2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 Makefile.base,1.79,1.80

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory homer:/tmp/cvs-serv21234

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Actually, we *do* need all the component tables to generate wsdl20-defs which is used by all the drafts

Index: Makefile.base
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/Makefile.base,v
retrieving revision 1.79
retrieving revision 1.80
diff -C2 -d -r1.79 -r1.80
*** Makefile.base	2 Aug 2005 10:16:25 -0000	1.79
--- Makefile.base	2 Aug 2005 10:55:49 -0000	1.80
*** 4,7 ****
--- 4,9 ----
+ ENTITIES=entities.dtd entitieswd.dtd entitiesedcopy.dtd
+ COMPONENTS=component-table.xml adjuncts-component-table.xml
  YEAR=$(shell grep "ENTITY draft.year" entitieswd.dtd | cut -d '"' -f2)
*** 49,53 ****
  all: $(WSDL20.html) $(WSDL20-z.html)
! $(WSDL20.html): components $(WSDL20.xml) $(FILES) $(XSL) valid-xml.txt	
  	@echo "Generating $@";\
  	$(XSLTPROC) --stringparam showZed false --stringparam spec $(PREFIX) $(STYLESHEET) $(WSDL20.xml) > $@
--- 51,55 ----
  all: $(WSDL20.html) $(WSDL20-z.html)
! $(WSDL20.html): components $(WSDL20.xml) $(FILES) $(XSL) valid-xml.txt $(ENTITIES)
  	@echo "Generating $@";\
  	$(XSLTPROC) --stringparam showZed false --stringparam spec $(PREFIX) $(STYLESHEET) $(WSDL20.xml) > $@
*** 59,68 ****
  components: $(COMPONENTS) wsdl20-defs.xml
! $(COMPONENTS): $(WSDL20.xml)
  	@echo "Generating $@";\
  	touch $@;\
  	$(XSLTPROC) $(CTABLEXSL) $< > $@
! wsdl20-defs.xml: wsdl20.xml wsdl20-adjuncts.xml wsdl20-specs.xml
  	@echo "Generating wsdl20-defs.xml";\
  	$(XSLTPROC) specs2defs.xsl wsdl20-specs.xml > wsdl20-defs.xml
--- 61,77 ----
  components: $(COMPONENTS) wsdl20-defs.xml
! component-table.xml: wsdl20.xml
  	@echo "Generating $@";\
  	touch $@;\
  	$(XSLTPROC) $(CTABLEXSL) $< > $@
! adjuncts-component-table.xml: wsdl20-adjuncts.xml
! 	@echo "Generating $@";\
! 	touch $@;\
! 	$(XSLTPROC) $(CTABLEXSL) $< > $@
! wsdl20-defs.xml: wsdl20.xml wsdl20-adjuncts.xml wsdl20-specs.xml $(ENTITIES)
! 	@echo "Validating wsdl20-specs.xml";\
! 	$(VALIDATE) wsdl20-specs.xml
  	@echo "Generating wsdl20-defs.xml";\
  	$(XSLTPROC) specs2defs.xsl wsdl20-specs.xml > wsdl20-defs.xml
*** 87,91 ****
! $(WSDL20.tex): $(WSDL20.xml) $(IMAGES) $(LATEXXSL)
  ifdef HASZ
  	$(XSLTPROC) $(LATEXXSL) $(WSDL20.xml) > $@
--- 96,100 ----
! $(WSDL20.tex): $(WSDL20.xml) $(IMAGES) $(LATEXXSL) $(ENTITIES)
  ifdef HASZ
  	$(XSLTPROC) $(LATEXXSL) $(WSDL20.xml) > $@
*** 221,224 ****
--- 230,234 ----
  	cat htaccess-for-html htaccess-for-text > $(PUBDIR)/.htaccess;\
  	$(XSLTPROC) --stringparam year $(YEAR) $(TOOLS)/identityxmlspec.xsl $(WSDL20.xml) > $(PUBDIR)/$(WSDL20.xml) ;\
+ 	$(XSLTPROC) $(TOOLS)/identity-bare.xsl wsdl20-specs.xml > $(PUBDIR)/wsdl20-specs.xml;\
  	cp $(WSDL20.html) $(PUBDIR)/Overview.html
  ifdef IMAGES

Received on Tuesday, 2 August 2005 10:55:59 UTC