Steve's TWIST example modified

Dear Steve and others,
I have doctored your TWIST example and the Schema so that it does now
validate against the schema.
The only schema change was to add minOccurs="0" against the alias element in
perform type (I think that was what you intended the replacement for
tPerform in your message had a bit missing I think and so I may not have got
all the change you propose correctly)
In your example XML  I have changed:
the namespace identifiers back to what they were in your first example and
added in missing one to link up with the schema.
changed the attribute on token to 'name' (was incorrectly 'type') everywhere
added the required attribute of name to the interactions - with slightly
more meaningful names this time.  As it does not have to be a unique name
one could argue about whether it is really necessary to have it as required
- shall I raise an issue and proposal to make it optional?
I have commented out the alias in perform as the alias is now optional, but
if provided must have the child elements of this and free present - which I
could not work out quickly!
Best Regards     Tony
A M Fletcher
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Received on Monday, 14 June 2004 13:35:12 UTC