2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20.xml,1.141,1.142

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv12106

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Updated Z Notation. New approach to Component.
Changed wsdl20-schema-dtd-ns reference to wsdl-schema-dtd-ns.

Index: wsdl20.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.141
retrieving revision 1.142
diff -C2 -d -r1.141 -r1.142
*** wsdl20.xml	9 Nov 2004 17:26:36 -0000	1.141
--- wsdl20.xml	9 Nov 2004 17:46:44 -0000	1.142
*** 316,364 ****
!   <p>
!   Properties are unordered and unique  
!   with respect to the component they are associated with. Individual  
!   properties' definitions may constrain their content (e.g., to a typed  
!   value, another component, or a set of typed values or components), and  
!   components may require the presence of a property to be considered  
!   conformant. Such properties are marked as REQUIRED, whereas those that
!   are not required to be present are marked as OPTIONAL.
!   By convention, when specifying the mapping rules from the XML Infoset
!   representation of a component to the component itself, an optional
!   property that is absent in the component in question is described as
!   being "empty". Unless otherwise specified, when a property is identified
!   as being a collection (a set or a list), its value may be a 0-element
!   (empty) collection. In order to simplify the presentation of the rules
!   that deal with sets of components, for all OPTIONAL properties whose type
!   is a set, the absence of such a property from a component MUST be treated
!   as semantically equivalent to the presence of a property with the same
!   name and whose value is the empty set. In other words, every OPTIONAL
!   set-valued property MUST be assumed to have the empty set as its default
!   value, to be used in case the property is absent.
!   </p>
-   <z:notation name="OPTIONAL">
!   An OPTIONAL simple property type is treated
!   as a set-valued type that contains at most one member.
!   If the property is absent then its value is the empty set.
!   If the property is present then its value is the singleton set
!   that contains the actual value of the property.
!   </p>
!   <p>
!   Let <z:i>OPTIONAL</z:i>[<z:i>X</z:i>] be the OPTIONAL values
!   of type X where X is a simple property type:
!   <gendef xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" params="X">
!   		OPTIONAL : <power/>(<finset/> X)
!   <where/>
!   		OPTIONAL = {<emptyset/>} <cup/> {~x : X @ {x}~}
!   </gendef>
-   <ulist>
-   <item><p>An optional value of type <z:i>X</z:i> is either the empty set or a singleton set
-   that contains one member of <z:i>X</z:i>.</p></item>
-   </ulist>
--- 316,349 ----
!   <z:notation name="PropertyCollection">
!   Let <z:i>PropertyCollection</z:i> be the set of all component property collections:
!   <zed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml">
!   		PropertyCollection ::= <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	description<ldata/>Description<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	elementDecl<ldata/>ElementDeclaration<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	typeDef<ldata/>TypeDefinition<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	interface<ldata/>Interface<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	interfaceFault<ldata/>InterfaceFault<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	interfaceOp<ldata/>InterfaceOperation<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	messageRef<ldata/>MessageReference<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	faultRef<ldata/>FaultReference<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	feature<ldata/>Feature<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	property<ldata/>Property<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	binding<ldata/>Binding<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	bindingFault<ldata/>BindingFault<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	bindingOp<ldata/>BindingOperation<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	bindingMessageRef<ldata/>BindingMessageReference<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	service<ldata/>Service<rdata/> | <nl/>
!   		<t1/>	endpoint<ldata/>Endpoint<rdata/>
!   </zed>
!   <z:see names="Description ElementDeclaration TypeDefinition Interface InterfaceFault InterfaceOperation 
!   	MessageReference FaultReference Feature Property Binding BindingFault BindingOperation
! 	BindingMessageReference Service Endpoint"/>
*** 382,434 ****
!   <z:notation name="Component">
!   Let <z:i>Component</z:i> be the identifier property that is common to
!   all components:
!   <item><p>Let <z:i>id</z:i> be the identifier of the component.</p></item>
    <z:schema name="Component">
!   		id : ID
    <z:notation name="ComponentModel">
!   A component model is a collection of components.
