Hi Charlton
I am hoping that Martin should be able to send a bugzilla summary of all
the issues that have a resolution but are still awaiting to be applied
to the spec.
This will also make it easier to work through the changes quickly.
Charlton Barreto wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Yves would have the golden copy of the spec, and I the exit examples.
> If the changes to applied could be listed/summarised, it would be useful for framing their discussion at next week's telcon.
> Cheers,
> -Charlton.
> --
> charlton_b@mac.com
> +1.650.222.6507 m
> +1.415.692.5396 v
> On Tuesday, March 06, 2007, at 04:56PM, "Steve Ross-Talbot" <steve@pi4tech.com> wrote:
>> Gentlepeople,
>> no call tonight. Can either Yves or Charlton confirm who has the
>> golden copy. Gary and/or I shall apply the changes. Then we can have
>> something concrete to do next call.
>> Cheers
>> Steve T