RE: SOAP binding: empty SOAP Action

Thanks for your comment.  The WS Description Working Group tracked this
issue as a CR009 [1].  The Working Group agreed to change [quoted string
value] to [quoted empty string value ("")].  This resolution is
reflected in the latest draft [2].

Unless you let us know otherwise by 13 April, we will assume you agree
with the resolution of this issue.


 [  Jonathan Marsh  ][  ][  ]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:public-ws-desc-
>] On Behalf Of Hugo Haas
> Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 4:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: SOAP binding: empty SOAP Action
> Our specification says, for specifying SOAP Action[2]:
>   {soap action} OPTIONAL. A xs:anyURI, which is an absolute IRI as
>   defined by [IETF RFC 3987], to the Binding Operation component. The
>   value of this property identifies the value of the SOAP Action
>   Feature for the initial message of the message exchange pattern of
>   the Interface Operation bound, as specified in the binding rules of
>   bindings to specific versions of SOAP (see 5.10.3 SOAP 1.2 Binding
>   Rules for the SOAP 1.2 binding when the value of the {soap version}
>   property of the Binding component is "1.2").
> I.e., it doesn't allow an empty string as the value for {soap action}.
> However, in SOAP 1.1, SOAPAction may be equal to ""[3], and the WS-I
> BP 1.0 does allow it[1], which actually seems to be looser than what
> WSDL 1.1 allows[4], but that's another story.
> So I think that, in order to cover all the cases, we should allow the
> empty string for {soap action} in addition to an absolute IRI.
> SOAP 1.2 is not clear about whether an empty string is allowed or
> not[5]. As it's not forbidden and "" is part of the value space of
> xs:anyURI, I think it's fine.
> So, for a concrete suggestion, I would like to proposed:
>   {soap action} OPTIONAL. A xs:anyURI, which is an absolute IRI as
>   defined by [IETF RFC 3987] *or an empty string*, to the Binding
>   Operation component.
> Cheers,
> Hugo
>   1.
> 24.html#Describing_SOAPAction
>   2.
> operation-decl-relate
>   3.
>   4.
>   5.
> --
> Hugo Haas - W3C
> -

Received on Thursday, 16 March 2006 23:26:29 UTC