!   There are several component types which will
!   be described in detail in the following sections.
!   Let <z:i>ComponentModel</z:i> be the component model:
!   	<item><p>Let <z:i>DescriptionModel</z:i> contain the Description component.</p></item>
!   	<item><p>Let <z:i>TypesModel</z:i> contain the Types components.</p></item>
!   	<item><p>Let <z:i>InterfacesModel</z:i> contain the Interface family of components.</p></item>
!   	<item><p>Let <z:i>BindingsModel</z:i> contain the Binding family of components.</p></item>
!   	<item><p>Let <z:i>ServicesModel</z:i> contain Service family of components.</p></item>
!   	<item><p>Let <z:i>FeaturesAndPropertiesModel</z:i> contain the Feature and Property components.</p></item>
    <z:schema  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="ComponentModel">
!   	DescriptionModel <nl/>
!   	TypesModel <nl/>
!   	InterfacesModel <nl/>
!   	BindingsModel <nl/>
!   	ServicesModel <nl/>
!   	FeaturesAndPropertiesModel
    <p>Component definitions are independent of any particular
    serialization of the component model. In order to avoid
--- 367,469 ----
!   <z:notation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="Component">
!   A component is an identified, typed collection of properties.
!   </p>
!   <p>
!   Let <z:i>Component</z:i> denote the set of components:
!    <item><p>Let <z:i>id</z:i> be the identifier of the component.</p></item>
!    <item><p>Let <z:i>props</z:i> be the collection of properties.</p></item>
    <z:schema name="Component">
!   		id : ID <nl/>
!   		props : PropertyCollection
+   <z:see names="ID PropertyCollection"/>
    <z:notation name="ComponentModel">
!   A component model is a set of uniquely identified components.
!   Let <z:i>ComponentModel</z:i> be the set of component models:
!   	<item><p>Let <z:i>components</z:i> be the finite set of components in the component model.</p></item>
    <z:schema  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="ComponentModel">
!   	components : <finset/> Component
!   	<where/>
!   	<forall/> x, y : components @ <nl/>
!   	<t1/>	x.id = y.id <implies/> x = y
+   <z:see names="Component"/>
+   <ulist>
+   <item><p>No two components have the same identifier.</p></item>
+   </ulist>
+   <p>
+   The component model has additional constraints which are described in the following sections.
+   </p>
!   <p>
!   Properties are unordered and unique  
!   with respect to the component they are associated with. Individual  
!   properties' definitions may constrain their content (e.g., to a typed  
!   value, another component, or a set of typed values or components), and  
!   components may require the presence of a property to be considered  
!   conformant. Such properties are marked as REQUIRED, whereas those that
!   are not required to be present are marked as OPTIONAL.
!   By convention, when specifying the mapping rules from the XML Infoset
!   representation of a component to the component itself, an optional
!   property that is absent in the component in question is described as
!   being "empty". Unless otherwise specified, when a property is identified
!   as being a collection (a set or a list), its value may be a 0-element
!   (empty) collection. In order to simplify the presentation of the rules
!   that deal with sets of components, for all OPTIONAL properties whose type
!   is a set, the absence of such a property from a component MUST be treated
!   as semantically equivalent to the presence of a property with the same
!   name and whose value is the empty set. In other words, every OPTIONAL
!   set-valued property MUST be assumed to have the empty set as its default
!   value, to be used in case the property is absent.
!   </p>
!   <z:notation name="OPTIONAL">
!   <p>
!   An OPTIONAL simple property type is treated
!   as a set-valued type that contains at most one member.
!   If the property is absent then its value is the empty set.
!   If the property is present then its value is the singleton set
!   that contains the actual value of the property.
