Re: Perform binding question

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Brown" <>
To: "Nickolas Kavantzas" <>;
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 7:42 AM
Subject: Perform binding question

> Nick,
> Just wanted to understand the reason for making the 'variable' attributes
> the perform 'this' and 'free' elements an XPath expression.
It was done as convinience but I do agree with you that the XPATH
expressions used
in receive, record, perform, assign need some clarification or some changes
in the text and possibly some
extra rules.

Actually, I am looking into this right now and I will have a proposal
(mostly edirorial) out sortly.
> Did you really intend for elements within one document (identified by the
> 'this' variable) to be bound onto a part of another document (identifed by
> the 'free' variable)?
<NK> NO </NK>
> Regards
> Gary

Received on Monday, 18 October 2004 16:24:44 UTC