2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 build.xml,1.12,1.13 wsdl20.pdf,1.10,1.11 wsdl20.html,1.147,1.148 wsdl20-ie.html,1.15,1.16 wsdl20.xml,1.173,1.174 wsdl20.tex,1.17,1.18 wsdl20-i.html,1.17,1.18 wsdl20.toc,1.8,1.9

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv30240

Modified Files:
	build.xml wsdl20.pdf wsdl20.html wsdl20-ie.html wsdl20.xml 
	wsdl20.tex wsdl20-i.html wsdl20.toc 
Log Message:
[LC20] Partial Resolution from 2005-01-19: "true" trumps. Resolve Feature Composition Edge Cases by requiring the conjunction of all constraints to apply. The composed value of a Feature is "true" if and only if at least one in-scope value of the Feature is "true".

Index: build.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/build.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -C2 -d -r1.12 -r1.13
*** build.xml	20 Feb 2005 20:28:36 -0000	1.12
--- build.xml	20 Feb 2005 21:18:32 -0000	1.13
*** 29,32 ****
--- 29,35 ----
  	2005-02-20: Arthur Ryman <ryman@ca.ibm.com>
  	- generate wsdl20-extensions.html and wsdl-bindings.html
+ 	- added target to force rebuild from scratch
+ 	- moved all file deletes to the clean target
+ 	- renamed interactive target to html-i for consistency with other targets
  	2005-01-16: Arthur Ryman <ryman@ca.ibm.com>

Index: wsdl20.tex
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.17
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -C2 -d -r1.17 -r1.18
*** wsdl20.tex	20 Feb 2005 20:28:36 -0000	1.17
--- wsdl20.tex	20 Feb 2005 21:18:32 -0000	1.18
*** 3873,3881 ****
!             If a given feature is asserted at multiple locations,
!             then the value of that feature at a particular component
!             is that given by the nearest assertion in lexical scoping
!             order. Following these rules, the set of features
              applicable at each component are as follows:
--- 3873,3880 ----
!             Following these rules, the set of features
              applicable at each component are as follows:
*** 3921,3924 ****
--- 3920,3936 ----
+             If a given feature is asserted at multiple locations,
+             then the value of that feature at a particular component
+             is determined by the conjunction of all the constraints implied by its asserted values.
+             If a feature is not required then it may or may not be engaged, but if
+             a feature is required then it must be engaged.
+             Therefore, the conjunction of a required value and a non-required value is
+             a required value.
+             A composed feature is required if and only if at least one of its
+             asserted values is required.
+             This rule may be summarized as "true trumps".
*** 6150,6153 ****
--- 6162,6166 ----
*** 8376,8379 ****
--- 8389,8393 ----
  		Columns two through five specify the identifiers that
  		uniquely identify the component. Identifiers are typically formed from 
  		the \{name\} property,
  		although in several cases references to other components are used.
*** 8878,8881 ****
--- 8892,8906 ----
+     		\href{http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC20}{LC20}:
+     		Partial Resolution from 2005-01-19: "true" trumps.
+     		Resolve Feature Composition Edge Cases by requiring the conjunction of all constraints to apply.
+     		The composed value of a Feature is "true" if and only if at least one in-scope value of the Feature is "true".
+     \\ \hline 
+     	20050220&
+     	AGR&
      		At least one of the [children] of an Operation MUST be an "input" or "output".
*** 9670,9674 ****
  	  Updated the service-resource figure, and split the diagram into two.
--- 9695,9698 ----

