Begin forwarded message:

> From: Steve Ross-Talbot <steve@pi4tech.com>
> Date: 18 April 2005 22:55:49 BST
> To: 'WS-Choreography List' <public-ws-chor@w3.org>
> 	http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=1110
> 2.5.4 Assigning Variables
> The Assign activity is used to create or change, and then make 
> available within one Role, the value of one or more Variables using 
> the value of another Variable or expression.
> The assign activity MAY also be used to cause an Exception at a Role.
> The syntax of the assign construct is:
> <assign  roleType="qname">
>    <copy  name="ncname" causeException="true"|"false"? >
>       <source  
> variable="XPath-expression"?|expression="Xpath-expression"? />
>       <target  variable="XPath-expression" />
>    </copy>+
> </assign>
> The copy element within the assign element creates or changes, at the 
> Role specified by the roleType attribute, the Variable defined by the 
> target element using the Variable or expression defined by the source 
> element at the same Role. Within the copy element, the attribute name 
> is used for specifying a name for each copy element declared within 
> this assign activity.
> The following rules apply to assignment:
>     * The source MUST define either a variable attribute or an 
> expression attribute
>           o When the source defines an expression attribute, it MUST 
> contain expressions, as defined in Section 2.4.3. The resulting type 
> of the defined expression MUST be compatible with the target Variable 
> type
>           o When the source defines a Variable, then the source and 
> the target Variable MUST be of compatible type
>           o When the source defines a Variable, then the source and 
> the target Variable MUST be defined at the same Role
>     * When the attribute variable is defined it MUST use only the 
> WS-CDL function getVariable
>     * The target Variable MUST NOT be defined with the attribute 
> silent set to "true"
>     * When two or more copy elements belong to the same assign 
> element, then they are performed in the order in which they are 
> defined
>     * If there are two or more copy elements specified within an 
> assign, then all copy operations MUST complete successfully for the 
> assign to complete successfully. Otherwise, none of the Variables 
> specified in the target attribute will be affected
>     * The OPTIONAL attribute causeException MAY be set to "true" in a 
> copy element if the target Variable is an Exception Variable. The 
> default for this attribute is "false"
>     * At most one copy element MAY have the attribute causeException 
> set to "true"
>     * When the attribute causeException is set to "true" in a copy 
> element, the Role specified by the attribute roleType gets into the 
> Exception state after the assign activity has completed
> 2.5.4 Assigning Variables
> The Assign activity is used to create or change, and then make 
> available within one Role, the value of one or more Variables using 
> the value of another Variable or expression.
> The assign activity MAY also be used to cause an Exception at a Role.
> The syntax of the assign construct is:
> <assign  roleType="qname">
>    <copy  name="ncname" causeException="true"|"false"? >
>       <source  
> variable="XPath-expression"?|expression="Xpath-expression"? />
>       <target  variable="XPath-expression" />
>    </copy>+
> </assign>
> The copy element within the assign element creates or changes, at the 
> Role specified by the roleType attribute, the Variable defined by the 
> target element using the Variable or expression defined by the source 
> element at the same Role. Within the copy element, the attribute name 
> is used for specifying a name for each copy element declared within 
> this assign activity.
> The following rules apply to assignment:
>     * The source MUST define either a variable attribute or an 
> expression attribute
>           o When the source defines an expression attribute, it MUST 
> contain expressions, as defined in Section 2.4.3. The resulting type 
> of the defined expression MUST be compatible with the target Variable 
> type
>           o When the source defines a Variable, then the source and 
> the target Variable MUST be of compatible type
>           o When the source defines a Variable, then the source and 
> the target Variable MUST be defined at the same Role
> <added>
> 	 o When a source variable is unavailable the result of the copy 
> expression is undefined
> </added>
>     * When the attribute variable is defined it MUST use only the 
> WS-CDL function getVariable
>     * The target Variable MUST NOT be defined with the attribute 
> silent set to "true"
>     * When two or more copy elements belong to the same assign 
> element, then they are performed in the order in which they are 
> defined
>     * If there are two or more copy elements specified within an 
> assign, then all copy operations MUST complete successfully for the 
> assign to complete successfully. Otherwise, none of the Variables 
> specified in the target attribute will be affected
>     * The OPTIONAL attribute causeException MAY be set to "true" in a 
> copy element if the target Variable is an Exception Variable. The 
> default for this attribute is "false"
>     * At most one copy element MAY have the attribute causeException 
> set to "true"
>     * When the attribute causeException is set to "true" in a copy 
> element, the Role specified by the attribute roleType gets into the 
> Exception state after the assign activity has completed

Received on Monday, 18 April 2005 22:25:48 UTC