- From: Belén Carro <belcar@tel.uva.es>
- Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 13:36:07 +0100
- To: <www-ws-desc@w3.org>, <public-ws-chor@w3.org>, <www-ws@w3.org>
- Cc: Belén Carro <belcar@tel.uva.es>
Dear colleagues, you might find of interest the following CFP Best regards http://dl.comsoc.org/ci1/info/cfp/cfpcommag1110a.htm CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE Communications Magazine Feature Topic on New Converged Telecommunications Applications for the End User The transition to All-IP networks, and the resulting convergence of the networks and the data they carry, is enabling a new generation of telecommunications applications and services. The first wave of these new capabilities is focusing on using broadband in mobile contexts and combinations of services from historically distinct domains (e.g, unified messaging systems, mixing of web and voice services, dynamic address books, or easy transfer of voice calls from wireless to wireline), but fundamentally new, hybrid capabilities might also emerge. The ubiquity of the Internet Protocol is enabling broad diversity in services architectures (from the traditional monolithic style, to full peer-to-peer, to various hybrids), and thereby providing fertile ground for exploration of just where to put what forms of service "intelligence". Convergence has transformed the Communication Service Provider (CSP) landscape, with the traditional telcos maintaining their differentiating ownership of the networks, but with portals, search engines, email providers, and other Application Service Providers developing a variety of innovative services supported by new business models. In this Feature Topic issue of IEEE Communications Magazine, we solicit papers that provide an update and new insights into the applications and services that a converged world is bringing. The issue will concentrate on application-only topics in the field of services for the individual/personal user. With this purpose in mind we solicit one or two basic papers which explain the new potential now at hand, and also four or five papers describing examples of what may be anticipated for the next few years. Focused tutorial and survey contributions are solicited related to mass-market user-targeted converged services and applications in any of the following topic areas: § Service convergence from the user perspective (beyond simple fixed-mobile convergence) § User-centric communications; Rich Communications Suite (RCS) § Ambient and ubiquitous services (location-, presence-, session-, and context-aware services) § New services for mobile terminals with the incorporation of new capabilities in mobile phones (SmartSIM, NFC, OpenOS, mobile broadband, small-screen application stores, big-screen services, handset virtualization...) § Intuitive and personalized user experience and usability § Social communications; Telco 2.0 communication applications, including connections to Web 2.0 § Mobility services including car infotainment § User-generated services Paper submission Articles should be tutorial in nature and written in a style comprehensible to readers outside the specialty of the article. References should be limited to 10, figures and tables to a combined total of 6 (mathematical equations should be avoided). Paper length should not exceed 4,500 words. Complete guidelines can be found at http://www.comsoc.org/livepubs/ci1/info/sub_guidelines.html. All articles must be submitted through the IEEE Manuscript Central (http://commag-ieee.manuscriptcentral.com), selecting November 2010/Telecommunications Applications as the topic. Schedule Manuscript Submission Due: April 1, 2010 Acceptance Notification: July 1, 2010 Final Manuscript Due: August 15, 2010 Publication: November 2010 Guest Editors Antonio Sánchez-Esguevillas (a.sanchez-esguevillas@ieee.org) Telefónica R&D, Spain Belén Carro-Martínez (belcar@tel.uva.es) University of Valladolid, Spain Vishy Poosala (viswanath.poosala@alcatel-lucent.com) Bell Labs, India impact factor 2,799 (2008: 6th Telecommunications)
Received on Monday, 25 January 2010 12:37:05 UTC