!   </p>
!   <p>
!   Let <z:i>OPTIONAL</z:i>[<z:i>X</z:i>] be the OPTIONAL values
!   of type X where X is a simple property type:
!   </p>
!   <gendef xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" params="X">
!   		OPTIONAL : <power/>(<finset/> X)
!   <where/>
!   		OPTIONAL = {<emptyset/>} <cup/> {~x : X @ {x}~}
!   </gendef>
!   <ulist>
!   <item><p>An optional value of type <z:i>X</z:i> is either the empty set or a singleton set
!   that contains one member of <z:i>X</z:i>.</p></item>
!   </ulist>
!   </z:notation>
    <p>Component definitions are independent of any particular
    serialization of the component model. In order to avoid
*** 514,580 ****
        <z:notation name="ElementDeclaration">
!       Let <z:i>ElementDeclaration</z:i> be the Element Declaration component:
        <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="ElementDeclaration">
-       		Component <nl/>
        		name : QName <nl/>
        		elementContentModel : ElementContentModel
-       </z:notation>
!       <z:notation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="TypeDefinition">
!       <p>
!       Let <z:i>TypeDefinition</z:i> be the Type Definition component:
!       </p>
!       <schema name="TypeDefinition">
!       		Component <nl/>
!       		name : QName <nl/>
!       		elementContentModel : ElementContentModel
!       </schema>
!       <z:notation name="TypesModel">
!       <p>
!       The component model contains Element Declaration and Type Definition components.
!       </p>
!       Let <z:i>TypesModel</z:i> be the Types portion of
!       the component model:
!       <item><p>Let <z:i>elementDeclarationComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Element Declaration components.</p></item>
!       <item><p>Let <z:i>typeDefinitionComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Type Definition components.</p></item>
!       <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="TypesModel">
!     		elementDeclarationComponents : <finset/> ElementDeclaration <nl/>
!     		typeDefinitionComponents : <finset/> TypeDefinition
!       </z:notation>
! <z:notation name="DescriptionModel">
! <p>
! The component model contains a single Description component
! which is the root container for all other components.
! </p>
! <p>
! Let <z:i>DescriptionModel</z:i> be the Description portion of
! the component model:
! </p>
! <ulist>
! <item><p>Let <z:i>descriptionComponent</z:i> be the root Description component.</p></item>
! </ulist>
! <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="DescriptionModel">
! 	descriptionComponent : Description
! </schema>
! </z:notation>
        <p>The properties of the Definitions component are as follows:</p>
--- 549,590 ----
        <z:notation name="ElementDeclaration">
!       Let <z:i>ElementDeclaration</z:i> be the collection of properties of the Element Declaration component:
+       <ulist>
+       <item><p>Let <z:i>name</z:i> be the QName defined by the [local name] and [namespace name] 
+       properties of the element information item.</p></item>
+       <item><p>Let <z:i>elementContentModel</z:i> be the element content model that constrains the
+       allowable contents of the [children] and [attribute] properties of the element information item.</p></item>
+       </ulist>
        <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="ElementDeclaration">
        		name : QName <nl/>
        		elementContentModel : ElementContentModel
!       <z:see names="QName ElementContentModel"/>
!       <z:notation name="TypeDefinition">
!       Let <z:i>TypeDefinition</z:i> be the collection of properties of the Type Definition component:
!       <item><p>Let <z:i>name</z:i> be the QName of the type definition.</p></item>
!       <item><p>Let <z:i>elementContentModel</z:i> be the element content model that constrains the
!       allowable contents of the [children] and [attribute] properties of the element information item
!       described by the type definition.</p></item>
!       <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="TypeDefinition">
!       		name : QName <nl/>
!       		elementContentModel : ElementContentModel
!       <z:see names="QName ElementContentModel"/>
+       </z:notation>
        <p>The properties of the Definitions component are as follows:</p>
*** 599,607 ****
  <z:notation name="Description">	
! Let <z:i>Description</z:i> be the Description component:
  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="Description">
- 	Component <nl/>
  	interfaces : <finset/> ID <nl/>
  	bindings : <finset/> ID <nl/>
--- 609,616 ----
  <z:notation name="Description">	
! Let <z:i>Description</z:i> be the collection of properties of the Description component:
  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="Description">
  	interfaces : <finset/> ID <nl/>
  	bindings : <finset/> ID <nl/>
*** 611,653 ****
  <z:notation name="DescriptionIds">
  Each component refered to by the properties of the Description component
! must exist in the component model and, conversely, each top level component
! in the component model must be referenced by a property of the Description
! component.
