LAST CALL COMMENT 1/31/2005: State relationship between WS-CDL and UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM)

Dear CDL team,

The WS-CDL specification (Web Services Choreography Description Language 
version 1.0 W3C Last Call Draft 17 December 2004 should state the 
relationship between WS-CDL and the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM)

UN/CEFACT is the international standards body that is responsible for 
e-business standards such as EDIFACT, the most widely used business 
document standard in use today. As part of the support for a continous 
technology evolution, UN/CEFACT has developed a technology neutral and 
model driven approach to the development of business information and 
process standards. Functional services and deployment technologies such 
as EDIFACT, ebXML, and Web Services can be generated from models and 
libraries. UN/CEFACTs’ existing library of business semantics, and all 
new work will be represented as business collaboration models.

It is recommended that to chapter "1.5 Relationship with Business 
Process Languages" add a reference to UN/CEFACT Modelling Methodology (UMM).

As well as describing that CDL is not "executable business process 
description language" a reference to UN:s business collaboration 
methodology (based UML) that aims at specifying business processes from 
a global business and legal point of view. Within the UMM framwork, 
mappings to realization technologies are a key component and CDL with 
its goal of specifying exchanges of information is a key target. 
Therfore UMM fits as natural component uppwards in any collaborative 
business information systems stack. Its add business semantics and 
motivation behind any exchange of information.

best regards
Vice chair UN/CEFACT TMG

Received on Monday, 31 January 2005 19:07:02 UTC