- From: Fletcher, Tony <Tony.Fletcher@choreology.com>
- Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 21:14:14 -0000
- To: <public-ws-chor@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <221369570DEDF346AE42821041345E893A97E8@exchange1.corp.choreology.com>
Dear Nick, Goran and others, Reading through your Choreography language proposal, I realised that you had used roles with different behaviours. I was wondering if there was a a reason for this as it did not seem quite what I have been lead to believe is the usual terminology. What I am suggesting is that you rename roleType to partnerType (or whatever we decide to call it) and then behaviorType can be renamed to roleType. (You may have to look at where else the term role is used and see if that is consistent with this renaming or whether it needs to be changed to partner.) Advantage: removes an American spelling! More seriously it allows us to talk about the roles that partners can play and directly align with the tag names used in the CDL. Best Regards, Tony <http://www.choreology.com/> Tony Fletcher Technical Advisor Choreology Ltd. 68, Lombard Street, London EC3V 9L J UK Phone: +44 (0) 870 7390076 Mobile: +44 (0) 7801 948219 Fax: +44 (0) 870 7390077 Web: <http://www.choreology.com/> www.choreology.com Cohesions(tm) Business transaction management software for application coordination Work: tony.fletcher@choreology.com Home: amfletcher@iee.org
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Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2003 16:18:45 UTC