Re: Clarification on interaction identifying an operation


I don't think that WS-CDL have this problem.

Below is the text from the interaction section in the WS-CDL spec:

"The operation attribute specifies a one-way or a request-response information exchange operation. The specified operation belongs to the interface, as identified by the role and behavior elements of the Channel Type of the Channel Variable used in the Interaction activity."

So, the behavior attribute within the role element of the channelType of the Channel Variable used in the 

Interaction activity would provide the interface, within which the operation exists.



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gary Brown 
  Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 6:54 AM
  Subject: Clarification on interaction identifying an operation

  Currently a RoleType can have multiple Behaviors, which can each define an interface (e.g. WSDL definition).

  A RelationshipType identifies two RoleTypes which it represents, including the optional list of behaviors for each role, or if not defined, then all of the behaviors associated with a role type are included in the relationship.

  Therefore, if we have an interaction that identifies the relationship it relates to, and the 'from' and 'to' roles, I don't believe we have enough information to unambiguously determine which WSDL interface a specified operation name relates to. This is only a problem if multiple interfaces on the same RoleType have the same operation name, which may be unlikely, but is a possibility.


Received on Monday, 8 November 2004 16:46:44 UTC