Index: wsdl20.toc
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.toc,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** wsdl20.toc	20 Feb 2005 14:54:51 -0000	1.8
--- wsdl20.toc	20 Feb 2005 21:18:32 -0000	1.9
*** 59,63 ****
  \contentsline {subsubsection}{Feature Composition Model}{58}{section*.22}
  \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.7.2}XML Representation of Feature Component}{60}{subsection.2.7.2}
! \contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {uri} \textit {attribute information item} with \texttt {feature} [owner]}{60}{section*.23}
  \contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {required} \textit {attribute information item} with \texttt {feature} [owner]}{61}{section*.24}
  \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.7.3}Mapping Feature's XML Representation to Component Properties}{61}{subsection.2.7.3}
--- 59,63 ----
  \contentsline {subsubsection}{Feature Composition Model}{58}{section*.22}
  \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.7.2}XML Representation of Feature Component}{60}{subsection.2.7.2}
! \contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {uri} \textit {attribute information item} with \texttt {feature} [owner]}{61}{section*.23}
  \contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {required} \textit {attribute information item} with \texttt {feature} [owner]}{61}{section*.24}
  \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.7.3}Mapping Feature's XML Representation to Component Properties}{61}{subsection.2.7.3}
*** 65,70 ****
  \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.8.1}The Property Component}{61}{subsection.2.8.1}
  \contentsline {subsubsection}{Property Composition Model}{63}{section*.25}
! \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.8.2}XML Representation of Property Component}{64}{subsection.2.8.2}
! \contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {uri} \textit {attribute information item} with \texttt {property} [owner]}{65}{section*.26}
  \contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {required} \textit {attribute information item} with \texttt {property} [owner]}{66}{section*.27}
  \contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {value} \textit {element information item} with \texttt {property} [parent]}{66}{section*.28}
--- 65,70 ----
  \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.8.1}The Property Component}{61}{subsection.2.8.1}
  \contentsline {subsubsection}{Property Composition Model}{63}{section*.25}
! \contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.8.2}XML Representation of Property Component}{65}{subsection.2.8.2}
! \contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {uri} \textit {attribute information item} with \texttt {property} [owner]}{66}{section*.26}
  \contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {required} \textit {attribute information item} with \texttt {property} [owner]}{66}{section*.27}
  \contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {value} \textit {element information item} with \texttt {property} [parent]}{66}{section*.28}
*** 160,164 ****
  \contentsline {section}{\numberline {C.2}Fragment Identifiers}{127}{section.C.2}
  \contentsline {section}{\numberline {C.3}Extension Elements}{128}{section.C.3}
! \contentsline {section}{\numberline {C.4}Example}{128}{section.C.4}
  \contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {D}Migrating from WSDL 1.1 to WSDL 2.0 (Non-Normative)}{130}{appendix.D}
  \contentsline {section}{\numberline {D.1}Operation Overloading}{130}{section.D.1}
--- 160,164 ----
  \contentsline {section}{\numberline {C.2}Fragment Identifiers}{127}{section.C.2}
  \contentsline {section}{\numberline {C.3}Extension Elements}{128}{section.C.3}
! \contentsline {section}{\numberline {C.4}Example}{129}{section.C.4}
  \contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {D}Migrating from WSDL 1.1 to WSDL 2.0 (Non-Normative)}{130}{appendix.D}
  \contentsline {section}{\numberline {D.1}Operation Overloading}{130}{section.D.1}

Index: wsdl20.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.173
retrieving revision 1.174
diff -C2 -d -r1.173 -r1.174
*** wsdl20.xml	20 Feb 2005 20:28:36 -0000	1.173
--- wsdl20.xml	20 Feb 2005 21:18:32 -0000	1.174
*** 3816,3824 ****
!             <p>If a given feature is asserted at multiple locations,
!             then the value of that feature at a particular component
!             is that given by the nearest assertion in lexical scoping
!             order. Following these rules, the set of features
!             applicable at each component are as follows:</p>
--- 3816,3823 ----
!             <p> 
!             Following these rules, the set of features
!             applicable at each component are as follows:
!             </p>
*** 3864,3867 ****
--- 3863,3879 ----
+             <p diff="chg">
+             If a given feature is asserted at multiple locations,
+             then the value of that feature at a particular component
+             is determined by the conjunction of all the constraints implied by its asserted values.
+             If a feature is not required then it may or may not be engaged, but if
+             a feature is required then it must be engaged.
+             Therefore, the conjunction of a required value and a non-required value is
+             a required value.
+             A composed feature is required if and only if at least one of its
+             asserted values is required.
+             This rule may be summarized as "true trumps".
+             </p>
  	  <div5 id="Feature_composition_model_example">
  	    <head>Example of Feature Composition Model</head>
*** 8654,8657 ****
--- 8666,8680 ----
+     		<loc href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC20">LC20</loc>:
+     		Partial Resolution from 2005-01-19: "true" trumps.
+     		Resolve Feature Composition Edge Cases by requiring the conjunction of all constraints to apply.
+     		The composed value of a Feature is "true" if and only if at least one in-scope value of the Feature is "true".
+     	</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+     	<td>20050220</td>
+     	<td>AGR</td>
+     	<td>
      		<loc href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC75i">LC75i</loc>:
      		At least one of the [children] of an Operation MUST be an "input" or "output".

