2002/ws/desc/media-types xml-media-types.xml,1.29,1.30 xml-media-types.html,1.22,1.23

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/media-types
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv18021

Modified Files:
	xml-media-types.xml xml-media-types.html 
Log Message:
added another example + moved 2 paras from section 3 to 2.1

Index: xml-media-types.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/media-types/xml-media-types.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.29
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -C2 -d -r1.29 -r1.30
*** xml-media-types.xml	9 Mar 2005 20:22:36 -0000	1.29
--- xml-media-types.xml	10 Mar 2005 03:17:58 -0000	1.30
*** 259,262 ****
--- 259,277 ----
          and trailing white space characters are ignored.</p>
+       <p>The [normalized value] of the <att>xmime:contentType</att>  &AII; MUST be 
+         a valid Content-Type string, e.g., "image/png", "text/xml; 
+         charset=utf-16" and indicates the content-type of the [owner element].
+         Note that [normalized value] consists of normalized attribute value as 
+         defined by <bibref ref="XMLInfoSet"/> and does not mean that two
+         equivalent values of <att>xmime:contentType</att> will necessarily be 
+         equal.
+       </p>
+       <p>The <att>xmime:contentType</att> &AII; allows Web services applications to
+         optimize the handling of the binary data defined by a &BEII; and should
+         be considered as meta-data. The presence of the <att>xmime:contentType</att>
+         attribute does not changes the value of the element content.
+       </p>
*** 328,345 ****
-       <p>The [normalized value] of the <att>xmime:contentType</att>  &AII; MUST be 
-         a valid Content-Type string, e.g., "image/png", "text/xml; 
-         charset=utf-16" and indicates the content-type of the [owner element].
-         Note that [normalized value] consists of normalized attribute value as 
-         defined by <bibref ref="XMLInfoSet"/> and does not mean that two
-         equivalent values of <att>xmime:contentType</att> will necessarily be 
-         equal.
-       </p>
-       <p>The <att>xmime:contentType</att> &AII; allows Web services applications to
-         optimize the handling of the binary data defined by a &BEII; and should
-         be considered as meta-data. The presence of the <att>xmime:contentType</att>
-         attribute does not changes the value of the element content.
-       </p>
        <p>If the media type identified by the value of an
          <att>xmime:contentType</att> attribute information item is a text 
--- 343,346 ----
*** 480,495 ****
         <head>Binary Data with Known Media Type</head> 
!     <p>The example below consists of a binary element
!      whose media type is known in
!      advance to be "image/jpeg". 
!      <p>In this example, the application fixes the media type by
!      declaring it with an annotation in conjunction with the complex
!      type definition.
        <example id="eg-static">
!         <head>Element with binary content and known media type</head>
          <eg xml:space="preserve">
  &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; ?&gt;
--- 481,497 ----
         <head>Binary Data with Known Media Type</head> 
!        <p>The examples in this section consists of a binary elements whose 
!          media type is known in advance to be "image/jpeg". 
!     <p>In <specref ref="eg-static"/> 4, a fixed media type is specified by 
!       declaring it with an annotation in conjunction with 
!       the complex type definition. The attribute <att>xmime:contentType</att>
!       is not used as the media type of the binary data is know in advance.
        <example id="eg-static">
!         <head>Element with binary content, known media type and no
!           xmime:contentType attribute</head>
          <eg xml:space="preserve">
  &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; ?&gt;
*** 507,511 ****
!     &lt;xs:element name=&quot;JPEGPicture&quot; type=&quot;tns:JpegPictureType&quot;/&gt;
--- 509,513 ----
!     &lt;xs:element name=&quot;JPEGPicture&quot; type=&quot;tns:JPEGPictureType&quot;/&gt;
*** 513,516 ****
--- 515,544 ----
+       <p>In <specref ref="eg-static-with-ct"/> 5, a fixed media type is 
+         specified by declaring it with an annotation in conjunction with 
+         the element declaration. The attribute <att>xmime:contentType</att>
+         is optionally used in document instances to indicate the media type of 
+         the binary data.
+      </p>
+       <example id="eg-static-with-ct">
+         <head>Element with binary content, known media type and 
+           optional xmime:contentType attribute</head>
+         <eg xml:space="preserve">
+ &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; ?&gt;
+ &lt;xs:schema xmlns:xs=&quot;http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema&quot;
+            xmlns:tns=&quot;http://example.com/know-type&quot;
+            xmlns:xmime=&quot;&xmlmimens;&quot;
+            targetNamespace=&quot;http://example.com/know-type&quot;&gt;
+     &lt;xs:import namespace=&quot;&xmlmimens;&quot;
+             schemaLocation=&quot;&xmlmimens;&quot;/&gt;
+     &lt;xs:element name=&quot;JPEGPicture&quot; type=&quot;xmime:base64Binary&quot;
+             xmime:expectedContentType="image/jpeg" /&gt;
+ &lt;/xs:schema&gt;
+         </eg>
+       </example>
*** 876,879 ****
--- 904,918 ----
              3986), fixed examples so that image/* is not an expectedContentType</td>
+         <tr>
+           <td>ASK</td>
+           <td>20050309</td>
+           <td>Added another example in section 4.1 to address Kevin's
+             concern.</td>
+         </tr>
+         <tr>
+           <td>ASK</td>
+           <td>20050309</td>
+           <td>Moved 2nd and 3rd para from section 3 to section 2.1</td>
+         </tr>

