Re: The WSDL 2.0 XSD for Root Element is Too Loose

Asir Vedamuthu wrote:

> Arthur,
>> The above grammar is deterministic and enforces the ordering
>> constraint expressed in the spec using XSD constructs
> Yes, it is deterministic. Yes, it enforces the ordering constraints. 
> But, at a cost (at a glance):
> (a) rules out extensibility elements
> (b) types element is required if either include or import element is 
> present
> (c) .. so on

(d) A XSD->Java tool will generate yucky code when it encounters it. 
(Most tools will,
regardless of the target language. <xsd:choice/> is just too hard to 

>> I am in favour of expressing as many as possible constraints in XSD
> I agree with you, whenever feasible.

I don't. I'd rather have a human-readable schema than a complete one,
especially given we can't make it 100% accurate.


Received on Monday, 10 January 2005 21:35:58 UTC