Index: wsdl20-ie.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-ie.html,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -C2 -d -r1.15 -r1.16
*** wsdl20-ie.html	20 Feb 2005 20:28:36 -0000	1.15
--- wsdl20-ie.html	20 Feb 2005 21:18:32 -0000	1.16
*** 3476,3484 ****
!             <p>If a given feature is asserted at multiple locations,
!             then the value of that feature at a particular component
!             is that given by the nearest assertion in lexical scoping
!             order. Following these rules, the set of features
!             applicable at each component are as follows:</p>
--- 3476,3483 ----
!             <p> 
!             Following these rules, the set of features
!             applicable at each component are as follows:
!             </p>
*** 3524,3527 ****
--- 3523,3539 ----
+             <p class="diff-chg">
+             If a given feature is asserted at multiple locations,
+             then the value of that feature at a particular component
+             is determined by the conjunction of all the constraints implied by its asserted values.
+             If a feature is not required then it may or may not be engaged, but if
+             a feature is required then it must be engaged.
+             Therefore, the conjunction of a required value and a non-required value is
+             a required value.
+             A composed feature is required if and only if at least one of its
+             asserted values is required.
+             This rule may be summarized as "true trumps".
+             </p>
  	  <div class="div5">
*** 5602,5605 ****
--- 5614,5618 ----
*** 7733,7736 ****
--- 7746,7750 ----
  		Columns two through five specify the identifiers that
  		uniquely identify the component. Identifiers are typically formed from 
  		the {name} property,
  		although in several cases references to other components are used.
*** 8222,8225 ****
--- 8236,8250 ----
      	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">AGR</td>
      	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
+     		<a href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC20">LC20</a>:
+     		Partial Resolution from 2005-01-19: "true" trumps.
+     		Resolve Feature Composition Edge Cases by requiring the conjunction of all constraints to apply.
+     		The composed value of a Feature is "true" if and only if at least one in-scope value of the Feature is "true".
+     	</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20050220</td>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">AGR</td>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
      		<a href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC75i">LC75i</a>:
      		At least one of the [children] of an Operation MUST be an "input" or "output".
*** 9014,9018 ****
  	  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20030514</td>
  	  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
  	  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Updated the service-resource figure, and split the diagram into two.</td>
--- 9039,9042 ----

Index: wsdl20-i.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-i.html,v
retrieving revision 1.17
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -C2 -d -r1.17 -r1.18
*** wsdl20-i.html	20 Feb 2005 20:28:36 -0000	1.17
--- wsdl20-i.html	20 Feb 2005 21:18:32 -0000	1.18
*** 3474,3482 ****
!             <p>If a given feature is asserted at multiple locations,
!             then the value of that feature at a particular component
!             is that given by the nearest assertion in lexical scoping
!             order. Following these rules, the set of features
!             applicable at each component are as follows:</p>
--- 3474,3481 ----
!             <p> 
!             Following these rules, the set of features
!             applicable at each component are as follows:
!             </p>
*** 3522,3525 ****
--- 3521,3537 ----
+             <p class="diff-chg">
+             If a given feature is asserted at multiple locations,
+             then the value of that feature at a particular component
+             is determined by the conjunction of all the constraints implied by its asserted values.
+             If a feature is not required then it may or may not be engaged, but if
+             a feature is required then it must be engaged.
+             Therefore, the conjunction of a required value and a non-required value is
+             a required value.
+             A composed feature is required if and only if at least one of its
+             asserted values is required.
+             This rule may be summarized as "true trumps".
+             </p>
  	  <div class="div5">
*** 5600,5603 ****
--- 5612,5616 ----
*** 7731,7734 ****
--- 7744,7748 ----
  		Columns two through five specify the identifiers that
  		uniquely identify the component. Identifiers are typically formed from 
  		the {name} property,
  		although in several cases references to other components are used.
*** 8220,8223 ****
--- 8234,8248 ----
      	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">AGR</td>
      	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
+     		<a href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC20">LC20</a>:
+     		Partial Resolution from 2005-01-19: "true" trumps.
+     		Resolve Feature Composition Edge Cases by requiring the conjunction of all constraints to apply.
+     		The composed value of a Feature is "true" if and only if at least one in-scope value of the Feature is "true".
+     	</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20050220</td>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">AGR</td>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
      		<a href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC75i">LC75i</a>:
      		At least one of the [children] of an Operation MUST be an "input" or "output".
*** 9012,9016 ****
  	  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20030514</td>
  	  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
  	  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Updated the service-resource figure, and split the diagram into two.</td>
--- 9037,9040 ----

