The <att>xmime:expectedContentType</att> &AII; has the following Infoset properties:
!         <item><p>A [local name] of <el>expectedContentType</el>.</p></item>
          <item><p>A [namespace name] of <el>&xmlmimens;</el>.</p></item>
!       <p>The type of the <att>xmime:expectedContentType</att> &AII; is 
        <p>The value and the meaning of the
!         <att>xmime:expectedContentType</att> attribute is similar to the value
          allowed for the <att>'Accept'</att> HTTP header defined by HTTP 1.1
          specification, Section 14.1 (see <bibref ref="rfc2616"/>) and MUST 
--- 276,295 ----
!       <div2 id="expectedContentTypes">
!         <head>xmime:expectedContentTypes Attribute </head>
!         <p> The <att>xmime:expectedContentTypes</att> &AII; has the following Infoset properties:
!         <item><p>A [local name] of <el>expectedContentTypes</el>.</p></item>
          <item><p>A [namespace name] of <el>&xmlmimens;</el>.</p></item>
!       <p>The type of the <att>xmime:expectedContentTypes</att> &AII; is 
        <p>The value and the meaning of the
!         <att>xmime:expectedContentTypes</att> attribute is similar to the value
          allowed for the <att>'Accept'</att> HTTP header defined by HTTP 1.1
          specification, Section 14.1 (see <bibref ref="rfc2616"/>) and MUST 
*** 310,314 ****
!       <p>The <att>xmime:expectedContentType</att> &AII; is intended to be 
          used as part of XML Schema annotation for a &BEII; declaration 
          (see <specref ref="usage"/>).  This &AII; is meant to allow 
--- 310,314 ----
!       <p>The <att>xmime:expectedContentTypes</att> &AII; is intended to be 
          used as part of XML Schema annotation for a &BEII; declaration 
          (see <specref ref="usage"/>).  This &AII; is meant to allow 
*** 381,387 ****
        <div2 id="role">
!         <head>Role of xmime:expectedContentType Schema Annotation Attribute</head>
!         <p>The <att>xmime:expectedContentType</att> attribute is used for annotating
          XML Schema to indicate the expected range of content-type of the binary
          element content and the expected range of values for 
--- 381,387 ----
        <div2 id="role">
!         <head>Role of xmime:expectedContentTypes Schema Annotation Attribute</head>
!         <p>The <att>xmime:expectedContentTypes</att> attribute is used for annotating
          XML Schema to indicate the expected range of content-type of the binary
          element content and the expected range of values for 
*** 390,398 ****
        <p>The value of the <att>xmime:contentType</att> attribute, if present, SHOULD 
!         be within the range specified by the <att>xmime:expectedContentType</att> 
          annotation attribute, if specified in the schema.  
          See Section 14.1 of <bibref ref="rfc2616"/> on how to interpret content-type 
          ranges that may be defined with respect to actual content.  When the 
!         <att>xmime:expectedContentType</att> annotation attribute contains a wild card 
          ("*") or a list of acceptable content-type separated by commas (","), 
          the schema SHOULD require 
--- 390,398 ----
        <p>The value of the <att>xmime:contentType</att> attribute, if present, SHOULD 
!         be within the range specified by the <att>xmime:expectedContentTypes</att> 
          annotation attribute, if specified in the schema.  
          See Section 14.1 of <bibref ref="rfc2616"/> on how to interpret content-type 
          ranges that may be defined with respect to actual content.  When the 
!         <att>xmime:expectedContentTypes</att> annotation attribute contains a wild card 
          ("*") or a list of acceptable content-type separated by commas (","), 
          the schema SHOULD require 
*** 403,411 ****
          use the schema annotation to declare the range of expected
!         <att>xmime:expectedContentType</att> annotation attribute MAY be used in 
          conjunction with the declaration of &BEII;s or with complex type
          definitions that are derived from <emph>xs:base64Binary</emph>
          or <emph>xs:hexBinary</emph> in XML Schema. If the
!         <att>xmime:expectedContentType</att> annotation attribute is used in 
          both the &BEII; declaration as well as definition of the complex type
          which the &BEII; belongs to, then the expected range of values defined
--- 403,411 ----
          use the schema annotation to declare the range of expected
!         <att>xmime:expectedContentTypes</att> annotation attribute MAY be used in 
          conjunction with the declaration of &BEII;s or with complex type
          definitions that are derived from <emph>xs:base64Binary</emph>
          or <emph>xs:hexBinary</emph> in XML Schema. If the
!         <att>xmime:expectedContentTypes</att> annotation attribute is used in 
          both the &BEII; declaration as well as definition of the complex type
          which the &BEII; belongs to, then the expected range of values defined
*** 420,424 ****
          and specifies the content-type of 
          the binary content. The schema annotation attribute 
!         <att>xmime:expectedContentType</att> specifies that the media type 
          of the binary content is 'image', and the subtype name is either 'jpeg'
          or 'png'.  
