- From: Charlton Barreto <charlton_b@mac.com>
- Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 12:00:51 -0700
- To: Steve Ross-Talbot <steve@pi4tech.com>
- Cc: WS-Choreography List <public-ws-chor@w3.org>
I wanted to make certain you all received my +1 for the changes below and to removing the associated tests from exit example package. BTW, do we plan to meet tomorrow? Cheers, -Charlton. -- charlton_b@mac.com +1.650.222.6507 m +1.415.203.7247 v On Thursday, October 04, 2007, at 01:33PM, "Steve Ross-Talbot" <steve@pi4tech.com> wrote: >Make sure you check the time. Not sure when clocks change. > >Cheers > >Steve T > > >Agenda W3C Choreogargphy WG Con Call 9th October 2007 >========================================================= > >1. Roll Call > >2. Scribe > >3. Agenda changes > >4. Previous Minutes > 20th March 2007 http://www.w3.org/2007/03/20-ws-chor-minutes.html > >5. Action item review > 1. ACTION: Provide examples in primer for issue 1503 of how to use lists/arrays - bounded and unbounded > 2. ACTION: Add text in primer to explain interaction lifecycle, and that exchanges are only guaranteed if align=true. > 3. ACTION: SRT Describe Connectedness/Strong Connectedness design patterns in CDL > 4. ACTION: SRT keep primer up to date with CR issue resolutions/schema changes. > 5. ACTION: Chairs to record Action Item #5 in bugzilla > [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/20-ws-chor-minutes.html#action01] > 6. ACTION: Update 5.3.1 > xsd:any getVariable() second sentence from "The second parameter, part , specifies the message part of a > WSDL1.1 document, which is optional if the message type only contains a single part." to "The second parameter, > part , specifies the message part of a WSDL1.1 document, which is OPTIONAL if the message type only contains a > single part." > [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/20-ws-chor-minutes.html#action02] > 7. ACTION: Change in Section 5.7, > third paragraph, first sentence from: "A choreography session is initiated, establishing a new collaboration > between participants, upon the occurrence of the first interaction in the flow which BEGINS at the root > choreography." to "A choreography session is initiated, establishing a new collaboration between participants, > upon the occurrence of the first interaction in the flow which begins at the root choreography." > [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/20-ws-chor-minutes.html#action03] > >6. Implementations status > Process review - what do we as a WG need to do in the light of these tests > being completed? > > Test reports > http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2007Oct/att-0014/cdlexitreport.zip > >7. Primer Status > NO PROGRESS > Can we publish as a note after the group has finished? > >8. Formal Working Note Status > Can we publish as pdf instead of html? > >9. AOB > >10. Next meeting > > > > >
Received on Monday, 22 October 2007 19:01:11 UTC