- From: Sylvain Hallé <halle@info.uqam.ca>
- Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2008 15:42:27 -0400
- To: Sylvain Hallé <halle@info.uqam.ca>
(Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.) *********************************************************************** *** FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS *** First International Workshop on Dynamic and Declarative Business *** Processes (DDBP 2008) *** *** In conjuction with the 12th IEEE International EDOC Conference *** (EDOC 2008), September 17th, 2008, München, Germany *** *** www.leduotang.com/sylvain/ddbp2008 *********************************************************************** WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION Enterprises face the challenge of rapidly adapting to dynamic business environments. The traditional approach to process management is only partially appropriate to this new context, and calls for the advent of new, dynamic business processes. This new approach attempts to address specific issues related to flexibility and adaptation: design of easily adaptable processes, dynamic handling of unexpected situations, optimality of adaptations. Central to the field of dynamic business processes is the notion of requirement, which make dynamic business process particularly suited to a declarative approach to their modelling and design. The declarative approach to dynamic business processes raises a number of challenges: extracting declarative specifications from domain experts, expressing these declarative specifications in an appropriate language or formalism, as well as designing, monitoring, checking compliance or dynamically adapting business processes according to a set of requirements. Dynamic and declarative business processes have proved their use in a wide number of domains, and are expected to impact existing and future technology choices, business practices and standardization efforts. This workshop will be an opportunity for participants to exchange opinions, advance ideas, and discuss preliminary results on current topics related to dynamic and declarative business processes. A particular interest will be taken in bridging theoretical research and practical issues. To this end, contributions stating open problems, case studies, tool presentations, or any other work assessing the practical significance of dynamic and declarative business processes by means of concrete examples and situations, will be particularly welcome. Work in progress, position papers stating broad avenues of research, and work on formal foundations of dynamic and declarative business processes are also sought-after. TOPICS Topics of the workshop include but are not limited to: - Dynamic business process modelling - Implementation issues for dynamic processes - Tools for dynamic processes - Use cases of dynamic processes - Business and technical requirements for dynamic processes - Declarative model specification - Mathematical foundations of declarative business processes - Formal models of declarative business processes - Monitoring of declarative business processes - Validation of declarative business processes - Tools for declarative business processes SUBMISSION The workshop duration is one day. It will comprise presentations of accepted papers, tool presentations, and keynotes. All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. Submissions should be 4 to 8 pages long and must use the two-column format of IEEE conference proceedings and include the author's name, affiliation, and contact details. Papers must be submitted as PDF files using EasyChair. Authors will be notified about the decision by the program committee by the 18th of July 2008. At least one author of each accepted paper must participate in the workshop. The papers accepted for the EDOC 2008 Workshops will be published after the workshop with their own ISBN in the IEEE Digital Library, which is accessible by IEEE Xplore. At least one of the authors for each accepted paper should register for the main conference in order to present their papers. The selected best research papers will be considered for special issues in top notch journals. Further details will be announced soon. IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission: June 13th, 2008 Paper Notification: July 18th, 2008 Camera Ready Copy Due: July 28th, 2008 Workshop: September 15th OR 16th, 2008 (to be confirmed) PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be completed) - Colin Atkinson, Universität Mannheim, Germany - Claudio Bartolini, HP Labs Palo Alto, USA - Thomas Bauer, DaimlerChrysler Group Research and Advanced Engineering, Germany - Andrew Berry, Deontik, Australia - Kamal Bhattacharya, IBM Watson, USA - Domenico Bianculli, University of Lugano, Switzerland - Franck van Breugel, York University, Canada - Christoph Bussler, Cisco Systems, Inc, USA - Sanjay Chaudhary, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, India - Marlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Estonia - Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada - Xiang Fu, Georgia Southwestern State University, USA - Karthik Gomadam, Wright State University, USA - Guido Governatori, University of Queensland, Australia - Reiko Heckel, University of Leicester, UK - Jana Koehler, IBM Zürich, Switzerland - Zoran Milosevic, Deontik, Australia - Shin Nakajima, National Institute of Informatics, Japan - Leo Orbst, The MITRE Corporation, USA - Maja Pesic, Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands - Manfred Reichert, University of Twente, The Netherlands - Stefanie Rinderle, Universität Ulm, Germany - Florian Rosenberg, Technical University of Vienna, Austria - Shazia Sadiq, The University of Queensland, Australia - Jennifer Sampson, National ICT Australia - Biplav Srivastava, IBM India Research Lab - Andreas Wombacher, University of Twente, The Netherlands WORKSHOP CHAIRS - Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University and Simon Fraser University, Canada - Tobias Graml, ETH Zürich, Switzerland - Sylvain Halle, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada *********************************************************************** *** Workshop website: *** www.leduotang.com/sylvain/ddbp2008 ***********************************************************************
Received on Friday, 6 June 2008 22:35:33 UTC