--- 420,424 ----
          and specifies the content-type of 
          the binary content. The schema annotation attribute 
!         <att>xmime:expectedContentTypes</att> specifies that the media type 
          of the binary content is 'image', and the subtype name is either 'jpeg'
          or 'png'.  
*** 449,453 ****
           that the element definition will accept    --&gt;
      &lt;xs:element name=&quot;Picture&quot; type=&quot;tns:PictureType&quot; 
!                 xmime:expectedContentType=&quot;image/jpeg, image/png&quot;/&gt;
--- 449,453 ----
           that the element definition will accept    --&gt;
      &lt;xs:element name=&quot;Picture&quot; type=&quot;tns:PictureType&quot; 
!                 xmime:expectedContentTypes=&quot;image/jpeg, image/png&quot;/&gt;
*** 507,511 ****
      &lt;xs:complexType name=&quot;JPEGPictureType&quot; 
!             xmime:expectedContentType=&quot;image/jpeg&quot;/&gt; 
      &lt;xs:element name=&quot;JPEGPicture&quot; type=&quot;tns:JPEGPictureType&quot;/&gt;
--- 507,511 ----
      &lt;xs:complexType name=&quot;JPEGPictureType&quot; 
!             xmime:expectedContentTypes=&quot;image/jpeg&quot;/&gt; 
      &lt;xs:element name=&quot;JPEGPicture&quot; type=&quot;tns:JPEGPictureType&quot;/&gt;
*** 536,540 ****
      &lt;xs:element name=&quot;JPEGPicture&quot; type=&quot;xmime:base64Binary&quot;
!             xmime:expectedContentType="image/jpeg" /&gt;
--- 536,540 ----
      &lt;xs:element name=&quot;JPEGPicture&quot; type=&quot;xmime:base64Binary&quot;
!             xmime:expectedContentTypes="image/jpeg" /&gt;
*** 574,578 ****
      &lt;xs:element name=&quot;JPEGPeferredPicture&quot; 
!             xmime:expectedContentType=&quot;image/jpeg;q=1.0, image/tiff;q=0.8&quot;/&gt; 
--- 574,578 ----
      &lt;xs:element name=&quot;JPEGPeferredPicture&quot; 
!             xmime:expectedContentTypes=&quot;image/jpeg;q=1.0, image/tiff;q=0.8&quot;/&gt; 
*** 734,744 ****
! &lt;xs:element name=&quot;expectedContentType&quot; &gt;
!       &lt;xs:list itemType=&quot;xmime:expectedContentType&quot; /&gt;
! &lt;xs:simpleType name=&quot;expectedContentType&quot; &gt;
      &lt;xs:restriction base=&quot;xs:string&quot; &gt;
          &lt;xs:pattern value=&quot;(text|application|image|audio|video|model|x-[-.a-z0-9]+)/
--- 734,744 ----
! &lt;xs:element name=&quot;expectedContentTypes&quot; &gt;
!       &lt;xs:list itemType=&quot;xmime:expectedContentTypes&quot; /&gt;
! &lt;xs:simpleType name=&quot;expectedContentTypes&quot; &gt;
      &lt;xs:restriction base=&quot;xs:string&quot; &gt;
          &lt;xs:pattern value=&quot;(text|application|image|audio|video|model|x-[-.a-z0-9]+)/
*** 747,751 ****
!   &lt;xs:attribute name=&quot;expectedContentType&quot; type=&quot;xs:string&quot; /&gt;
    &lt;xs:complexType name=&quot;base64Binary&quot; &gt;
--- 747,751 ----
!   &lt;xs:attribute name=&quot;expectedContentTypes&quot; type=&quot;xs:string&quot; /&gt;
    &lt;xs:complexType name=&quot;base64Binary&quot; &gt;
*** 915,918 ****
--- 915,924 ----
            <td>Moved 2nd and 3rd para from section 3 to section 2.1</td>
+         <tr>
+           <td>ASK</td>
+           <td>20050310</td>
+           <td>Per WG decision, changed expectedContentType to
+             expectedConentTypes</td>
+         </tr>

Index: xml-media-types.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/media-types/xml-media-types.html,v
retrieving revision 1.23
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -C2 -d -r1.23 -r1.24
