2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,1.24,1.25

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory homer:/tmp/cvs-serv27703

Modified Files:
Log Message:
LC76d: added whttp:header

Index: wsdl20-adjuncts.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -C2 -d -r1.24 -r1.25
*** wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	8 Apr 2005 10:45:49 -0000	1.24
--- wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	8 Apr 2005 11:18:49 -0000	1.25
*** 1015,1018 ****
--- 1015,1022 ----
  	<item><p>{http version} as defined in <specref
+ 	<item><p>{http location} as defined in <specref
+ 	ref="http-operation-decl"/></p></item>
+ 	<item><p>{http headers} as defined in <specref
+ 	ref="http-headers-decl"/></p></item>
  	<item><p>{http transfer coding} as defined in <specref
*** 1022,1027 ****
  	realm} as defined in <specref
- 	<item><p>{http location} as defined in <specref
- 	ref="http-operation-decl"/></p></item>
--- 1026,1029 ----
*** 1052,1060 ****
        &lt;documentation /&gt;?
        &lt;<b>wsoap:header</b> element="<emph>xs:QName</emph>" required="xs:boolean"?
          &lt;documentation /&gt;?
!       &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ... /&gt;*
        [ &lt;feature /&gt; | &lt;property /&gt; ]*
--- 1054,1063 ----
        &lt;documentation /&gt;?
+       &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ... /&gt;*
        &lt;<b>wsoap:header</b> element="<emph>xs:QName</emph>" required="xs:boolean"?
          &lt;documentation /&gt;?
!       &lt;<b>whttp:header</b> ... /&gt;*??
        [ &lt;feature /&gt; | &lt;property /&gt; ]*
*** 1074,1079 ****
               whttp:transferCoding="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;?
-         &lt;<b>wsoap:header</b> ... /&gt;*
          &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ... /&gt;*
          [ &lt;feature /&gt; | &lt;property /&gt; ]*
--- 1077,1083 ----
               whttp:transferCoding="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;?
          &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ... /&gt;*
+         &lt;<b>wsoap:header</b> ... /&gt;*
+ 	&lt;<b>whttp:header</b> ... /&gt;*??
          [ &lt;feature /&gt; | &lt;property /&gt; ]*
*** 1082,1087 ****
               whttp:transferCoding="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;?
-         &lt;<b>wsoap:header</b> ... /&gt;*
          &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ... /&gt;*
          [ &lt;feature /&gt; | &lt;property /&gt; ]*
--- 1086,1092 ----
               whttp:transferCoding="<emph>xs:string</emph>"?? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;?
          &lt;<b>wsoap:module</b> ... /&gt;*
+         &lt;<b>wsoap:header</b> ... /&gt;*
+ 	&lt;<b>whttp:header</b> ... /&gt;*??
          [ &lt;feature /&gt; | &lt;property /&gt; ]*
*** 1198,1202 ****
! 	  <note><p>The order of element information items validated by
  	  this complex type definition is insignificant.</p></note>
--- 1203,1207 ----
! 	  <note><p>The order of &EII;s validated by
  	  this complex type definition is insignificant.</p></note>
*** 1879,1883 ****
        <!-- +++++++++ -->
--- 1884,1887 ----
*** 1922,1926 ****
  	  such headers may be used.</p>
!           <p>The properties of the SOAP Header component are as
--- 1926,1930 ----
  	  such headers may be used.</p>
!           <p>The properties of the SOAP Header Block component are as
*** 1969,1973 ****
!           <p>The XML representation for a SOAP Module component is an &EII;
  with the following Infoset properties: </p>
--- 1973,1977 ----
!           <p>The XML representation for a SOAP Header Block component is an &EII;
  with the following Infoset properties: </p>
*** 2315,2318 ****
--- 2319,2325 ----
             <b>whttp:code</b>="<emph>xs:int</emph>"? &gt;
        &lt;documentation /&gt;?
+       &lt;<b>whttp:header</b> element="<emph>xs:QName</emph>" required="xs:boolean"?&gt;
+         &lt;documentation /&gt;?
+       &lt;/<b>whttp:header</b>>*
        [ &lt;feature /&gt; | &lt;property /&gt; ]*
*** 2330,2333 ****
--- 2337,2341 ----
               <b>whttp:transferCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;?&gt;*
+ 	&lt;<b>whttp:header</b> ... /&gt;*
          [ &lt;feature /&gt; | &lt;property /&gt; ]*
*** 2336,2339 ****
--- 2344,2348 ----
                <b>whttp:transferCoding</b>="<emph>xs:string</emph>? &gt;
          &lt;documentation /&gt;?
