Interface = design of the application ??

I am writing this issue on behalf of Christopher St. John, webMethods.


"2.2.1 The Interface Component

An Interface component describes sequences of messages that a service sends
and/or receives. It does this by grouping related messages into operations.
An operation is a sequence of input and output messages, and an interface is
a set of operations. Thus, an interface defines the design of the

This paragraph defines the design of the application. It appears that this
para is moving too fast. It provides some evidence. But, its conclusion -
"Thus, .."  - does not carry sufficient evidence. Then again, WSDL does not
have to say anything about the design of the application. Perhaps, the
design of an interface. We suggest getting rid of the last sentence.

Asir S Vedamuthu
asirv at webmethods dot com 

Received on Tuesday, 24 August 2004 01:36:30 UTC