- From: Gary Brown <gary@pi4tech.com>
- Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 15:01:10 +0100
- To: "'WS-Choreography List'" <public-ws-chor@w3.org>
Comments: I think the same document should be suitable for business analysts (probably jusst the first few sections), choreography designers with the various advanced situations that should be covered, but should also be suitable for CDL implementors - i.e. providing clarifications on how advanced situations should be handled, including how to potentially bind with other standards (e.g. security, reliable messaging, coordination, etc.). Section 3: Although I think the initial focus on interactions is a good idea, as essentially CDL is promoting an 'interaction oriented' approach to designing distributed systems, I am not sure that the interaction syntax details (and code fragments) are appropriate here. I think section 3 should be focusing on describing the example, highlighting the interaction focus, but then establish the static type information required to support the interaction-oriented description - including participants which is currently missing. This then sets the scene for the flow description of the activities. Possibly section 4 can be describing the interaction (with the details about exchanges and record details). Then maybe section 5 on structural activities. Section 6 on more advanced choreo patterns - modularization (performing sub-choreos) - including async concurrent performs - dependent workunits Section 7 could then focus on Faults, Exception Handling and Finalization (talk about finalization as opposed to compensation, as compensation is only one possible use of the finalizer mechanism). Also could deal with timeouts? Section 8 on "gotchas" - such as race conditions and the consequences of global conditions that do not have the appropriate state management to ensure that each participant have the appropriate state to support the conditions. Also possibly discuss interference scenarios in terms of linearity? Section 9 - WS-CDL with other standards - show examples of how CDL can be bound to security, reliable message and coordination standards Regards Gary ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Ross-Talbot" <steve@pi4tech.com> To: "'WS-Choreography List'" <public-ws-chor@w3.org> Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 11:52 AM Subject: Comments on primer please > > All: > > I'd like to get some direction comments and even contributions to the > primer. > > Can you take a look between now and tomorrow's meeting so that we can be > focussed. > > One thing to think about is who are the readers (the roles they play) and > what we want them to get out of the primer. > > Cheers > > Steve T > > > > >
Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2005 14:01:21 UTC