[ws-chor] 5/25/2004: Clarifications Requested on Issues (fwd)
[ws-chor] 5/25/2004: Issue Clarifications Requested (fwd)
Abstract, portable and concrete choreographies ... a proposed solution??
- david.burdett@commerceone.com (Thursday, 6 May)
- Ugo Corda (Wednesday, 5 May)
- Jean-Jacques Dubray (Wednesday, 5 May)
- Steve Ross-Talbot (Wednesday, 5 May)
- david.burdett@commerceone.com (Wednesday, 5 May)
- Ugo Corda (Wednesday, 5 May)
- Jean-Jacques Dubray (Wednesday, 5 May)
- Ugo Corda (Wednesday, 5 May)
- Jean-Jacques Dubray (Tuesday, 4 May)
- Steve Ross-Talbot (Tuesday, 4 May)
- Jean-Jacques Dubray (Tuesday, 4 May)
- Steve Ross-Talbot (Monday, 3 May)
- Monica J. Martin (Monday, 3 May)
- david.burdett@commerceone.com (Monday, 3 May)
- Ugo Corda (Monday, 3 May)
- Steve Ross-Talbot (Sunday, 2 May)
- Ugo Corda (Sunday, 2 May)
- Monica J. Martin (Sunday, 2 May)
Agenda for conf call tomorrow at 8:00pm
Agenda for tomorrows call
Business Semantics, was: RE: Abstract, portable and concrete choreographies ... a proposed solution??
Categorised Issues
Choreography Use Case from UBL
Draft Minutes 25th May 04 con call
f2f example
Fwd: From Martin Chapman
Issue 662: specify at least two levels or types of Choreography description
Issue categories
New Issue: bug 721 - Lack of a conformance clause
New Issue: bug 722 - Use of participants for scoping
New Issue: bug 723 - Channels and Channel Ends
New Issue: bug 724 - Editorial
New Issue: Bug 741 - Semantics examples needed
New Issue: Bug 742 - Maybe we should look at existential qualifiers
New Issue: Bug 743- Examples in the CDL specification and the Primer
New Issue: Bug 753 - Replace 'interaction' with 'interact'
New W3C standard choreographs Web services dance
Package Binding Presentation
Question and answer session notes from 27th April
Revised Agenda for F2F next week
Steve's final Q&A
TravelAgent Use Case CDL Example (work in progresss)
TWIST example
Use Case Proposal - Supporting the classifier-instance relationship in Web Services
Last message date: Monday, 31 May 2004 14:02:24 UTC