! Let <z:i>DescriptionIds</z:i> express this referential integrity constraint
  on the Description component:
  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="DescriptionIds">
! 	ComponentModel
! 	descriptionComponent.interfaces = <nl/>
! 	<t1/> {~i : interfaceComponents @ i.id~}
! 	descriptionComponent.bindings = <nl/>
! 	<t1/> {~b : bindingComponents @ b.id~}
! 	descriptionComponent.services = <nl/>
! 	<t1/> {~s : serviceComponents @ s.id~}
! 	descriptionComponent.elementDeclarations = <nl/>
! 	<t1/> {~e : elementDeclarationComponents @ e.id~}
! 	descriptionComponent.typeDefinitions = <nl/>
! 	<t1/> {~t : typeDefinitionComponents @ t.id~}
! <item><p>The Description component refers to exactly the set of Interface components in the component model.</p></item>
! <item><p>The Description component refers to exactly the set of Binding components in the component model.</p></item>
! <item><p>The Description component refers to exactly the set of Service components in the component model.</p></item>
! <item><p>The Description component refers to exactly the set of Element Declaration components in the component model.</p></item>
! <item><p>The Description component refers to exactly the set of Type Definition components in the component model.</p></item>
--- 620,673 ----
+ <z:see names="ID"/>
  <z:notation name="DescriptionIds">
+ The component model contains a unique Description component.
  Each component refered to by the properties of the Description component
! must exist in the component model.
! Let <z:i>DescriptionIds</z:i> express these referential integrity constraint
  on the Description component:
  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="DescriptionIds">
! 	ComponentModel <nl/>
! 	descriptionComponent : Component <nl/>
! 	descriptionProps : Description
! 	description(descriptionProps) = descriptionComponent.props
! 	<forall/> x : components @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	x.props <in/> <ran/> description <implies/> x = descriptionComponent
! 	<forall/> x : descriptionProps.interfaces @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	<exists/> y : components @ y.props <in/> <ran/> interface
! 	<forall/> x : descriptionProps.bindings @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	<exists/> y : components @ y.props <in/> <ran/> binding
! 	<forall/> x : descriptionProps.services @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	<exists/> y : components @ y.props <in/> <ran/> service
! <also/>
! 	<forall/> x : descriptionProps.elementDeclarations @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	<exists/> y : components @ y.props <in/> <ran/> elementDecl
! <also/>
! 	<forall/> x : descriptionProps.typeDefinitions @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	<exists/> y : components @ y.props <in/> <ran/> typeDef
+ <z:see names="ComponentModel Component Description"/>
! <item><p>The component model contains a unique Description component.</p></item>
! <item><p>Each Interface component contained in the Description component exists in the component model.</p></item>
! <item><p>Each Binding component contained in the Description component exists in the component model.</p></item>
! <item><p>Each Service component contained in the Description component exists in the component model.</p></item>
! <item><p>Each Element Declaration component contained in the Description component exists in the component model.</p></item>
! <item><p>Each Type Definition component contained in the Description component exists in the component model.</p></item>
*** 705,724 ****
! 	<forall/> x, y : interfaceComponents @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	x.name = y.name <implies/> x = y
! 	<forall/> x, y : bindingComponents @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	x.name = y.name <implies/> x = y
! 	<forall/> x, y : serviceComponents @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	x.name = y.name <implies/> x = y
! 	<forall/> x, y : elementDeclarationComponents @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	x.name = y.name <implies/> x = y
! 	<forall/> x, y : typeDefinitionComponents @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	x.name = y.name <implies/> x = y
  <item><p>No two Interface components have the same QName.</p></item>
--- 725,751 ----
! 	<forall/> x, y : components; p, q : Interface | <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	x.props = interface(p) <land/> y.props = interface(q) @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	p.name = q.name <implies/> x = y
! 	<forall/> x, y : components; p, q : Binding | <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	x.props = binding(p) <land/> y.props = binding(q) @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	p.name = q.name <implies/> x = y
! 	<forall/> x, y : components; p, q : Service | <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	x.props = service(p) <land/> y.props = service(q) @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	p.name = q.name <implies/> x = y
! 	<forall/> x, y : components; p, q : ElementDeclaration | <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	x.props = elementDecl(p) <land/> y.props = elementDecl(q) @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	p.name = q.name <implies/> x = y
! 	<forall/> x, y : components; p, q : TypeDefinition | <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	x.props = typeDef(p) <land/> y.props = typeDef(q) @ <nl/>
! 	<t1/>	p.name = q.name <implies/> x = y
+ <z:see names="ComponentModel Interface Binding Service ElementDeclaration TypeDefinition"/>
  <item><p>No two Interface components have the same QName.</p></item>
*** 971,1002 ****
        <head>The Interface Component</head>
-       <z:notation name="InterfacesModel">
-       <p>
-       The component model contains a set of Interface components
-       and components used in the description of Interface components.