Index: xml-media-types.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/media-types/xml-media-types.html,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -C2 -d -r1.22 -r1.23
*** xml-media-types.html	9 Mar 2005 20:22:36 -0000	1.22
--- xml-media-types.html	10 Mar 2005 03:17:58 -0000	1.23
*** 189,193 ****
        </p><ul><li><p>A [local name] of <code>contentType</code>.</p></li><li><p>A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/xmlmime".</p></li></ul><p>The type of the <code>xmime:contentType</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> is
          <em>xs:string</em> with a minimum length of three and all leading
!         and trailing white space characters are ignored.</p></div><div class="div2">
  <h3><a id="expectedContentType" name="expectedContentType"></a>2.2 xmime:expectedContentType Attribute </h3><p> The <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> <em>attribute information item</em> has the following Infoset properties:
        </p><ul><li><p>A [local name] of <code>expectedContentType</code>.</p></li><li><p>A [namespace name] of <code>http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/xmlmime</code>.</p></li></ul><p>The type of the <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> <em>attribute information item</em> is 
--- 189,204 ----
        </p><ul><li><p>A [local name] of <code>contentType</code>.</p></li><li><p>A [namespace name] of "http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/xmlmime".</p></li></ul><p>The type of the <code>xmime:contentType</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> is
          <em>xs:string</em> with a minimum length of three and all leading
!         and trailing white space characters are ignored.</p><p>The [normalized value] of the <code>xmime:contentType</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> MUST be 
!         a valid Content-Type string, e.g., "image/png", "text/xml; 
!         charset=utf-16" and indicates the content-type of the [owner element].
!         Note that [normalized value] consists of normalized attribute value as 
!         defined by <a href="#XMLInfoSet">[XML Information Set]</a> and does not mean that two
!         equivalent values of <code>xmime:contentType</code> will necessarily be 
!         equal.
!       </p><p>The <code>xmime:contentType</code> <em>attribute information item</em> allows Web services applications to
!         optimize the handling of the binary data defined by a <em>binary element information item</em> and should
!         be considered as meta-data. The presence of the <code>xmime:contentType</code>
!         attribute does not changes the value of the element content.
!       </p></div><div class="div2">
  <h3><a id="expectedContentType" name="expectedContentType"></a>2.2 xmime:expectedContentType Attribute </h3><p> The <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> <em>attribute information item</em> has the following Infoset properties:
        </p><ul><li><p>A [local name] of <code>expectedContentType</code>.</p></li><li><p>A [namespace name] of <code>http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/xmlmime</code>.</p></li></ul><p>The type of the <code>xmime:expectedContentType</code> <em>attribute information item</em> is 
*** 220,235 ****
  <a href="#contentType"><b>2.1 xmime:contentType Attribute </b></a>.  </p></li><li><p>The <em>character information items</em> comprising the
            [children] of the <em>element information item</em> MUST conform to the lexical constraints of 
!           <em>xs:base64Binary</em> or <em>xs:hexBinary</em>.</p></li></ul><p>The [normalized value] of the <code>xmime:contentType</code>  <em>attribute information item</em> MUST be 
!         a valid Content-Type string, e.g., "image/png", "text/xml; 
!         charset=utf-16" and indicates the content-type of the [owner element].
!         Note that [normalized value] consists of normalized attribute value as 
!         defined by <a href="#XMLInfoSet">[XML Information Set]</a> and does not mean that two
!         equivalent values of <code>xmime:contentType</code> will necessarily be 
!         equal.
!       </p><p>The <code>xmime:contentType</code> <em>attribute information item</em> allows Web services applications to
!         optimize the handling of the binary data defined by a <em>binary element information item</em> and should
!         be considered as meta-data. The presence of the <code>xmime:contentType</code>
!         attribute does not changes the value of the element content.
!       </p><p>If the media type identified by the value of an
          <code>xmime:contentType</code> attribute information item is a text 
          based media type then the value of the <code>xmime:contentType</code>
--- 231,235 ----
  <a href="#contentType"><b>2.1 xmime:contentType Attribute </b></a>.  </p></li><li><p>The <em>character information items</em> comprising the
            [children] of the <em>element information item</em> MUST conform to the lexical constraints of 
!           <em>xs:base64Binary</em> or <em>xs:hexBinary</em>.</p></li></ul><p>If the media type identified by the value of an
