RE: Security requirements

Hi Tony,
Assuming that our final CDL will be based on WSDL (which might be an incorrect assumption, given the fact that we currently have no stable spec), it's very likely that WSDL 2.0 will contain policy assertions including security-related ones.
Would it still make sense, under that scenario, to replicate those security policies at the CDL level?

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Fletcher, Tony
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 1:14 PM
Subject: Security requirements

Dear Colleagues,
On the teleconference last night I kind of agreed to kick the ball into play on drafting some security requirements.  So here goes.
It seems to me that the CDL can be declarative with regard to security.  In other words it should support notation for flagging that certain security requirements have to be met at this point but can then rely on the 'stack' below the Choreography language layer to 'make it so'.
It should be possible to flag that a certain policy applies from this point in the choreography until the choreography ends or another flag is encountered.
Should be able to refer out to standard policy sets or state specific requirements explicitly.  These should include ability to require:
authentication of the partner and or the message content source
that a secure audit log is made
that a message is protected from change (integrity)
that the contents of a message are hidden (confidentiality)
that the sending of a message is non-repudiable
that the receipt of a message is non-repudiable
that the message or message exchange is protected against replay
that the time of sending of a message is recorded

that the time of receiving of a message is recorded
that a time (/date) stamp is attached to a message when sent.
I am sure I have missed various things, but I hope that will encourage others to add / correct / rephrase.

Best Regards,



Tony Fletcher

Technical Advisor 
Choreology Ltd.
68, Lombard Street, London EC3V 9L J   UK


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Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2003 16:37:17 UTC