W3C WS Choreography WG conference call


2nd Sept 2003, 1pm PDT

1.     Role Call
2.     Confirm scribe

The following is a list of recent scribes (in order): Monica Martin, Tony, Fletcher, Jim Hendler, Kevin Liu, Tony Fletcher, Jon Dart, David Burdett, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Monica Martin, Len Greski, Jean-Jacques Dubray, Monica Martin, Mayilraj Krishnan, Francis McCabe, Michael Champion, Abbie Barbir, David Burdett, Jon Dart, Carol McDonald, Yaron Goland, Leonard Greski, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Daniel Austin, Peter Furniss, Jim Hendler

3.     Approve minutes
              Minutes 29th July 2003


4.     Action Item Review

Last week (22nd July): 17 ongoing action items and 3 new actions from last week. 

This week (29th July): 7 ongoing action items and 5 new actions from last week (marked with a *).



ACTION: Chairs, Oversee the organisation of the task forces.  ONGOING

ACTION: Martin to track back through past minutes for issues and put into Bugzilla. ONGOING

ACTION*: SRT to contact Alastair Barros with a vew to DTSC hosting the W3C Choreography F2F meeting in Melbourne Australia in December 2003. DONE – they will host.

ACTION*: Chairs (SRT/Chapman) to put on the agenda for 2nd September the following item:

            Burdett ML, the extent to which it meets the requirements and the extent to which the requirements are reasonable.



ACTION: Alistair (Barros) will develop a use case / scenario for this broadcast use case. ONGOING

            The Barros use case

ACTION: David Burdett to provide a design collaboration use case PENDING

ACTION: Martin to propose text for call-back use case. ONGOING



ACTION: David Burdett action on verifying and reporting on the legal aspects of Burdett ML. ONGOING

            ACTION: David Burdett reported that he should have a resolution by next week - cover next week. ONGOING

            LATEST: Burdett - IPR copies provided to chairs; Burdett will post to the mailing list.

ACTION*: DB to produce a commentary on how Burdett ML meets (or not) the current requirements.

            LATEST: Ongoing to determine if this meets our requirements and identify gaps. Analysis paper will be finished by David Burdett prior to the September meeting and he will try to post beforehand.



ACTION*: SRT to send mail to the Semantics tag as to what he is looking for to initiate the discussion on semantics in the WS-Choreography language.

            LATEST (NEW ACTION): SRT Brought semantics question to the TAG. On chairs coordination call, he asked about semantics for/of choreography. A new Semantic Web Services Interest Group is being formed in about one month. Issue will be sent to that group when it is formed.

ACTION*: SRT to  put semantics on to the issues list.


5.     Standing tracking items (a section designed to ensure that longer running items are properly tracked)


·                Requirements – next steps (progress/review)
o      Mission Statement
o      CSF Analysis
o      Use cases
o      Requirements listing
·                Issue tracking (progress/review)
o      Major issues to report
·                 Task forces – next steps (progress/review)
o      Task list
o      Membership


6.    Face2Face in Seattle (agenda items)


7.    Burdett ML, the extent to which it meets the requirements and the extent to which the requirements are reasonable.

8.    Threads (on the archive not covered elsewhere in the agenda
·                 Correlation requirements
First in thread, latest
·                Simultaneous execution
First in thread, latest
·                Off topic (catch all)
                         First in thread, latest
9.     AOB.