-       These components are described in detail in the following sections.
-       </p>
-       <p>
-       Let <z:i>InterfacesModel</z:i> be the portion of the component model
-       that contains the Interface family of components:
-       </p>
-       <ulist>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>interfaceComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Interface components.</p></item>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>interfaceFaultComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Interface Fault components.</p></item>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>interfaceOperationComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Interface Operation components.</p></item>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>messageReferenceComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Message Reference components.</p></item>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>faultReferenceComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Fault Reference components.</p></item>
-       </ulist>
-       <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="InterfacesModel">
- 	      interfaceComponents : <finset/> Interface <nl/>
-     	  interfaceFaultComponents : <finset/> InterfaceFault <nl/>
- 	      interfaceOperationComponents : <finset/> InterfaceOperation <nl/>
-     	  messageReferenceComponents : <finset/> MessageReference <nl/>
- 	      faultReferenceComponents : <finset/> FaultReference
-       </schema>
-       </z:notation>
          <p> An Interface component describes sequences of messages
          that a service sends and/or receives. It does this by grouping
--- 998,1001 ----
*** 1064,1068 ****
  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="Interface">
- 	Component <nl/>
  	name : QName <nl/>
  	extendedInterfaces : <finset/> ID <nl/>
--- 1063,1066 ----
*** 1073,1078 ****
  	  <p>For each Interface component in the {interfaces}
  	  property of a definitions container, the combination of
--- 1071,1078 ----
+ <z:see names="QName ID"/>
  	  <p>For each Interface component in the {interfaces}
  	  property of a definitions container, the combination of
*** 1080,1083 ****
--- 1080,1102 ----
+ 	  <z:notation name="InterfaceIds">
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  Each component referenced by an Interface component must exist in the component model.
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <p>
+ 	  Let <z:i>InterfaceIds</z:i> express the referential integrity constraints on the Interface component:
+ 	  </p>
+ 	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="InterfaceIds">
+ 	  	ComponentModel
+ 	  	<where/>
+ 	  	<forall/> x : components; p : Interface | x.props = interface(p) @ <nl/>
+ 	  	<t1/>	<forall/> id : p.extendedInterfaces @ <nl/>
+ 	  	<t2/>		<exists/> y : components; q : Interface | id = y.id @ y.props = interface(q)
+ 	  </schema>
+ 	  </z:notation>
  	  <p>Additionally, an Interface component MUST satisfy the Operation Name
  	  Mapping requirement, as defined below. This requirement is intended
*** 1458,1462 ****
  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="InterfaceFault">
- 	Component <nl/>
  	name : QName <nl/>
  	element : OPTIONAL[ID] <nl/>
--- 1477,1480 ----
*** 1465,1468 ****
--- 1483,1488 ----
+ <z:see names="QName OPTIONAL ID"/>
*** 1787,1791 ****
  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="InterfaceOperation">
- 	Component <nl/>
  	name : QName <nl/>
  	messageExchangePattern : AbsoluteURI <nl/>
--- 1807,1810 ----
*** 1798,1801 ****
--- 1817,1822 ----
+ <z:see names="QName AbsoluteURI ID Boolean"/>
*** 2502,2505 ****
--- 2523,2528 ----
  			messageContentModel = {elementToken} <iff/> element <neq/> <emptyset/>
+  	  <z:see names="NCName Direction OPTIONAL MessageContentModel ID"/>
*** 2825,2828 ****
--- 2848,2853 ----
  	  		properties : <finset/> ID
+ 	  <z:see names="ID NCName Direction"/>
*** 2831,2835 ****
      <div3 id="FaultReference_XMLRep">
!       <head>XML Representation of Fault Reference Component</head>
  <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;definitions&gt;
--- 2856,2860 ----
      <div3 id="FaultReference_XMLRep">
!       <head>XML Representation of Fault Reference Id</head>
  <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;definitions&gt;
*** 3051,3075 ****
        <head>The Feature Component</head>
-       <z:notation name="FeaturesAndPropertiesModel">
-       <p>
-       The component model contains sets of Feature and Property components.
