2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20.html,1.181,1.182 wsdl20.xml,1.225,1.226

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv7077/ws/desc/wsdl20

Modified Files:
	wsdl20.html wsdl20.xml 
Log Message:
Completed my Action Item - LC96 and LC120: Modified section 4.2 to align wsdl:import with xs:import

Index: wsdl20.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.html,v
retrieving revision 1.181
retrieving revision 1.182
diff -C2 -d -r1.181 -r1.182
*** wsdl20.html	29 Apr 2005 19:42:03 -0000	1.181
--- wsdl20.html	29 Apr 2005 22:55:27 -0000	1.182
*** 1,15 ****
! <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
!     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
! <html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
! <head>
! <meta name="generator" content=
! "HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 1st July 2004), see www.w3.org" />
! <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content=
! "text/html; charset=utf-8" />
! <title>Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1:
! Core Language</title>
[...18719 lines suppressed...]
!     <tr>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020620</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">SW</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Started adding abstract model</td>
!     </tr>
!     <tr>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020406</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">SW</td>
!        <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Created document from WSDL 1.1</td>
!     </tr>
!   </tbody>
! </table><br>
!       </div>
!     </div>
!   </div>
! </body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

Index: wsdl20.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.225
retrieving revision 1.226
diff -C2 -d -r1.225 -r1.226
*** wsdl20.xml	29 Apr 2005 19:42:03 -0000	1.225
--- wsdl20.xml	29 Apr 2005 22:55:27 -0000	1.226
*** 7497,7502 ****
  <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;description&gt;
!         namespace=&quot;<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>&quot; 
!         location=&quot;<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>&quot;? &gt;
      &lt;documentation /&gt;?
--- 7497,7501 ----
  <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;description&gt;
!         namespace=&quot;<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>&quot; location=&quot;<emph>xs:anyURI</emph>&quot;? &gt;
      &lt;documentation /&gt;?
*** 7504,7536 ****
! <p>The WSDL <el>import</el> &EII;, like the <el>include</el> &EII;
! (see <specref ref='includes' />) also allows for the separation of the
! different components of a WSDL description into independent
! descriptions, but in this case with different target namespaces, which
! can be imported as needed. This technique helps writing clearer WSDL
! descriptions by separating the definitions according to their level
! of abstraction, and maximizes reusability.</p>
! <p>The WSDL <el>import</el> &EII; is modeled after the XML Schema
! <el>import</el> &EII; (see <bibref ref="XMLSchemaP1"/>, section 4.2.3
! "References to schema components across namespaces"). Specifically, it
! can be used to import components from WSDL descriptions that do not
! share a target namespace with the importing document. Components in
! <emph>directly</emph> imported descriptions are part of the component
! model of the importing description. Directly imported means that
! component importation is not transitive; components imported by one of
! the imported documents are NOT available to the original
! importing document unless they are imported directly by that document.
! The imported components can be referenced by QName.</p>
! <p> Using the <el>import</el> construct is a necessary condition for making
! components from another namespace available to a WSDL
! description. That is, a WSDL description MUST NOT refer to components in
! a namespace other than the target namespace unless an import statement
! for that namespace is present. The same considerations apply to schemas
! embedded in an imported WSDL description (see <specref ref='embed-xsd' />).
! More explicitly, components defined by an XML schema document
! embedded inside an imported WSDL description are NOT made available
! to the importer unless the latter contains an explicit
! <el>xs:import</el> statement to that purpose.</p>
  <p>This specification does not preclude repeating the <el>import</el>
--- 7503,7532 ----
! <p>Every top level WSDL component is associated with a target namespace. 
! On its <el>description</el> &EII;, WSDL document carries a 
! <att>targetNamespace</att> &AII; that associates the document with a 
! target namespace. This section describes the syntax and mechanisms by 
! which references may be made from within a WSDL document to 
