Correlation between request and response messages

Hi 2 all!


I am currently working on my diploma thesis about collaborative business
process description using WS-CDL. For the description of my example process
I use the eclipse plug-in pi4soa. My example process is now in the state of
a well formed WS-CDL document. 


Now I am evaluating the pi4soa generation of WS-BPEL documents out of a
WS-CDL description. On this point I have a problem to correlate request and
response messages. (screenshot) The red and green interactions occur between
different roles. How can I correlate them? First I thought I can use the
participant element within the interactions element to set a “from” and “to”
role, but it seems that the WS-CDL file of the pi4soa tool differs in this
part from the W3C Candidate Recommendation 9 November 2005. 


However! Does anyone know how to solve this problem?





Received on Thursday, 29 June 2006 20:52:17 UTC