Fwd: Working Note, Tex Files

DRAFT working note on formalism for WS-CDL.

This is the basis for Yves turining this into a Working note so I  
suggest we review and comment as necessary. I leave it to Yves as to  
how we might apply comments and suggestiions to a final Working Note.


Steve T

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Marco Carbone <carbonem@dcs.qmul.ac.uk>
> Date: 31 July 2006 19:23:43 BDT
> To: ylafon@w3.org
> Cc: Steve Ross-Talbot <steve@pi4tech.com>, Gary Brown  
> <gary@pi4tech.com>,  Kohei Honda <kohei@dcs.qmul.ac.uk>, Nobuko  
> Yoshida <yoshida@doc.ic.ac.uk>
> Subject: Working Note, Tex Files
> Dear Yves,
> we are finally ready with the working note.
> I attach to this email a .tgz file with all the tex files.
> I was not very careful with the layout (e.g. see first page) as I  
> believe you will change the format into W3C style.
> Best,
> Marco

Received on Monday, 31 July 2006 20:21:58 UTC