! components not within the document's target namespace. 
! In addition to this syntax, there is an optional facility for 
! suggesting the URI of a WSDL document containing definition 
! components from that foreign target namespace.
! </p>
! <p>The WSDL <el>import</el> &EII; is modeled after the 
! XML Schema <el>import</el> &EII; (see <bibref ref="XMLSchemaP1"/>, 
! section 4.2.3 "References to schema components across namespaces"). 
! The WSDL <el>import</el> &EII; identifies namespaces used in 
! foreign references. The existence of the WSDL <el>import</el> &EII; 
! signals that the WSDL document may contain references to foreign components.
! </p>
! <p>Using the <el>import</el> &EII; is a necessary condition for making 
! components from another namespace available to a WSDL document. 
! That is, a WSDL document can only refer to components in a 
! namespace other than its own target namespace if and only if the 
! WSDL document contains an <el>import</el> &EII; for 
! that foreign namespace.
! </p>
  <p>This specification does not preclude repeating the <el>import</el>
*** 7545,7552 ****
  dereferenceable then no information about the imported namespace is
  provided by that <el>import</el> &EII;. It is possible that such lack
! of information results in QNames in other parts of a WSDL Description
  component to become broken references (see <specref
  ref="qnameres"/>). Such broken references are not errors of the
! <el>imports</el> &EII; but rather QName resolution errors which must
  be detected as described in <specref ref="qnameres"/>.</p>
--- 7541,7548 ----
  dereferenceable then no information about the imported namespace is
  provided by that <el>import</el> &EII;. It is possible that such lack
! of information can cause QNames in other parts of a WSDL Description
  component to become broken references (see <specref
  ref="qnameres"/>). Such broken references are not errors of the
! <el>import</el> &EII; but rather QName resolution errors which must
  be detected as described in <specref ref="qnameres"/>.</p>
*** 7579,7583 ****
!     <p>Zero or more &EII; amongst its [children], as follows:</p>
--- 7575,7579 ----
!     <p>Zero or more &EII;s amongst its [children], as follows:</p>
*** 7611,7619 ****
   that namespace (via one or more prefixes declared with namespace
   declarations in the normal way). This value MUST NOT match the actual
!  value of the enclosing WSDL document <att>targetNamespace</att>
!  &AII;. If the import statement results in the import of a WSDL
!  document then the actual value of the <att>namespace</att> &AII; MUST
!  be identical to the actual value of the imported WSDL document's
!  <att>targetNamespace</att> &AII;.</p>
--- 7607,7617 ----
   that namespace (via one or more prefixes declared with namespace
   declarations in the normal way). This value MUST NOT match the actual
!  value of <att>targetNamespace</att> &AII; in the enclosing WSDL document. 
!  If the location attribute in the <el>import</el> &EII; 
!  references a WSDL document, then the actual value of the 
!  <att>namespace</att> &AII; MUST be identical to the 
!  actual value of the <att>targetNamespace</att> &AII; 
!  in the referenced WSDL document.
!  </p>
*** 7630,7641 ****
        <p>The <att>location</att> &AII; is of type
!       <att>xs:anyURI</att>. Its actual value is the location of some
!       information about the namespace identified by the
!       <att>namespace</att> &AII;.</p>
  	  <p>The <att>location</att> &AII; is optional. This allows WSDL
  	  components to be constructed from information other than
! 	  serialized XML 1.0. It also allows the development of WSDL processors that
! 	  have <emph>a priori</emph> (i.e., built-in) knowledge of certain namespaces.</p>
--- 7628,7641 ----
        <p>The <att>location</att> &AII; is of type
!       <att>xs:anyURI</att>. The actual value of the <att>location</att> &AII;, 
!       if present on a WSDL <el>import</el> &EII;, gives a hint as to where 
!       a serialization of a WSDL document with definitions for the imported 
!       namespace may be found.</p>
  	  <p>The <att>location</att> &AII; is optional. This allows WSDL
  	  components to be constructed from information other than
! 	  serialized XML 1.0 or a WSDL document. It also allows the development 
! 	  of WSDL processors that
! 	  have <emph>a prior</emph> (i.e., built-in) knowledge of certain namespaces.</p>
*** 9439,9442 ****
--- 9439,9450 ----
+     <tr>
+        <td>20050429</td>
+        <td>AV</td>
+        <td><loc href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC96">LC96</loc> and
+        <loc href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC120">LC120</loc>: 
+            Modified section 4.2 to align wsdl:import with xs:import.</td>
+     </tr>

Received on Friday, 29 April 2005 22:55:34 UTC