CDL questions for requirements editors (and the group as a whole)

In the Oracle contribution the following are listed as requirements of 
a CDL.

1.Describe cross-enterprise collaborations from a common viewpoint 
perspective, instead of a participant perspective. A global, 
peer-to-peer, compositional model reflects the collaborations between a 
set of participants at the same level by describing the common behavior 
for all participants.
2.Compose collaborations to form new collaborations that are reused in 
different business contexts.
3.Enable verification that a business process participating in a 
business collaboration is conforming to the global contract, as 
specified by the Business Collaboration Language.
4.Specify the responsibilities required from the collaboration 
participants in order to accomplish a common business goal.
5.Specify the collaboration contact-points to facilitate communication 
and synchronization between participants. Prescribe the allowed type of 
information exchanged between the Web Services participating in the 
composition and restrict their usage. Group a set of correlated message 
exchanges between participants to construct one or more logical 
conversations within a collaboration.
6.Specify the shared, explicitly specified, business rules for 
alligning the shared business state and enabling the communication and 
synchronization between the participants. The rules specify on which 
collaboration contact-point(s), what business information (one or more 
business messages including business documents and/or collaboration 
contact-points) a business role must receive and send from/to another 
business role, when these observable actions must occur (by specifying 
ordering constraints, concurrent abilities, data dependencies on shared 
business information) and what is the shared business information that 
results from these collaborations.
9.Plan for exceptional conditions and their consequences during the 
collaboration, and provision for forward recovery plans.
10.Allow user level annotations that provide the human-readable 
documentation of the business rules listed above.
11.Support from a Web Services Reliable Messaging framework, enabling 
exactly-once and guaranteed delivery of business documents exchanged 
between participants (details are provided in section 6 of this 
12.Assert when Web Service participants are capable of managing their 
collaborations in a transactional way, to precisely define the 
transaction boundaries and the common observable compensation behavior. 
Coordinate the outcome of the long-lived collaborations, which include 
multiple, often recursive collaboration units, each with its own 
business rules and goals.
13.Describe semantics of the Web Services.
14.Describe the policies and the faults that result when these policies 
are not followed:
     $B,&(Bauthorizing a participant to be engaged in a business transaction.
     $B,&(Bsigning a business document for non-repudiation purposes.

Questiion: Do these match with the existing "updated" requirements?


Steve T

Received on Tuesday, 21 October 2003 08:07:21 UTC