Proposal for Bug 3107 - Multipart variable with single part

        5.3.1 WS-CDL Supplied Functions

In the paragraph,


      //xsd:any getVariable(xsd:string varName, xsd:string part,
      xsd:string documentPath, xsd:QName roleTypeName?)// Returns the
      information of the variable with name /varName/ as a node set
      containing a single node. The second parameter, /part/ , specifies
      the message part of a WSDL1.1 document. For a WSDL 2.0 document it
      MUST be empty. When the third parameter /documentPath/ is empty,
      then this function retrieves the entire document from the variable
      information. When it is non-empty, then this function retrieves
      from the variable information, the fragment of the document at the
      provided absolute location path. The fourth parameter is OPTIONAL.
      When the fourth parameter is used, the variable information MUST
      be available at the roleType specified by /roleTypeName/ . If this
      parameter is not used then the roleType is inferred from the
      context that this function is used.

suggest changing

"The second parameter, /part/ , specifies the message part of a WSDL1.1 
document. "


"The second parameter, /part/ , specifies the message part of a WSDL1.1 
document, which is optional if the message type only contains a single 
part. "

Received on Wednesday, 19 July 2006 13:17:08 UTC