Re: Latest draft of primer is at:


I have checked section 4.1.3 Time, and I think the pseudo code and code 
fragment are wrong.

The workunit represents a while loop, while the pseudo code represents a 
repeat until. The workunit has a 'hasDurationPassed' function so would 
need to be blocking - but if this was the case it would block for 30 
seconds before going into the workunit, where the behaviour we wish to 
show is that it blocks as one of the choices for 30 seconds, and if no 
other choice path occurs, then it would take the timeout path.

So it would be:

while barteringDone=false do
    choice {
          sequence { quote accept and set barteringDone=true }
          sequence { reject quote }
          workunit guard=hasDurationPassed blocking=true {


Yves Lafon wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, Steve Ross-Talbot wrote:
>> This is the basis for the review work between now and Tuesday's call. 
>> Agenda is the same as last week.
> See
> The corrected XML master is at 
> Also in
> 3.2.1 Interactions
> In the fourth paragraph after the example:
> "for the variables -, -  and - respectively."

Received on Tuesday, 18 April 2006 10:11:24 UTC