-       These are described in detail below.
-       </p>
-       <p>
-       Let <z:i>FeaturesAndPropertiesModel</z:i> be the portion of the component
-       model that contains the Feature and Property components:
-       </p>
-       <ulist>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>featureComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Feature components.</p></item>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>propertyComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Property components.</p></item>      
-       </ulist>
-       <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="FeaturesAndPropertiesModel">
- 			featureComponents : <finset/> Feature <nl/>
- 			propertyComponents : <finset/> Property
-       </schema>
-       </z:notation>
        <p>A feature component describes an abstract piece of
        functionality typically associated with the exchange of messages
--- 3076,3079 ----
*** 3110,3113 ****
--- 3114,3119 ----
  			required : Boolean
+       <z:see names="AbsoluteURI Boolean"/>
*** 3420,3425 ****
        <zed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml">
! 			ValueConstraint ::= typeDefinition<ldata/>ID<rdata/> | valueToken
--- 3426,3433 ----
        <zed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml">
! 			ValueConstraint ::= typeDefinitionId<ldata/>ID<rdata/> | valueToken
+       <z:see names="ID"/>
*** 3458,3461 ****
--- 3466,3471 ----
              valueConstraint = {valueToken} <iff/> value <neq/> <emptyset/>			
+       <z:see names="AbsoluteURI Boolean OPTIONAL ValueConstraint ElementChildren"/>
*** 3778,3807 ****
        <head>The Binding Component</head>
-       <z:notation name="BindingsModel">
-       <p>
-       The component model contains a set of Binding components
-       and components used in the description of Binding components.
-       These components are described in detail in the following sections.
-       </p>
-       <p>
-       Let <z:i>BindingsModel</z:i> be the portion of the component model
-       that contains the Binding family of components:
-       </p>
-       <ulist>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>bindingComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Binding components.</p></item>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>bindingFaultComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Binding Fault components.</p></item>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>bindingOperationComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Binding Operation components.</p></item>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>bindingMessageReferenceComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Binding Message Reference components.</p></item>
-       </ulist>
-       <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="BindingsModel">
-       		bindingComponents : <finset/> Binding <nl/>
-       		bindingFaultComponents : <finset/> BindingFault <nl/>
-       		bindingOperationComponents : <finset/> BindingOperation <nl/>
-       		bindingMessageReferenceComponents : <finset/> BindingMessageReference
-       </schema>
-       </z:notation>
        <p> A Binding component describes a concrete message format and
        transmission protocol which may be used to define an endpoint
--- 3788,3791 ----
*** 3897,3901 ****
  	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="Binding">
- 	  		Component <nl/>
  	  		name : QName <nl/>
  	  		interface : OPTIONAL[ID] <nl/>
--- 3881,3884 ----
*** 3906,3909 ****
--- 3889,3894 ----
  	  		properties : <finset/> ID
+ 	  <z:see names="QName OPTIONAL ID AbsoluteURI"/>
*** 4187,4196 ****
  	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="BindingFault">
