Re: New Paper available for PDF download: Workflow is just a Pi process (or WFM is not BPM)


see my comments inline.


Steve T

On Monday, November 17, 2003, at 05:00  pm, Jean-Jacques Dubray wrote:

>> It is very difficult to model this without mobility. But, this  
>> scenario is
> all over the place in workflow. It is >especially prevalent in  
> situations
> involving a broker-- which is one of the most dominant patterns to be  
> found
> in >the domain.
> It is the most prevalent pattern, simply because the technology that is
> being sold today cannot support efficiently another pattern. The  
> challenge
> of SOA is precisely to invent a technology where P2P is the prevalent
> pattern rather than P2B2P. The role of a broker in SOA is merely  
> reduced to
> the one of a registry. Nothing says that I want Amazon to find a  
> shipper for
> me. What if I don't like this shipper, what if I use another shipper  
> which
> is more efficient for my needs?
> The Broker model, like in EAI brings some economies of scale, but  
> solves the
> problem by creating other problems, in particular a central focal  
> point.
> This is precisely what SOA projects like ebXML have not built in their
> architecture. Sure you could be a broker with an ebXML architecture,  
> that
> would work, but nothing in the architecture would require to have a  
> broker.
> Brokers are useful, but like every good things, we have to use them
> reasonably.
> So creating a technology that re-enforces this business model (e.g.
> Orchestration as a broker not as a peer) is a non-goal for me.
>> 1. completeness -- i.e. Turing complete
>> 2. compositionality -- the model is an algebra, the practical  
>> advantage of
> which is that large(r) programs are
>> built from small(er) ones 3. concurrency -- the model has an explicit
> account of autonomous execution 4. cost -- >the model has an explicit
> account of resources like time and space
>> Turing machines, for example, fail on features 2 and 3.
>> Lambda calculus fails on 3 and 4.
>> Petri nets fail on 2.
>> CCS, CSP fail on 4.
> This argumentation is very seducing (I am seduced), but IFAIK, windows
> operting systems and C# for instance can support all 4 points. Does it  
> mean
> that windows and C# were build on a pi-foundation? (or maybe I am not
> understanding what the 4 points are about). I am not questioning the
> validity of your claims about formal models, I am more questioning the
> validity of a formal model to get a certain job done. What would  
> pi-calculus
> give us that a well designed metamodel executed by existing thenology
> (windows and C#, or JVM/Java) would not give us? What would be the  
> impact of
> having to use pi-calculus if we establish that this is the only  
> formalism
> that we can use: do we have to go back and change microprocessor
> architectures, operating systems, languages? Or would pi-calculus give  
> us
> hints on how to design the best metamodel of a process?

SRT> You can argue that C# and indeed assembler can be used to build  
distributed applications.
SRT> However they have nothing that enables you to do composition in a  
distributed environment.
SRT> Compositionality is everything in SOA and indeed any distributed  
environment. After all if
SRT> we had no parallel composition (the | operator in pi-calculus)  
then all we are doing is using
SRT> sticky tape to glue together what are discrete turing machines. It  
is clearly possible to use
SRT> the latter approach since this is what for the most part many of  
us have to do to deliver systems
SRT> today. But it's a case of striving for a better world in which  
communication (of which parallel
SRT> composition is a consequence) is put at the forefront and is not  
an after thought based on
SRT> ad-hoc computer science. What pi-calculus has given the  
computational science community
SRT> is a way of understanding communication and parallel composition  
in a formal setting so that
SRT> we can ask hard questions like resource usage over a distributed  
environment, like what it
SRT> means for two systems to behave in the same way (bi-simulation).
SRT> This doesn't mean that pi-calculus is the only formalism.  
Petri-nets, as Greg has stated, provide
SRT> some of this. What pi does is provide all of this. It doesn't  
claim to do so in such a way as to make
SRT> in easy for us mere mortals to understand it's intricacies but it  
has given rise to a plethora of process
SRT> algebras from the join-calculus to ambient-calculus and so on.
SRT> While it would be nice to start computational science from a new  
begining - just the theorist in me - it
SRT> is not practical to do so. So what process algebras do is inform  
us about design decision and perhaps
SRT> allow us to model communication in such a way as to ask the hard  
questions such as "am I lockfree?"
SRT> or "do I behave in the same way as this specification" or "find be  
a web service that behaves in this way?".
SRT> All of these questions are difficult if not impossible without  
some formal model. Pi and process algebras
SRT> are a pretty good place to start. So I think your very last  
question is pretty well on the mark.

