Re: Coordinated Choreographies Proposal 1 - coordination attribute

Hi Bob,

Would it be possible to elaborate on why you believe globalizedTrigger may 
require support from a coordination protocol?

>From my perspective, I would have assumed that the coordination protocol 
would be relevant for aligning variable information (as you have pointed 
out), and the globalizedTrigger would then only be dependent upon the 
availability of this information. Just want to determine whether you believe 
there is any more direct dependency between the function and a coordination 

> Three features in WS-CDL may require support from a
> Transaction/Coordination protocol:

> 2. globalizedTrigger():
>  2.1. This WS-CDL supplied function combines expressions that include
> Variables that are defined at different Roles.


Received on Wednesday, 3 November 2004 11:27:33 UTC