2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20-patterns.xml,1.14,1.15 entities.dtd,1.9,1.10

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory homer:/tmp/cvs-serv760

Modified Files:
	wsdl20-patterns.xml entities.dtd 
Log Message:
Using entities for AD feature URIs

Index: wsdl20-patterns.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-patterns.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -C2 -d -r1.14 -r1.15
*** wsdl20-patterns.xml	27 Jul 2004 14:47:00 -0000	1.14
--- wsdl20-patterns.xml	29 Jul 2004 09:45:51 -0000	1.15
*** 477,481 ****
  This feature is identified with the URI
! http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD
--- 477,483 ----
  This feature is identified with the URI
! <attval>
! </attval>.
*** 489,493 ****
  application-defined additional data declarations outside of the normal
  data channel (e.g. the SOAP body). The senders takes the value of the
! property http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD/data, which is defined
  below, and passes it to the receiver in a manner to be defined by the
  particular bindings/modules implementing this specification.
--- 491,495 ----
  application-defined additional data declarations outside of the normal
  data channel (e.g. the SOAP body). The senders takes the value of the
! property &AD-FEATURE-DATA-P;, which is defined
  below, and passes it to the receiver in a manner to be defined by the
  particular bindings/modules implementing this specification.
*** 501,505 ****
  This property is identified with the URI
! http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD/data.
--- 503,507 ----
  This property is identified with the URI
! <attval>&AD-FEATURE-DATA-P;</attval>.
*** 519,564 ****
  <eg xml:space="preserve">
! <![CDATA[
! <types>
!  <schema targetNamespace="http://foo"
!          xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
!          xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
!   <import namespace="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"/>
!   <!-- Define the data type we'll use later -->
!   <complexType name="myDataType">
!    <sequence>
!     <!-- These elements are our data -->
!     <element name="isGoldClubMember">
!      <complexType>
!       <simpleContent>
!        <extension base="xs:boolean"/>
!        <attribute xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"
!                   ref="soap:mustUnderstand"
!                   fixed="true"/>
!       </simpleContent>
!      </complexType>
!     </element>
!     <element name="promotionalCode"
!              type="xs:string"
!              minOccurs="0"/>
!    </sequence>
!   </complexType>
!  </schema>
! </types>
! <interface name="customerService">
!  <operation name="reserveCar">
!   <input element="myNS:reserveCarRequest">
!    <property uri="http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD/data">
!     <constraint xmlns:foo="http://foo">
!     </constraint>
!    </property>
!   </input>
!  </operation>
! </interface>
! ]]>
--- 521,564 ----
  <eg xml:space="preserve">
! &lt;types&gt;
!  &lt;schema targetNamespace=&quot;http://foo&quot;
!          xmlns:xs=&quot;http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema&quot;
!          xmlns=&quot;http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema&quot;&gt;
!   &lt;import namespace=&quot;http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope&quot;/&gt;
!   &lt;!-- Define the data type we'll use later --&gt;
!   &lt;complexType name=&quot;myDataType&quot;&gt;
!    &lt;sequence&gt;
!     &lt;!-- These elements are our data --&gt;
!     &lt;element name=&quot;isGoldClubMember&quot;&gt;
!      &lt;complexType&gt;
!       &lt;simpleContent&gt;
!        &lt;extension base=&quot;xs:boolean&quot;/&gt;
!        &lt;attribute xmlns:soap=&quot;http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope&quot;
!                   ref=&quot;soap:mustUnderstand&quot;
!                   fixed=&quot;true&quot;/&gt;
!       &lt;/simpleContent&gt;
!      &lt;/complexType&gt;
!     &lt;/element&gt;
!     &lt;element name=&quot;promotionalCode&quot;
!              type=&quot;xs:string&quot;
!              minOccurs=&quot;0&quot;/&gt;
!    &lt;/sequence&gt;
!   &lt;/complexType&gt;
!  &lt;/schema&gt;
! &lt;/types&gt;
! &lt;interface name=&quot;customerService&quot;&gt;
!  &lt;operation name=&quot;reserveCar&quot;&gt;
!   &lt;input element=&quot;myNS:reserveCarRequest&quot;&gt;
!    &lt;property uri=&quot;&AD-FEATURE-DATA-P;&quot;&gt;
!     &lt;constraint xmlns:foo=&quot;http://foo&quot;&gt;
!     &lt;/constraint&gt;
!    &lt;/property&gt;
!   &lt;/input&gt;
!  &lt;/operation&gt;
! &lt;/interface&gt;
*** 587,591 ****
  This module implements the feature
! http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD.
--- 587,591 ----
  This module implements the feature
*** 602,606 ****
  As a SOAP sender, if the property
! http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD/data has a value then each of the
  top-level child element information items in the value SHOULD [ed:
  MUST?] be turned into a SOAP header.  The elements are serialized
--- 602,606 ----
  As a SOAP sender, if the property
! &AD-FEATURE-DATA-P; has a value then each of the
  top-level child element information items in the value SHOULD [ed:
  MUST?] be turned into a SOAP header.  The elements are serialized
*** 616,620 ****
  It is the responsibility of the receiving node to determine which, if
  any, SOAP headers will populate the
! http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD/data property.  Typically this
  will be accomplished via using some metadata, such as an understanding
  of a constraint specified in WSDL, or out-of-band agreements.  If the
--- 616,620 ----
  It is the responsibility of the receiving node to determine which, if
  any, SOAP headers will populate the
! &AD-FEATURE-DATA-P; property.  Typically this
  will be accomplished via using some metadata, such as an understanding
  of a constraint specified in WSDL, or out-of-band agreements.  If the

Index: entities.dtd
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/entities.dtd,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** entities.dtd	27 Jul 2004 14:47:00 -0000	1.9
--- entities.dtd	29 Jul 2004 09:45:51 -0000	1.10
*** 102,105 ****
--- 102,108 ----
  <!ENTITY MULTIPART-STYLE "http://www.w3.org/&draft.year;/&draft.mm;/wsdl/style/multipart">
+ <!ENTITY AD-FEATURE "http://www.w3.org/&draft.year;/&draft.mm;/wsdl/feature/AD">
+ <!ENTITY AD-FEATURE-DATA-P "http://www.w3.org/&draft.year;/&draft.mm;/wsdl/feature/AD/data">
  <!-- add b,u,i -->

Received on Thursday, 29 July 2004 05:46:49 UTC