Exceptions in WS-CDL

The enclosed fragment is provided to provoke and encourage discussion 
of the exception binding issue raised some time ago.

Charlton's email is at: 
Chair note: 10 min discussion without reaching any conclusion
Charlton: I'm working to get my example out by the end of this week, so 
as to facilitate discussion at next weeks call
Nick: Within the exchange element, the OPTIONAL faultName  attribute is 
used to identify this exchange element as a fault exchange with the 
specified name. If the faultName attribute is specified, then it will 
be used to identify the specific fault within the context of the 
operation. If the operation is defined using WSDL, this will occur in 
the following way:
  Nick: In WSDL/CDL faultName always points to fault operation in WSDL. 
But in BPEL it is associated with a QName only. We could therefore say 
that the QName coming from anywhere could map to a faultName in CDL.
Gary suggests that "causeException="qname"" in the exchange can be used 
to do this today
Binding of the qname to something specific is then a separate binding 

Comments people ......


Steve T

Received on Tuesday, 30 August 2005 20:16:23 UTC