Issue 1102 Proposal


Although I have asked Kohei for clarification on this, I actually think the text in the issue is pretty clear:

"Cannot see why finalizer blocks etc. should not combine in them corresponding 
workunits --- the latter seem rather redundant in semantics (and examples). 
As far as I read, no repetition etc. seems possible in these blocks."

He is saying why is only a workunit permitted inside a finalizerBlock? I can see no valid reason for this restriction, so I propose that we change this to be an 'activity'.

The only changes I can see are in section 2.4.5:

1) Syntax to change from

<finalizerBlock name="ncname" >


<finalizerBlock name="ncname" >

2) Last paragraph in that section - suggested change would be to remove the sentence that talks about the workunit.

3) Obviously the schema would need to be updated

The examples in 2.4.10 could be updated, but they are still valid using workunits.


Received on Monday, 21 March 2005 09:49:37 UTC