- From: Charlton Barreto <cbarreto@adobe.com>
- Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 13:00:20 -0700
- To: wschor Group <public-ws-chor@w3.org>
Hello all, Martin and I met on 2005-Jun-29 to discussed the principles and approach, and to sketch the type of scenarios and number of scenarios needed. To summarise, the principles to which we agreed are that the exit criteria examples to be developed would be: 1) Designed starting with atomic features in mind, such that each example would cover a particular feature. As we carry on we would consider opportunities for refactoring. As such we would not use a single all-encompassing, top-down designed example. 2) Designed to be generic, as they are not intended to serve as a tutorial, but rather as tests for each of the relevant features. At the same time this is not a conformance test suite; as such these will be designed to positively and atomically test functionality, including exception checking, and not perform any negative testing or test extensibility. 3) Designed to focus in interops. 4) Designed with no semantics-implied labels or explicit syntactic checking. 5) Designed to atomically test features, and not explicitly check all permutations of attributes, qualities of service (QoS), features or bindings. As per the meeting notes, Martin and I have developed a plan for 40 test scenarios. If you have any others please bring them to our attention and we will consider them with respect to the outlined principles for inclusion. -Charlton -- Charlton Barreto P 1.408.536.4496 cbarreto@adobe.com www.adobe.com
Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2005 20:01:02 UTC