          <code>xmime:contentType</code> attribute information item is a text 
          based media type then the value of the <code>xmime:contentType</code>
*** 336,347 ****
          </pre></div></div></div></div><div class="div1">
  <h2><a id="more-ex" name="more-ex"></a>4 Examples</h2><div class="div2">
! <h3><a id="static" name="static"></a>4.1 Binary Data with Known Media Type</h3><p>The example below consists of a binary element
!      whose media type is known in
!      advance to be "image/jpeg". 
!     </p><p>In this example, the application fixes the media type by
!      declaring it with an annotation in conjunction with the complex
!      type definition.
       </p><div class="exampleOuter">
! <div class="exampleHeader"><a id="eg-static" name="eg-static"></a>Example 4: Element with binary content and known media type</div><div class="exampleInner"><pre>
  &lt;?xml version="1.0" ?&gt;
  &lt;xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
--- 336,348 ----
          </pre></div></div></div></div><div class="div1">
  <h2><a id="more-ex" name="more-ex"></a>4 Examples</h2><div class="div2">
! <h3><a id="static" name="static"></a>4.1 Binary Data with Known Media Type</h3><p>The examples in this section consists of a binary elements whose 
!          media type is known in advance to be "image/jpeg". 
!     </p><p>In <a href="#eg-static">Example</a> 4, a fixed media type is specified by 
!       declaring it with an annotation in conjunction with 
!       the complex type definition. The attribute <code>xmime:contentType</code>
!       is not used as the media type of the binary data is know in advance.
       </p><div class="exampleOuter">
! <div class="exampleHeader"><a id="eg-static" name="eg-static"></a>Example 4: Element with binary content, known media type and no
!           xmime:contentType attribute</div><div class="exampleInner"><pre>
  &lt;?xml version="1.0" ?&gt;
  &lt;xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
*** 358,362 ****
!     &lt;xs:element name="JPEGPicture" type="tns:JpegPictureType"/&gt;
--- 359,384 ----
!     &lt;xs:element name="JPEGPicture" type="tns:JPEGPictureType"/&gt;
! &lt;/xs:schema&gt;
!         </pre></div></div><p>In <a href="#eg-static-with-ct">Example</a> 5, a fixed media type is 
!         specified by declaring it with an annotation in conjunction with 
!         the element declaration. The attribute <code>xmime:contentType</code>
!         is optionally used in document instances to indicate the media type of 
!         the binary data.
!      </p><div class="exampleOuter">
! <div class="exampleHeader"><a id="eg-static-with-ct" name="eg-static-with-ct"></a>Example 5: Element with binary content, known media type and 
!           optional xmime:contentType attribute</div><div class="exampleInner"><pre>
! &lt;?xml version="1.0" ?&gt;
! &lt;xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
!            xmlns:tns="http://example.com/know-type"
!            xmlns:xmime="http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/xmlmime"
!            targetNamespace="http://example.com/know-type"&gt;
!     &lt;xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/xmlmime"
!             schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/xmlmime"/&gt;
!     &lt;xs:element name="JPEGPicture" type="xmime:base64Binary"
!             xmime:expectedContentType="image/jpeg" /&gt;
*** 366,370 ****
         allowed (with a lower preference).
       </p><div class="exampleOuter">
! <div class="exampleHeader"><a id="eg-preferred" name="eg-preferred"></a>Example 5: Element with binary content and preferred media type</div><div class="exampleInner"><pre>
  &lt;?xml version="1.0" ?&gt;
  &lt;xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
--- 388,392 ----
         allowed (with a lower preference).
       </p><div class="exampleOuter">
! <div class="exampleHeader"><a id="eg-preferred" name="eg-preferred"></a>Example 6: Element with binary content and preferred media type</div><div class="exampleInner"><pre>
  &lt;?xml version="1.0" ?&gt;
  &lt;xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
*** 508,510 ****
              </td></tr><tr><td>ASK</td><td>20050309</td><td>Misc. ed changes (indentation, capitalization etc), changes to 
              References (updated schema refs to 2nd edition, updated 2396 to
!             3986), fixed examples so that image/* is not an expectedContentType</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file
--- 530,533 ----
              </td></tr><tr><td>ASK</td><td>20050309</td><td>Misc. ed changes (indentation, capitalization etc), changes to 
              References (updated schema refs to 2nd edition, updated 2396 to
!             3986), fixed examples so that image/* is not an expectedContentType</td></tr><tr><td>ASK</td><td>20050309</td><td>Added another example in section 4.1 to address Kevin's
!             concern.</td></tr><tr><td>ASK</td><td>20050309</td><td>Moved 2nd and 3rd para from section 3 to section 2.1</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

Received on Thursday, 10 March 2005 03:47:57 UTC