+ 	&lt;<b>whttp:header</b> ... /&gt;*
          [ &lt;feature /&gt; | &lt;property /&gt; ]*
*** 2527,2530 ****
--- 2536,2588 ----
+ 	  <item>
+ 	    <p><emph>HTTP Header Construction.</emph> If the {http
+ 	    headers} property as defined in section <specref
+ 	    ref="soap-headers-decl"/> exists and is not empty in a
+ 	    Binding Message Reference or Binding Fault component, &EII;s
+ 	    conforming to the complex type definition of the {element}
+ 	    property of the HTTP Header component in the {http
+ 	    headers} property MUST be turned into HTTP headers for
+ 	    the corresponding messages if the {required} property of the
+ 	    HTTP Header component has a value of
+ 	    <attval>true</attval>, and MAY be so if its value is
+ 	    <attval>false</attval>.</p>
+ 	    <note><p>The order of &EII;s validated by this complex
+ 	    type definition is insignificant.</p></note>
+ 	    <p>Only &EII;s of type <emph>xs:string</emph> or
+ 	    <emph>xs:anyURI</emph> may be serialized. All complex data
+ 	    types are ignored. Attributes on data elements are
+ 	    ignored.</p>
+ 	    <p>Each such &EII; is serialized as follows:</p>
+ 	    <ulist>
+ 	      <item>
+ 		<p>
+ 		  The HTTP header name used is the &EII; local
+ 		  name. The &EII; local name MUST follow the
+ 		  field-name production rules as specified in section
+ 		  4.2 of <bibref ref="RFC2616"/>; if not, the &EII;
+ 		  MUST be ignored. If an HTTP header corresponding to
+ 		  the &EII; local name is set by a different mechanism
+ 		  other than the HTTP Binding, such as the HTTP stack
+ 		  or another feature, then an error MUST be raised.
+ 		</p>
+ 	      </item>
+ 	      <item>
+ 		<p>
+ 		  The HTTP header content is serialized from the
+ 		  corresponding &EII; value in UTF-8. If this
+ 		  serialization is NOT possible, then the &EII;MUST be
+ 		  ignored.
+ 		</p>
+ 	      </item>
+ 	    </ulist>
+ 	  </item>
*** 2935,2938 ****
--- 2993,3197 ----
        <!-- +++++++++ -->
+       <div2 id="http-headers-decl">
+         <head>Declaring HTTP Headers</head>
+         <div3 id="http-headers-decl-description">
+           <head>Description</head>
+ 	  <p>HTTP allows the use of headers in messages. This binding
+ 	  allows users to declare the HTTP headers in use on a per
+ 	  message ond on a per fault basis.</p>
+         </div3>
+         <div3 id="http-headers-decl-relate">
+           <head>Relationship to WSDL Component Model</head>
+           <p>The HTTP Header binding specification adds the
+           following property to the WSDL component model (as defined
+           in <bibref ref="WSDL-PART1"/>):</p>
+           <ulist>
+             <item><p>{http headers}, OPTIONAL, a set of HTTP Header
+             components as defined in <specref
+             ref="http-header-decl-property"/>, to the Binding Fault
+             and Binding Message Reference components.</p></item>
+           </ulist>
+         </div3>
+ 	<div3 id='http-header-decl-property'>
+ 	  <head>HTTP Header Component</head>
+ 	  <p>A HTTP Header component describes an abstract piece of
+ 	  header data (message headers) that is associated with the
+ 	  exchange of messages between the communicating parties. The
+ 	  presence of a HTTP Header component in a WSDL description
+ 	  indicates that the service supports headers and MAY require
+ 	  a Web service consumer/client that interacts with the
+ 	  service to use the described header. Zero or more such
+ 	  headers may be used.</p>
+           <p>The properties of the HTTP Header component are as
+           follows:</p>
+           <ulist>
+             <item> <p>{element}, REQUIRED. A <emph>xs:QName</emph>, a
+             reference to an XML element declaration in the
+             &description-element_declarations-p; property of the
+             Description Component. This element represents a HTTP
+             header.</p>
+ 	    </item>
+             <item> <p>{required}, REQUIRED. A <emph>xs:boolean</emph>
+             indicating whether the HTTP header identified by the
+             {element} property MUST be used.</p> </item>
+           </ulist>
+ 	</div3>
+         <div3 id="http-headers-decl-xml">
+           <head>XML Representation</head>
+         <eg xml:space="preserve">
+ &lt;description&gt;
+   &lt;binding name="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>" type="<emph>&wsdl-http-ns;</emph>" >
+     &lt;fault ref="<emph>xs:QName</emph>"&gt;
+       &lt;<b>whttp:header</b> element="<emph>xs:QName</emph>" required="xs:boolean"?>
+         &lt;documentation /&gt;?
+       &lt;/<b>whttp:header</b>&gt;*
+       ...
+     &lt;/fault&gt;*
+     &lt;operation ref="<emph>xs:QName</emph>" &gt;
+       &lt;input messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"?&gt;
+         &lt;<b>whttp:header</b> ... /&gt;*
+ 	...