*** xml-media-types.html	10 Mar 2005 03:17:58 -0000	1.23
--- xml-media-types.html	10 Mar 2005 21:21:43 -0000	1.24
*** 85,91 ****
  2 <a href="#declaration">Attributes for Declaring Content-Type</a><br>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1 <a href="#contentType">xmime:contentType Attribute </a><br>
! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2 <a href="#expectedContentType">xmime:expectedContentType Attribute </a><br>
  3 <a href="#usage">Declaring Content-Type for Binary Data</a><br>
! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.1 <a href="#role">Role of xmime:expectedContentType Schema Annotation Attribute</a><br>
  4 <a href="#more-ex">Examples</a><br>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.1 <a href="#static">Binary Data with Known Media Type</a><br>
--- 85,91 ----
  2 <a href="#declaration">Attributes for Declaring Content-Type</a><br>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1 <a href="#contentType">xmime:contentType Attribute </a><br>
! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2 <a href="#expectedContentTypes">xmime:expectedContentTypes Attribute </a><br>
  3 <a href="#usage">Declaring Content-Type for Binary Data</a><br>
! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.1 <a href="#role">Role of xmime:expectedContentTypes Schema Annotation Attribute</a><br>
  4 <a href="#more-ex">Examples</a><br>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.1 <a href="#static">Binary Data with Known Media Type</a><br>
*** 127,135 ****
          A XML Schema annotation attribute
!         (<em>xmime:expectedContentType</em>) to indicate, in XML Schema, the 
          expected content-type(s) for an element content whose type is 
          <em>xs:base64Binary</em> or <em>xs:hexBinary</em>.
!     The XML Schema annotation, <em>xmime:expectedContentType</em>, 
      specifies the expected range of values for the
      <em>xmime:contentType</em> attribute and the expected range of 
--- 127,135 ----
          A XML Schema annotation attribute
!         (<em>xmime:expectedContentTypes</em>) to indicate, in XML Schema, the 
          expected content-type(s) for an element content whose type is 
          <em>xs:base64Binary</em> or <em>xs:hexBinary</em>.
!     The XML Schema annotation, <em>xmime:expectedContentTypes</em>, 
      specifies the expected range of values for the
      <em>xmime:contentType</em> attribute and the expected range of 
*** 201,208 ****
          attribute does not changes the value of the element content.
        </p></div><div class="div2">
! <h3><a id="expectedContentType" name="expectedContentType"></a>2.2 xmime:expectedContentType Attribute </h3><p> The <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> <em>attribute information item</em> has the following Infoset properties:
!       </p><ul><li><p>A [local name] of <code>expectedContentType</code>.</p></li><li><p>A [namespace name] of <code>http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/xmlmime</code>.</p></li></ul><p>The type of the <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> <em>attribute information item</em> is 
          <em>xs:string</em>.</p><p>The value and the meaning of the
!         <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> attribute is similar to the value
          allowed for the <code>'Accept'</code> HTTP header defined by HTTP 1.1
          specification, Section 14.1 (see <a href="#rfc2616">[IETF RFC 2616]</a>) and MUST 
--- 201,208 ----
          attribute does not changes the value of the element content.
