RE: [regrep] Semantic Web Collaborations

Thanks, Kathryn,

I will be happy to share any news that develops out of this initial 
effort to connect. Farrukh and I have corresponded previously, which 
is how I knew of the regrep presentation. I think the time is right 
to approach this kind of work.


At 8:16 AM -0800 2/6/04, Breininger, Kathryn R wrote:
>This is very interesting work - thank you for sharing your 
>presentation, etc. with us.  I can see where the ebXML Registry fits 
>into your overall framework, and would be interested in hearing more 
>about your proposals.
>Kathryn Breininger
>OASIS ebXML Registry TC Chair.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rex Brooks []
>Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:38 AM
>Cc:;; geovrml@AI.SRI.COM; 
>Subject: [regrep] Semantic Web Collaborations
>Dear Colleagues:
>I was recently asked to write a brief description of a rationale to 
>begin establishing regular liaison connections between entities or 
>bodies working on standards or pilot programs by which the emerging 
>framework of the Semantic Web as envisioned in the W3C can be 
>advanced. In other words, 'It's time to start making the semantic 
>web work in practical, pragmatic terms with concrete examples by 
>connecting previously unconnected resources."
>I am sending this message out to the specific resources, bodies and 
>entities that I personally want to connect, so please understand 
>that this message is request for help to make this happen.
>If you want to skip the rest of the preamble and get to the nuts, 
>bolts, who, what and how of this message, you can skip to the 
>horizontal rule.
>First, let me narrow this request by saying that it is aimed at the 
>leadership of the lists to which this message is being sent but that 
>is not meant to preclude anyone who reads this from participating, 
>especially those whose suggestion prompted this message. Any of us 
>can act as informal liaisons or contribute in any number of ways, 
>but I do want to move toward some more formal relationships to 
>enable a regular exchange of information at the least, and, at best, 
>active participation in new and existing projects and pilot programs 
>as well.
>That said, there are several facts I want to note. This effort to 
>describe the interconnections that are now ready to be made in 
>liaisons and collaborations that will benefit and advance the work 
>of all parties revolves first around my own participation in the 
>OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee, then the Web 
>Services for Remote Portlets, WSRP, and HumanMarkup TCs, and then my 
>potential participation in the E-Gov TC.
>As co-chair of the HumanMarkup TC, I can say that we identified our 
>own requirement for a liaison with the E-Gov TC from its inception, 
>but have not had success in finding someone capable of following 
>through with such a commitment, and so I have decided to do this 
>myself, and curtail other commitments to enable this, perhaps by 
>serving as liaison to both the Emergency Management and HumanMarkup 
>I also envision working with both the ebXML Registry TC and the 
>Content Assembly Mechanism TC. The ebXML Registry TC has a Semantic 
>Content Management Subcommittee which may be of specific interest 
>and use in connecting with E-Gov TC, which has identified a 
>requirement to address the need for a Semantic Content Management 
>Mechanism of some sort.
>A note on my personal history may help put this into a more complete 
>context. I co-founded the Content Development Working Group of the 
>Web3D Consortium in 1998, when it was named The VRML Consortium. I 
>joined HumanMarkup work as it was forming in order to develop a high 
>level authoring language capable of being used to provide standard 
>behaviors for real-time representation of 3D humans on the web, and 
>this remains my long term goal. I recently became involved with 
>Emergency Management because it is a natural extension of my work to 
>provide geospatially accurate 3D depictions of  emergency 
>environments in real time. These are, of course, longer term goals 
>as opposed to what we can provide more immediately in the next few 
>years. So, this is a consistent thread in my own work since I first 
>began working on standards for my own work.
>As an example of the kind of work I envision, I offer the 60-slide 
>presentation accompanied by a 27-page paper, I made on behalf of the 
>OASIS HumanMarkup TC, and, Inc., the 501(c)(3) 
>Non-Profit Corporation to educate and foster development of the 
>Human Markup Language, of which I am the volunteer Executive 
>Director. The ultimate product of the collaboration described was a 
>(WSRP 1.0/JSR 168 conformant) Web Services-based Public Healthcare 
>Preparedness Portal using the Common Alerting Protocol, CAP, 
>developed by the Emergency Management TC, shown in slide 59:
>Realizing the Semantic Web:
>The W3C released the most current RDF and OWL specifications 
>December 15, 2003. OWL is the Web Ontology Language and RDF is the 
>Resource Descritpion Framework, and together they comprise the 
>fundamental specifications which specifically enable inference 
>engines and, therefore, allow the Semantic Web to begin developing 
>in earnest.
>OWL Overview:
>OWL Guide:
>OWL Reference:
>OWL Semantics and Abstract Syntax:
>OWL Web Ontology Language Test Cases:
>OWL Use Cases and Requirements:
>RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)
>RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema
>RDF Primer:
>Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax
>RDF Semantics
>RDF Test Cases
>The Stanford Medical Informatics Groups recently released Protege 
>2.0, a working Knowledge Base and Ontology Building open source 
>application project, which has both an OWL Plugin and an RDF Plugin.
>This gives us a set of languages and a toolkit to use to build 
>applications realizing practical, working applications of the 
>Semantic Web.
>Disclaimer: all of these components are recent, though they have 
>been in development for several years, but should not be expected to 
>display error-free or mature reliability.
>My personal short term goal at this point in time is to develop an 
>extension of the Portal developed in the presentation given to the 
>EA Collaboration Expedition Workshop #30 cited above, perhaps 
>including, or being included within an extended format with the 
>presentation given by ebXML Registry Services to XML 2003 in 
>December in Philadelphia, PA.
>The very extensive collaborations represented in the presentations 
>given at the EA Workshop and XML 2003 illustrate the breadth of 
>standards and organizations which can interoperate using the 
>principles on which the Semantic Web is based. Moving this further 
>can be facilitated by adding a few more components such as the the 
>Web Services Business Process Execution Language, WSBPEL, and the 
>Web Services Choreography Language which is under development by W3C.
>To be specific about the entities which I would like to see involved 
>in active liaisons, I offer this list:
>OASIS Content Assembly Mechanism TC
>OASIS ebXML Registry TC
>	ebXML Registry Semantic Content Management SC
>OASIS e-Government TC
>OASIS Emergency Management TC
>	EM Infrastructure Framework SC
>	EM Messages and Notification SC
>OASIS HumanMarkup
>OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution Language TC
>OASIS Web Services for Remote Portlets TC
>My wish list for extra-OASIS participants:
>W3C Web Services Choreography Working Group
>Stanford Medical Informatics--Protege
>Web3D Consortium Geovrml Working Group
>This does not mean that I do not think other groups ought to be 
>included, but I am somewhat more focused on the emergency management 
>application area in order to deliver immediately understandable, and 
>global/pan-human benefits in any demonstration projects that might 
>be developed.
>Rex Brooks
>GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
>Tel: 510-849-2309
>Fax: By Request

Rex Brooks
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
Tel: 510-849-2309
Fax: By Request

Received on Friday, 6 February 2004 12:00:38 UTC