> Cheers,
> Jean-Jacques Dubray
> Attachmate,
> tel: 425-649-6584
> Cell: 508-333-7634
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Meredith []
> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 8:28 AM
> To: Andrew Berry; Howard N Smith
> Cc:;
> Subject: RE: New Paper available for PDF download: Workflow is just a  
> Pi
> process (or WFM is not BPM)
> Andrew,
> You raise important concerns for workflow. i completely agree with you  
> that
> a decent account of workflow must address locality/distribution and  
> partial
> state. But, i must beg to differ on your analysis of the pi-calculus  
> with
> regards to partial state.
> First, the notion of state must be identified with process in the
> pi-calculus. Intuitively, a state is represented by what the process  
> can do
> based on what it "knows", i.e. what actions it is willing to engage in,
> given what names are in scope. A really good example to consider is  
> modeling
> a cell where you can store a value. (See,
>, page 35.)
> Consider a collection, P_i, of processes. Since each process  
> represents a
> state, then an aggregate, or partitioned state may be represented by  
> the
> parallel composition of the P_i's, P = P_0 | P_1 | ... | P_N.
> Notice that in any standard reduction rules for pi-calculus, the rule  
> for
> reduction in the parallel composition context will allow these  
> processes to
> reduce independently. Thus,
> P_0 | P_1 | ... | P_N ->* P_0 | ... | P_j' | ... | P_k' | ... | P_N.
> State change has not happened all at once for all of P. Bit's and  
> pieces of
> it have updated, but not the whole thing. You would have to introduce a
> protocol, e.g., 2PCPA, amongst the participants of P to get certain  
> kinds of
> atomicity and isolation guarantees regarding the visibility of state  
> change.
> Fortunately, 2PCPA *is* a protocol and as such can be well described  
> in pi
> (see Berger and Honda's paper for a treatment of this,
> Therefore, the  
> agents
> providing this protocol can be composed with the agents of P to give  
> the
> overall semantics desired.
> Note that, since this introduces a coding overhead, various  
> researchers in
> the process algebra community have added primitives to the calculus to
> abstract this coding. This foreshadows a more general point i want to  
> make
> that can be illustrated by considering the issue of modeling
> locality/distribution.
> i completely agree that locality and distribution are notions almost
> completely lacking in plain vanilla pi-calculus. Unfortunately, i  
> think that
> a terrible type/token confusion takes over in these discussions. It  
> should
> be plainly obvious that barebones, plain pi-calculus cannot be used for
> serious applications like workflow without considerable enrichment. For
> example,
> 1. real workflow applications will describe message flows branching on
> numeric computation; the pi-calculus doesn't have a useable theory of
> numeric computation; and the encodings of numbers to be found-- though  
> quite
> intriguing-- would simply be too arduous with which to code; 2. real
> workflow applications will describe message flows with complex message
> structure, e.g. messages with structure like XML documents; neither  
> monadic
> nor polyadic pi-calculus is up to this task; 3. real workflow  
> applications
> require that there is not a global name manager; plain vanilla  
> pi-calculus
> requires that there *is* one; 4. real workflow applications are  
> probably not
> going to require a heavy-weight protocol to ensure-- in a distributed
> setting-- the summation semantics the pi-calculus delineates.
> That said, the pi-calculus provides a *framework* in which to develop  
> the
> appropriate formalism. This framework is objectively and demonstrably
> different from the other models of computation put forward.
> And, it is better suited to the modeling of domains like workflow than  
> any
> other model put forward so far. i will return to this point in a  
> moment.
> So, as long as we recognize that the pi-calculus is really a stand in  
> for
> the class of mobile process algebras, then we are much more likely to
> achieve an understanding of how the pi-calculus can genuinely help  
> model
> scenarios in the workflow domain. With respect to distribution and  
> locality,
> there are several very variations of the pi-calculus that provide very
> useful accounts of these notions. For example, Vasconselos, et al,  
> recently
> developed lsd-pi which addresses distribution in a typed setting
> ( Another approach to these
> problems is found in the join-calculus of Fournet
> (, et al. Another  
> approach is
> found in the work of Wischik, et al, on explicit fusions
> (
> Just as you will have to adapt the framework to provide a variant that  
> deals
> with complex message structure, you will have to adapt the framework to
> provide a variant that deals with distribution. There are several  
> flavors.
> Try a few on a few problems and see which one is better suited. If  
> none are
> suited, that's wonderful, we have discovered something!
> Now, as for the suitability of the framework to this domain, it turns  
> out
> that the mobile process algebras are the first model of computation to
> simultaneously enjoy four features
> 1. completeness -- i.e. Turing complete
> 2. compositionality -- the model is an algebra, the practical  
> advantage of
> which is that large(r) programs are built from small(er) ones 3.  
> concurrency
> -- the model has an explicit account of autonomous execution 4. cost  
> -- the
> model has an explicit account of resources like time and space
> Turing machines, for example, fail on features 2 and 3.
> Lambda calculus fails on 3 and 4.
> Petri nets fail on 2.
> CCS, CSP fail on 4.
