Re: Proposed Text on Clocks

>Chapman: sounds ok to me
>>Lafon: ....How about something along the lines of:
>>CDL does not put any assumption on clock synchronization 
>>between involved parties. In some specific environments, like usual business 
>>activities, it can be assumed that all parties are reasonably well 
>>synchronized on second boundaries, however for all application requiring finer grain time 
>>synchronization or that have same-time requirements amongst all 
>>participants, additionnal support and control may be required 
>>but is out of the scope of the CDL specification.
>>It seems safer to say that in the general case, we can't 
>>consider clocks to be synchronized so that designers won't reach the case 
>>where a supplier is off by one hour without being warned that using relative time on 
>>participant is more reliable that assuming synchronized clocks 
>>(even on second boundaries).
mm1: I would prefer we say that any more granularity is left either 
unspecified or undefined. The more specifics we provide the more gap may 
be assumed. Thanks.

Received on Monday, 8 November 2004 18:18:31 UTC