Proposal for issue 1107


"The OPTIONAL bind element within the perform element enables 
information in the performing Choreography to be shared with the 
performed Choreography and vice versa. Within the bind element, the 
attribute name is used for specifying a name for each bind element 
declared within this perform activity. Within the bind element, the 
role attribute aliases the Roles from the performing Choreography to 
the performed Choreography.

The variable attribute within this element specifies that a Variable in 
the performing Choreography is bound with the Variable identified by 
the variable attribute within the free element in the performed 


"The OPTIONAL bind element within the perform element enables 
information in the performing Choreography to be shared with the 
performed Choreography and vice versa. The bind element identifies the 
source variable  at the source role in the this element which is then 
mapped to the target variable at the target role in the free element."

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2005 14:49:16 UTC