- From: Ivan Lanese <lanese@cs.unibo.it>
- Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 17:46:37 +0200 (CEST)
- To: public-ws-chor@w3.org
- Message-ID: <alpine.DEB.2.00.1206101746190.2430@localhost.localdomain>
Call for Papers Service-Oriented Architectures and Programming track of the 28th Symposium On Applied Computing http://www.itu.dk/acmsac2013-soap/ ACM SAC 2013 For the past twenty-eight years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers from around the world. SAC 2013 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and is held at the Institute of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (ISEC-IPC). SOAP TRACK: CALL FOR PAPERS Service-Oriented Programming (SOP) is quickly changing our vision of the Web, bringing a paradigmatic shift in the methodologies followed by programmers when designing and implementing distributed systems. Originally, the Web was mainly seen as a means of presenting information to a wide spectrum of people, but SOP is triggering a radical transformation of the Web towards a computational fabric where loosely coupled services interact publishing their interfaces inside dedicated repositories, where they can be discovered by other services and then invoked, abstracting from their actual implementation. Research on SOP is giving strong impetus to the development of new technologies and tools for creating and deploying distributed software. In the context of this modern paradigm we have to cope with an old challenge, like in the early days of Object-Oriented Programming when, until key features like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, and proper design methodologies were defined, consistency in the programming model definition was not achieved. The complex scenario of SOP needs to be clarified on many aspects, both from the engineering and from the foundational points of view. >From the engineering point of view, there are open issues at many levels. Among others, at the system design level, both traditional approaches based on UML and approaches taking inspiration from business process modelling, e.g. BPMN, are used. At the composition level, although WS-BPEL is a de-facto industrial standard, other approaches are appearing, and both the orchestration and choreography views have their supporters. At the description and discovery level there are two separate communities pushing respectively the semantic approach (ontologies, OWL, ...) and the syntactic one (WSDL, ...). In particular, the role of discovery engines and protocols is not clear. In this respect we still lack adopted standards: UDDI looked to be a good candidate, but it is no longer pushed by the main corporations, and its wide adoption seems difficult. Furthermore, a new implementation platform, the so-called REST services, is emerging and competing with classic Web Services. Finally, features like Quality of Service, security and dependability need to be taken seriously into account, and this investigation should lead to standard proposals. >From the foundational point of view, formalists have discussed widely in the last years, and many attempts to use formal methods for specification and verification in this setting have been made. Session correlation, service types, contract theories and communication patterns are only a few examples of the aspects that have been investigated. Moreover, several formal models based upon automata, Petri nets and algebraic approaches have been developed. However most of these approaches concentrate only on a few features of Service-Oriented Systems in isolation, and a comprehensive approach is still far from being achieved. The Service-Oriented Architectures and Programming track aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners having the common objective of transforming SOP into a mature discipline with both solid scientific foundations and mature software engineering development methodologies supported by dedicated tools. In particular, we will encourage works and discussions about what SOP still needs in order to achieve its original goal. Major topics of interest will include: - Formal methods for specification of Web Services - Notations and models for Service-Oriented Computing - Methodologies and tools for Service-Oriented application design - Service-Oriented Middlewares - Service-Oriented Programming languages - Test methodologies for Service-Oriented applications - Analysis techniques and tools - Service systems performance analysis - Industrial deployment of tools and methodologies - Standards for Service-Oriented Programming - Service application case studies - Dependability and Web Services - Quality of Service - Security issues in Service-Oriented Computing - Comparisons between different approaches to Services - Exception handling in composition languages - Trust and Web Services - Sustainability and Web Services, Green Computing - Adaptable Web Services - Software Product Lines for Services - Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Service-Oriented Computing IMPORTANT DATES (strict) September 21, 2012: Paper submissions November 10, 2012: Author notification November 30, 2012: Camera-Ready Copy March 18-22, 2013: Conference SUBMISSIONS Authors are invited to submit original unpublished papers. Submission of the same paper to multiple tracks is not allowed. Peer groups with expertise in the track focus area will double-blindly review submissions. Accepted papers will be published in the annual conference proceedings. SOAP track chairs will not submit to the track. Submissions from SOAP PC members and from PC members and track chairs of other SAC tracks are welcome. Submission guidelines can be found on SAC 2013 Website: http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2013/ Prospective papers should be submitted to the track using the provided automated submission system. Please pay attention to ensure anonimity of your submitted manuscript as detailed in the submission page so to allow for double-blind review. Papers not satisfying this constraint will be automatically rejected. The maximum length for papers is 8 pages. Accepted papers whose camera-ready version will exceed 6 pages will have to pay an extra charge. For each accepted paper, an author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for the paper to be included in the ACM/IEEE digital library. SPECIAL ISSUE Authors of best papers will be invited to submit an extended and revised version of their work to a special issue of Science of Computer Programming. STUDENT RESEARCH COMPETITION PROGRAM Graduate students are invited to submit research abstracts (minimum of 2-page and maximum of 4-page) following the instructions published at SAC 2013 website. Submission of the same abstract to multiple tracks is not allowed. All research abstract submissions will be reviewed by researchers and practitioners with expertise in the track focus area to which they are submitted. Authors of selected abstracts will have the opportunity to give poster presentations of their work and compete for three top-winning places. The Student Research Competition committee will evaluate and select First-, Second-, and Third- place winners. The winners will receive cash awards and SIGAPP recognition certificates during the conference banquet. Authors of selected abstracts are eligible to apply to the SIGAPP Student Travel Award program for support. PC MEMBERS Faycal Abouzaid, University of Montreal (Canada) Luis Barbosa, Universidade do Minho - Braga (Portugal) Jesper Bengtson, IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark) Laura Bocchi, University of Leicester (UK) Roberto Bruni, University of Pisa (Italy) Nicola Dragoni, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) Schahram Dustdar, Technical University of Vienna (Austria) Ettore Ferranti, ABB Switzerland Ltd Corporate Research (Switzerland) Tim Hallwyl, Visma Sirius (Denmark) Koji Hasebe, University of Tsukuba (Japan) Nickolas Kavantzas, ORACLE (USA) Marcello La Rosa, Queensland University of Technology (Australia) Hernàn Melgratti, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) Nicola Mezzetti, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - Bologna (Italy) Kévin Ottens, Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (Sweden) Antonio Ravara, New University of Lisbon (Portugal) Gwen Salaün, INRIA Grenoble (France) Martin Schäf, UNU-IIST (Macao) Francesco Tiezzi, IMT Lucca (Italy) Emilio Tuosto, University of Leicester (UK) Mirko Viroli, University of Bologna (Italy) Sebastian Wieczorek, SAP (Germany) Peter Wong, Fredhopper - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Huibiao Zhu, East China Normal University - Shanghai (China) TRACK CHAIRS Ivan Lanese lanese @ cs.unibo.it FOCUS Team, University of Bologna/INRIA, Italy Manuel Mazzara manuel.mazzara @ newcastle.ac.uk UNU-IIST, Macao / School of Computing Science, Newcastle university, UK Fabrizio Montesi fmontesi @ italianasoftware.com IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark / italianaSoftware s.r.l., Italy
Received on Sunday, 10 June 2012 15:47:04 UTC