- 	  		Component <nl/>
  	  		faultReference : ID <nl/>
  	  		features : <finset/> ID <nl/>
  	  		properties : <finset/> ID
--- 4172,4182 ----
  	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="BindingFault">
  	  		faultReference : ID <nl/>
  	  		features : <finset/> ID <nl/>
  	  		properties : <finset/> ID
! 	  <z:see names="ID"/>
*** 4383,4387 ****
  	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="BindingOperation">
- 	  		Component <nl/>
  	  		operationReference : ID <nl/>
  	  		messageReferences : <finset/> ID <nl/>
--- 4369,4372 ----
*** 4389,4392 ****
--- 4374,4379 ----
  	  		properties : <finset/> ID
+ 	  <z:see names="ID"/>
*** 4593,4597 ****
  	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="BindingMessageReference">
- 	  		Component <nl/>
  	  		messageLabel : OPTIONAL[NCName] <nl/>
  	  		direction : Direction <nl/>
--- 4580,4583 ----
*** 4599,4602 ****
--- 4585,4590 ----
  	  		properties : <finset/> ID
+ 	  <z:see names="OPTIONAL NCName Direction ID"/>
*** 4791,4816 ****
        <head>The Service Component</head>
-       <z:notation name="ServicesModel">
-       <p>
-       The component model contains a set of Service components
-       and components used in the description of Service components.
-       These components are described in detail in the following sections.
-       </p>
-       <p>
-       Let <z:i>ServicesModel</z:i> be the portion of the component model
-       that contains the Service family of components:
-       </p>
-       <ulist>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>serviceComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Service components.</p></item>
-       <item><p>Let <z:i>endpointComponents</z:i> be a finite set of Endpoint components.</p></item>
-       </ulist>
-       <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="ServicesModel">
-       		serviceComponents : <finset/> Service <nl/>
-       		endpointComponents : <finset/> Endpoint
-       </schema>
-       </z:notation>
        <p>A Service component describes a set of endpoints (see
        <specref ref="Endpoint"/>) at which a particular deployed
--- 4779,4782 ----
*** 4846,4850 ****
  	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="Service">
- 	  		Component <nl/>
  	  		name : QName <nl/>
  	  		interface : ID <nl/>
--- 4812,4815 ----
*** 4853,4856 ****
--- 4818,4823 ----
  	  		properties : <finset/> ID
+ 	  <z:see names="QName ID"/>
*** 5099,5103 ****
  	  <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2004/zml" name="Endpoint">
- 	  		Component <nl/>
  	  		name : NCName <nl/>
  	  		binding : ID <nl/>
--- 5066,5069 ----
*** 5106,5110 ****
  	  		properties : <finset/> ID
--- 5072,5078 ----
  	  		properties : <finset/> ID
! 	  <z:see names="NCName ID AbsoluteURI"/>
*** 5435,5439 ****
        <z:notation name="AbsoluteURI">
!       Let <z:i>AbsoluteURI</z:i> be subset of absolute URIs:
--- 5403,5407 ----
        <z:notation name="AbsoluteURI">
!       Let <z:i>AbsoluteURI</z:i> be the subset of absolute URIs:
*** 5441,5444 ****
--- 5409,5414 ----
        		AbsoluteURI : <power/> URI
+       <z:see names="URI"/>
*** 5463,5466 ****
--- 5433,5438 ----
        		localName : NCName
+       <z:see names="AbsoluteURI NCName"/>
*** 7618,7622 ****
  <item><p>A [local name] of import.</p></item>
  <item><p>A [namespace name] of
! "&wsdl20-schema-dtd-ns;".</p></item>
  <item><p>One or two &AII;s, as follows:</p>
--- 7590,7594 ----
  <item><p>A [local name] of import.</p></item>
  <item><p>A [namespace name] of
! "&wsdl-schema-dtd-ns;".</p></item>
  <item><p>One or two &AII;s, as follows:</p>

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2004 17:46:47 UTC