Index: wsdl20.pdf
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.pdf,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -d -r1.10 -r1.11
*** wsdl20.pdf	20 Feb 2005 20:28:36 -0000	1.10
--- wsdl20.pdf	20 Feb 2005 21:18:32 -0000	1.11
*** 800,810 ****
! xڝVKo8WP`% Dꝓ[;H6ZʒCI1wfH9)E! {fvX7CB<~z5ΟSߒ\-gCW/a$^#Î&-[80zF;b*#n
! EmwzruуJI+,rWZԖ	wd@\Љ#٨3@C{AqGDx[ȣ"am5;o[cv4JQLxj<{I7Ÿ@*-qp#lEA&2Ԇ-i:jv4W]k4mx!Z>Ԧh6vߎNC7P87B8kzs=Jcw9Kvژ
! 2چ/a|O&-Lbk溍1ڋ{Mc)~

! i,1VUo]~F^tRuJ*dc:@OD {&/bZjGO6u
! 0P4! Vq^OV_$0endstream
[...10403 lines suppressed...]
! 0000733928 00000 n 
! 0000734054 00000 n 
! 0000734180 00000 n 
! 0000734260 00000 n 
! 0000734361 00000 n 
! 0000746924 00000 n 
! 0000763684 00000 n 
! 0000763725 00000 n 
! 0000763765 00000 n 
! 0000763957 00000 n 
! /Size 2498
! /Root 2496 0 R
! /Info 2497 0 R
! /ID [<93D9E057A235D011BE8AB95D20F7C61A> <93D9E057A235D011BE8AB95D20F7C61A>]
! 764205

Index: wsdl20.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.html,v
retrieving revision 1.147
retrieving revision 1.148
diff -C2 -d -r1.147 -r1.148
*** wsdl20.html	20 Feb 2005 20:28:36 -0000	1.147
--- wsdl20.html	20 Feb 2005 21:18:32 -0000	1.148
*** 3474,3482 ****
!             <p>If a given feature is asserted at multiple locations,
!             then the value of that feature at a particular component
!             is that given by the nearest assertion in lexical scoping
!             order. Following these rules, the set of features
!             applicable at each component are as follows:</p>
--- 3474,3481 ----
!             <p> 
!             Following these rules, the set of features
!             applicable at each component are as follows:
!             </p>
*** 3522,3525 ****
--- 3521,3537 ----
+             <p class="diff-chg">
+             If a given feature is asserted at multiple locations,
+             then the value of that feature at a particular component
+             is determined by the conjunction of all the constraints implied by its asserted values.
+             If a feature is not required then it may or may not be engaged, but if
+             a feature is required then it must be engaged.
+             Therefore, the conjunction of a required value and a non-required value is
+             a required value.
+             A composed feature is required if and only if at least one of its
+             asserted values is required.
+             This rule may be summarized as "true trumps".
+             </p>
  	  <div class="div5">
*** 5600,5603 ****
--- 5612,5616 ----
*** 7731,7734 ****
--- 7744,7748 ----
  		Columns two through five specify the identifiers that
  		uniquely identify the component. Identifiers are typically formed from 
  		the {name} property,
  		although in several cases references to other components are used.
*** 8220,8223 ****
--- 8234,8248 ----
      	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">AGR</td>
      	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
+     		<a href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC20">LC20</a>:
+     		Partial Resolution from 2005-01-19: "true" trumps.
+     		Resolve Feature Composition Edge Cases by requiring the conjunction of all constraints to apply.
+     		The composed value of a Feature is "true" if and only if at least one in-scope value of the Feature is "true".
+     	</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20050220</td>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">AGR</td>
+     	<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
      		<a href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC75i">LC75i</a>:
      		At least one of the [children] of an Operation MUST be an "input" or "output".
*** 9012,9016 ****
  	  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20030514</td>
  	  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
  	  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Updated the service-resource figure, and split the diagram into two.</td>
--- 9037,9040 ----

Received on Sunday, 20 February 2005 21:18:35 UTC