        </p></div><div class="div2">
! <h3><a id="expectedContentTypes" name="expectedContentTypes"></a>2.2 xmime:expectedContentTypes Attribute </h3><p> The <code>xmime:expectedContentTypes</code> <em>attribute information item</em> has the following Infoset properties:
!       </p><ul><li><p>A [local name] of <code>expectedContentTypes</code>.</p></li><li><p>A [namespace name] of <code>http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/xmlmime</code>.</p></li></ul><p>The type of the <code>xmime:expectedContentTypes</code> <em>attribute information item</em> is 
          <em>xs:string</em>.</p><p>The value and the meaning of the
!         <code>xmime:expectedContentTypes</code> attribute is similar to the value
          allowed for the <code>'Accept'</code> HTTP header defined by HTTP 1.1
          specification, Section 14.1 (see <a href="#rfc2616">[IETF RFC 2616]</a>) and MUST 
*** 213,217 ****
            <tbody><tr><td><pre>qdtext = &lt;any CHAR except&lt;"&gt;&gt;</pre></td></tr></tbody>
!           This change is made to disallow non-US-ASCII OCTETs.</p></li></ol><p>The <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> <em>attribute information item</em> is intended to be 
          used as part of XML Schema annotation for a <em>binary element information item</em> declaration 
          (see <a href="#usage"><b>3 Declaring Content-Type for Binary Data</b></a>).  This <em>attribute information item</em> is meant to allow 
--- 213,217 ----
            <tbody><tr><td><pre>qdtext = &lt;any CHAR except&lt;"&gt;&gt;</pre></td></tr></tbody>
!           This change is made to disallow non-US-ASCII OCTETs.</p></li></ol><p>The <code>xmime:expectedContentTypes</code> <em>attribute information item</em> is intended to be 
          used as part of XML Schema annotation for a <em>binary element information item</em> declaration 
          (see <a href="#usage"><b>3 Declaring Content-Type for Binary Data</b></a>).  This <em>attribute information item</em> is meant to allow 
*** 262,275 ****
          </pre></div></div><div class="div2">
! <h3><a id="role" name="role"></a>3.1 Role of xmime:expectedContentType Schema Annotation Attribute</h3><p>The <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> attribute is used for annotating
          XML Schema to indicate the expected range of content-type of the binary
          element content and the expected range of values for 
          <code>xmime:contentType</code> attribute.
        </p><p>The value of the <code>xmime:contentType</code> attribute, if present, SHOULD 
!         be within the range specified by the <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> 
          annotation attribute, if specified in the schema.  
          See Section 14.1 of <a href="#rfc2616">[IETF RFC 2616]</a> on how to interpret content-type 
          ranges that may be defined with respect to actual content.  When the 
!         <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> annotation attribute contains a wild card 
          ("*") or a list of acceptable content-type separated by commas (","), 
          the schema SHOULD require 
--- 262,275 ----
          </pre></div></div><div class="div2">
! <h3><a id="role" name="role"></a>3.1 Role of xmime:expectedContentTypes Schema Annotation Attribute</h3><p>The <code>xmime:expectedContentTypes</code> attribute is used for annotating
          XML Schema to indicate the expected range of content-type of the binary
          element content and the expected range of values for 
          <code>xmime:contentType</code> attribute.
        </p><p>The value of the <code>xmime:contentType</code> attribute, if present, SHOULD 
!         be within the range specified by the <code>xmime:expectedContentTypes</code> 
          annotation attribute, if specified in the schema.  
