- From: Steve Ross-Talbot <steve@pi4tech.com>
- Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 17:10:11 +0100
- To: wsbpeltc tc' <wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org>, bp@fpml.team.collab.net, 'WS-Choreography List' <public-ws-chor@w3.org>
PRESS RELEASE Pi4 Technologies announces WS-CDL to WSDL and BPEL generation. 6th July 2005 Pi4 Technologies (www.pi4tech.com), a UK based open source company is pleased to announce the release of the second version of its WS-CDL (Web Services Choreography Description Language) tools suite. The tool suite is provided as an open source (Apache 2.0) plug-in to Eclipse 3.X and is available through the open source Pi4SOA website at www.pi4soa.org and an examples repository is available from the Pi4 Technologies web site at www.pi4tech.com. The tool suite includes a validating editor for constructing valid WS-CDL which conforms to the current latest draft of the WS-CDL specification along with an editor for creating test scenarios that can be used to test, simulate and even show conformance of a set of messages to a WS-CDL description. Also provided in the core release is the ability to generate WSDL1.1 and WSDL2.0 directly from a WS-CDL description. An experimental release for BPEL4WS1.1 is provided separately. This experimental version of BPEL generation demonstrates how WS-CDL can be used at a higher level and how BPEL can be used as an end-point language for service realisation. The experimental release has been tested with ActiveBPEL (www.activebpel.org). An example can be downloaded from the pi4tech website while all of the tools can be downloaded from the pi4soa open source website. Pi4 Technologies encourages the community to try our WS-CDL and provide feedback. Steve Ross-Talbot, CEO and co-founder of Pi4 Technologies, said "We are very pleased to provide an updated version for WSDL generation and an experimental addition for BPEL generation. The marriage of WS-CDL and BPEL fulfills the vision espoused by the Web Services Choreography Working Group in meeting the demands of many customers. In this version the experimental BPEL generation allows users to specify the peer to peer behavior of services and then render it directly into BPEL without the need to code in BPEL. The single step approach of using WS-CDL to describe and then BPEL to execute offers the possibility of creating large scale distributed systems in a safe more robust and interoperable manner and it removes the need to have a single controlling service that results in a lower operational risk without loss of control.". About Pi4 Technologies Ltd Pi4 Technologies was established in May 2005 by Steve Ross-Talbot and Gary Brown to leverage and deliver value from the pi-calculus in an open source business model. The first tools available are in the area of Web Services Choreography and are based on the Web Services Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL). Pi4 Technologies offers consulting services and professional open source support for the technologies that it delivers. For more information visit www.pi4tech.com.
Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2005 19:51:49 UTC