- From: René Peinl <rene.peinl@wiwi.uni-halle.de>
- Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 17:53:13 +0200
- To: <public-ws-chor@w3.org>
Apologies, if you receive multiple copies of this request. Call for papers =============== WS4EKI: workshop on Web service application Web service orchestration in an Enterprise Knowledge Infrastructure. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the 3rd European Conference on Web Services ECOWS 2005 <http://wscc.info/ecows2005/> from Nov 14-16, in Växjö, Sweden. The exact date of the workshop will be made available on the workshop's Web site http://www.wiwi.uni-halle.de/maier/ws4eki/. Introduction An enterprise knowledge infrastructure (EKI) is a comprehensive ICT platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing with advanced knowledge services built on top. These services have to be integrated on the basis of semantically richly described Web services that adhere to a shared ontology and allow personalized access for participants networked in communities. They have to be orchestrated in order to support knowledge processes with the ultimate goal to increase productivity of knowledge work. This workshop thus aims at a discussion of relevant applications of Web service technology for knowledge management and the orchestration of semantically richly described Web services in particular. The application domain needs integration of tools and systems that support knowledge work and thus is a specialization of enterprise application integration (EAI) scenarios that imposes more profound requirements on the description of services and the exchange of XML documents. Topics of interest Papers submitted to the workshop should address one or more of the following topics * standards and languages for semantic description of Web services * tools for (semi-)automated or intelligent retrieval and orchestration of Web services * scenarios for the application of ontologies together with Web services in an EKI * ontologies for relating Web services in an EKI scenario * meta-data structures for annotating Web services * deployment of inferencing machines for Web service orchestration * types of Web services as basic components of knowledge processes * registries supporting semantic retrieval of Web services * information systems providing Web services for EKIs Important dates Submission deadline: 2005/09/12 Notification of acceptance: 2005/09/30 Final paper due: 2005/10/24 Contact and organization For any questions regarding the workshop feel free to contact René Peinl, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, rene.peinl@wiwi.uni-halle.de Ronald Maier, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, ronald.maier@wiwi.uni-halle.de Submission requirements Papers submitted must not exeed 8 pages following the Springer LNCS formatting guidelines (see author guidelines http://www.springeronline.com/comp/lncs/authors.html), including all figures, tables and references. Papers should be submitted in PDF format. In exceptional cases, other file formats like Postscript (.ps), rich text format (rtf), Open Office (.sxw, .odt) or MS Word (.doc) may also be submitted. Contributions must be in English language. Please submit your papers without any author information and provide this information together with the title of the paper and an abstract in a separate cover file to rene.peinl@wiwi.uni-halle.de. Failure to commit to the presentation at the workshop automatically excludes a paper from the proceedings. Papers will be blindly reviewed. Reviewer comments are made available to the authors for consideration during preparing the final version of the paper. Final papers must not exceed 10 pages including an abstract, tables, figures and references.
Received on Friday, 29 July 2005 00:49:46 UTC