+       &lt;/input&gt;*
+       &lt;output messageLabel="<emph>xs:NCName</emph>"?&gt;
+         &lt;<b>whttp:header</b> ... /&gt;*
+ 	...
+       &lt;/output&gt;*
+     &lt;/operation&gt;*
+   &lt;/binding&gt;
+ &lt;/description&gt;
+ </eg>
+           <p>The XML representation for a HTTP Header component is an &EII;
+ with the following Infoset properties: </p>
+           <ulist>
+             <item>
+               <p>A [local name] of <el>header</el>
+               </p>
+             </item>
+             <item>
+               <p>A [namespace name] of
+   <attval>&wsdl-http-ns;</attval>
+               </p>
+             </item>
+             <item>
+               <p>One or more &AII;s amongst its [attributes] as follows:</p>
+               <ulist>
+                 <item>
+                   <p>A REQUIRED <att>element</att>
+                     &AII; with the following
+       Infoset properties:</p>
+                   <ulist>
+                     <item>
+                       <p>A [local name] of <att>element</att>
+                       </p>
+                     </item>
+                     <item>
+                       <p>A [namespace name] which has no value</p>
+                     </item>
+ 		    <item>
+ 		      <p>A type of <emph>xs:QName</emph></p>
+ 		    </item>
+                   </ulist>
+                 </item>
+                 <item>
+                   <p>An OPTIONAL <att>required</att>
+                     &AII; with the
+       following Infoset properties:</p>
+                   <ulist>
+                     <item>
+                       <p>A [local name] of <att>required</att>
+                       </p>
+                     </item>
+                     <item>
+                       <p>A [namespace name] which has no value</p>
+                     </item>
+ 		    <item>
+ 		      <p>A type of <emph>xs:boolean</emph></p>
+ 		    </item>
+                   </ulist>
+                 </item>
+                 <item>
+                   <p>Zero or more namespace qualified &AII;s. The [namespace
+       name] of such &AII;s MUST NOT be <attval>&wsdl-ns;</attval> and
+       MUST NOT be <attval>&wsdl-http-ns;</attval>.  </p>
+                 </item>
+               </ulist>
+             </item>
+             <item>
+               <p>Zero or more &EII; amongst its [children], in order, as
+   follows:</p>
+               <olist>
+                 <item>
+                   <p>An OPTIONAL <el>documentation</el>
+                     &EII; as defined in <bibref ref="WSDL-PART1"/>.</p>
+                 </item>
+                 <item>
+                   <p>Zero or more namespace-qualified &EII;s amongst its
+       [children]. The [namespace name] of such &EII;s MUST NOT be
+       <attval>&wsdl-ns;</attval> and MUST NOT be
+       <attval>&wsdl-http-ns;</attval>.</p>
+                 </item>
+               </olist>
+             </item>
+           </ulist>
+         </div3>
+         <div3 id="http-headers-decl-mapping">
+           <head>Mapping Between Component Properties and XML
+           Representation</head>
+           <p>See <specref ref="tab_HTTP_Header_Mapping"/>.</p>
+           <table border="1" id="tab_HTTP_Header_Mapping">
+             <caption>Mapping between HTTP Header Block Component
+             Properties and XML Representation</caption>
+             <tbody>
+               <tr>
+                 <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Property</th>
+                 <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Mapping</th>
+               </tr>
+               <tr>
+                 <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{http headers}</td>
+                 <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"> The set of HTTP Header
+                 components corresponding to all the <el>header</el>
+                 &EII; in the [children] of the <el>fault</el>,
+                 <el>input</el> or <el>output</el> &EII;, if any.
+ 		</td>
+               </tr>
+               <tr>
+                 <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{element}</td>
+                 <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The element declaration
+                 from the &description-element_declarations-p; resolved
+                 to by the value of the <att>element</att> &AII;. It is
+                 an error for the <att>element</att> &AII; to have a
+                 value and that value does not resolve to a global
+                 element declaration from the
+                 &description-element_declarations-p; property of the
+                 Description component.</td>
+               </tr>
+               <tr>
+                 <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">{required}</td>
+                 <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">The actual value of the <att>required</att>
+                   &AII; if present, otherwise <attval>false</attval>.</td>
+               </tr>
+             </tbody>
+           </table>
+         </div3>
+       </div2>
+       <!-- +++++++++ -->
        <div2 id="http-fault-decl">
*** 3980,3983 ****
--- 4239,4249 ----
+ 	      <td><loc
+ 	      href='http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC76d'>LC76d</loc>:
+ 	      added <att>whttp:header</att></td>
+ 	    </tr>
+             <tr>
+ 	      <td>20050408</td>
+ 	      <td>HH</td>
  		Added <el>wsoap:module</el> at the Binding Fault component

Received on Friday, 8 April 2005 11:18:52 UTC