          See Section 14.1 of <a href="#rfc2616">[IETF RFC 2616]</a> on how to interpret content-type 
          ranges that may be defined with respect to actual content.  When the 
!         <code>xmime:expectedContentTypes</code> annotation attribute contains a wild card 
          ("*") or a list of acceptable content-type separated by commas (","), 
          the schema SHOULD require 
*** 278,286 ****
          use the schema annotation to declare the range of expected
!         <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> annotation attribute MAY be used in 
          conjunction with the declaration of <em>binary element information item</em>s or with complex type
          definitions that are derived from <em>xs:base64Binary</em>
          or <em>xs:hexBinary</em> in XML Schema. If the
!         <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> annotation attribute is used in 
          both the <em>binary element information item</em> declaration as well as definition of the complex type
          which the <em>binary element information item</em> belongs to, then the expected range of values defined
--- 278,286 ----
          use the schema annotation to declare the range of expected
!         <code>xmime:expectedContentTypes</code> annotation attribute MAY be used in 
          conjunction with the declaration of <em>binary element information item</em>s or with complex type
          definitions that are derived from <em>xs:base64Binary</em>
          or <em>xs:hexBinary</em> in XML Schema. If the
!         <code>xmime:expectedContentTypes</code> annotation attribute is used in 
          both the <em>binary element information item</em> declaration as well as definition of the complex type
          which the <em>binary element information item</em> belongs to, then the expected range of values defined
*** 293,297 ****
          and specifies the content-type of 
          the binary content. The schema annotation attribute 
!         <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> specifies that the media type 
          of the binary content is 'image', and the subtype name is either 'jpeg'
          or 'png'.  
--- 293,297 ----
          and specifies the content-type of 
          the binary content. The schema annotation attribute 
!         <code>xmime:expectedContentTypes</code> specifies that the media type 
          of the binary content is 'image', and the subtype name is either 'jpeg'
          or 'png'.  
*** 320,324 ****
           that the element definition will accept    --&gt;
      &lt;xs:element name="Picture" type="tns:PictureType" 
!                 xmime:expectedContentType="image/jpeg, image/png"/&gt;
--- 320,324 ----
           that the element definition will accept    --&gt;
      &lt;xs:element name="Picture" type="tns:PictureType" 
!                 xmime:expectedContentTypes="image/jpeg, image/png"/&gt;
*** 357,361 ****
      &lt;xs:complexType name="JPEGPictureType" 
!             xmime:expectedContentType="image/jpeg"/&gt; 
      &lt;xs:element name="JPEGPicture" type="tns:JPEGPictureType"/&gt;
--- 357,361 ----
      &lt;xs:complexType name="JPEGPictureType" 
!             xmime:expectedContentTypes="image/jpeg"/&gt; 
      &lt;xs:element name="JPEGPicture" type="tns:JPEGPictureType"/&gt;
*** 380,384 ****
      &lt;xs:element name="JPEGPicture" type="xmime:base64Binary"
!             xmime:expectedContentType="image/jpeg" /&gt;
--- 380,384 ----
      &lt;xs:element name="JPEGPicture" type="xmime:base64Binary"
!             xmime:expectedContentTypes="image/jpeg" /&gt;
*** 409,413 ****
      &lt;xs:element name="JPEGPeferredPicture" 
!             xmime:expectedContentType="image/jpeg;q=1.0, image/tiff;q=0.8"/&gt; 
--- 409,413 ----
      &lt;xs:element name="JPEGPeferredPicture" 
!             xmime:expectedContentTypes="image/jpeg;q=1.0, image/tiff;q=0.8"/&gt; 
*** 477,481 ****
!   &lt;xs:attribute name="expectedContentType" type="xs:string" /&gt;
    &lt;xs:complexType name="base64Binary" &gt;
--- 477,481 ----
!   &lt;xs:attribute name="expectedContentTypes" type="xs:string" /&gt;
    &lt;xs:complexType name="base64Binary" &gt;
*** 531,533 ****
              References (updated schema refs to 2nd edition, updated 2396 to
              3986), fixed examples so that image/* is not an expectedContentType</td></tr><tr><td>ASK</td><td>20050309</td><td>Added another example in section 4.1 to address Kevin's
!             concern.</td></tr><tr><td>ASK</td><td>20050309</td><td>Moved 2nd and 3rd para from section 3 to section 2.1</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file
--- 531,534 ----
              References (updated schema refs to 2nd edition, updated 2396 to
              3986), fixed examples so that image/* is not an expectedContentType</td></tr><tr><td>ASK</td><td>20050309</td><td>Added another example in section 4.1 to address Kevin's
!             concern.</td></tr><tr><td>ASK</td><td>20050309</td><td>Moved 2nd and 3rd para from section 3 to section 2.1</td></tr><tr><td>ASK</td><td>20050310</td><td>Per WG decision, changed expectedContentType to
!             expectedConentTypes</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

Received on Thursday, 10 March 2005 21:21:46 UTC