Editorial: schema vs. schema document

[On behalf of the XML Schema WG]

Part 1 says: "Embedding an XML schema uses the existing top-level xs:schema
element information item defined by XML Schema [XML Schema: Structures]. It
may be viewed as simply cutting and pasting an existing, stand-alone schema,
to a location inside the types element information item." -

Should say:

"Embedding an XML schema uses the existing top-level xs:schema element
information item defined by XML Schema [XML Schema: Structures]. It may be
viewed as simply cutting and pasting an existing, >schema document<, to a
location inside the types element information item."

or if you prefer:

"Embedding an XML schema uses the existing top-level xs:schema element
information item defined by XML Schema [XML Schema: Structures]. It may be
viewed as simply cutting and pasting >an existing XML representation of
schema information<, to a location inside the types element information

Note that the terms schema [.1] and schema document [.2] are rigorously
defined in the schema recommendation, and the term "XML Representation" is
widely and uniformly used; we request that these terms be used correctly.

[.1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/PER-xmlschema-1-20040318/#key-schema
[.2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/PER-xmlschema-1-20040318/#key-schemaDoc

On behalf of the XML Schema WG,

Asir S Vedamuthu
asirv at webmethods dot com

Received on Friday, 15 October 2004 12:50:48 UTC