Re: Work Units clarification question

>For example if within such a work-unit 5 sub choreographies are now
>activated when does the parent complete?
>Is it immediately the final sub-choreo starts or is it when the final
>sub-choreo also completes?
I propose adding a blocking attrubute for the non-atomic activities. If
the blocking attribute is true then the containing work-unit is not
considered complete until the activity completes, otherwise as soon as
it starts, like a spawn vs. call. By default activities always block.
>How does the termination status of a sub-choreo, in this scenario,
>affect the parent (i.e. a sub-choreo goes into an exception block)?
Does it change anything (status quo)? If the sub-choreo does go into an
exception block it may or may not fail, depending upon how the exception
is handled. If it does fail, then isn't this communicated through the
bound variables? 

>>>Steve Ross-Talbot <> 11/18/04 9:58 am >>>

In the defn of a Work-Unit in CDL (latest draft) it says (on page 29 of
the pdf):

A Work Unit completes successfully when all its enclosed actions
complete successfully.

Moving forward a little to consider multiple concurrent participants in
a work unit that might have this new concurrent attribute (and
possibly other things) what does complete successfully mean with
respect to the concurrent activities.

For example if within such a work-unit 5 sub choreographies are now
activated when does the parent complete?
Is it immediately the final sub-choreo starts or is it when the final
sub-choreo also completes?
How does the termination status of a sub-choreo, in this scenario,
affect the parent (i.e. a sub-choreo goes into an exception block)?


Steve T

Received on Thursday, 18 November 2004 19:09:03 UTC