> And, of course, each one of these also has the very same issue in that  
> they
> are abstractions, frameworks, not ready-made models, and will have to  
> be
> adapted to fit the domain. For example, it would be much too onerous  
> to use
> Church numerals (ala lambda calculus) to do the arithmetic  
> calculations on
> which to make workflow decisions.
> Noting that the pre-mobile process algebras only lack a notion of  
> cost, it
> is most instructive to see how the introduction of mobility  
> simultaneously
> provides many important features of both practical and theoretical  
> import.
> For example, an account of space consumption of a program is available  
> in pi
> (and its variants): count the fresh names generated by a computation.  
> It is
> also quite necessary as a practical feature in workflow. Consider the
> following scenario.
> Consumer goes to a well known port of Provider ( and  
> emits a
> message containing a port ( at which she would like  
> to be
> contacted for further interaction. Provider processes consumers  
> message,
> contacts Shipper and emits a messages to Consumer with, among other  
> things,
> the port ( where Consumer may see the status of  
> her
> purchase.
> It is very difficult to model this without mobility. But, this  
> scenario is
> all over the place in workflow. It is especially prevalent in  
> situations
> involving a broker-- which is one of the most dominant patterns to be  
> found
> in the domain.
> In my brief experience with the domain i have found that the four  
> features
> outlined above constitute a bare minimum of requirements of the
> computational model necessary to model workflow without imposing undue  
> labor
> on the part of the modeler. The mobile process algebras are  
> objectively, the
> first models of computation to enjoy these properties simultaneously.
> Very likely, now that we have examples of models that enjoy these  
> properties
> together we will come up with new and better ones. But, the only way i  
> know
> how to do that is to go about the job of modeling real application  
> scenarios
> with the best technology available and seeing where the technology  
> falls
> short, and then, seeing what it takes (from minor tweak to paradigm  
> shift)
> to account for what's actually happening or needs to happen in the
> application.
> Best wishes,
> L.G. Meredith
> P.S. There is a coda to this discussion regarding the difference  
> between
> modeling workflow and providing *public descriptions* of a flow. A  
> model may
> be quite detailed and provide information about implementation and  
> strategy
> that a business is not interested in revealing to its customers or
> competitors. A public description has one primary function -- to  
> facilitate
> search and discovery. Given this distinction, the language in which  
> public
> descriptions are expressed should *not* be complete.
> Fortunately, in this connection, the mobile process algebras present  
> another
> distinguishing characteristic. Over the past decade, a notion of  
> behavioral
> typing has emerged and been effected in the mobile process algebra  
> setting.
> The languages for these types have exactly the right properties to be  
> used
> as the basis for public descriptions of processes.
> See my recent paper in the ACM for a more detailed discussion of these
> points.
> ( 
> citation.cfm?id=944217.944236&coll=portal&dl=ACM&
> idx=J79&part=magazine&WantType=Magazines&title=CACM)
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Andrew Berry
> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 2:57 AM
> To: Howard N Smith
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: New Paper available for PDF download: Workflow is just a  
> Pi
> process (or WFM is not BPM)
> Howard,
> You have a fundamental problem with the choice of Pi Calculus: there  
> is no
> concept of locality or partial state. In choreography and web services  
> in
> general, you can guarantee that participants (processes) are physically
> distributed and need to make choices based on a partial view of state.  
>  To
> successfully model, program and reason about these processes, you need  
> to be
> able to identify and reason about partial states.
> Consider your deferred choice semantics.  If the processes identified  
> as
> choices are physically distributed, you *cannot* make a choice without
> synchronisation of processes because distinct choices can be made in a  
> truly
> concurrent fashion.  Pi Calculus has no way of identifying this issue,  
> let
> alone reasoning about it.  Explicit synchronisation processes, while  
> solving
> the problem for a given process, require that the programmer reason  
> about
> distribution and locality outside the bounds of the Pi Calculus  
> semantics.
> I would therefore argue that a worflow and in particular a  
> choreography is
> not a Pi Process.
> Ciao,
> AndyB
> On Wednesday, November 12, 2003, at 03:00  AM, Howard N Smith wrote:
>> Choreography pioneers,
>> Following a short conversation with Steve R-T, he agreed for me to
>> send you this paper.
>> It is intended as a draft for discussion.
>> The paper is new information. It shows how, based on BPML, it is
>> possible to model all of the advanced workflow patterns identified by
>> workflow theorists, whereas most workflow engines only support approx
>> 50% of patterns directly and very few of the advanced patterns.
>> In addition, it gives insights into the BPML implementation inherent
>> to a BPMS, and how a BPMS is able to support many process models not
>> supported by workflow technology.
>> Screenshots from Intalio|n3 BPMS are given as examples. Further, the
>> workflow engine itself can be modelled in BPML, as reusable processes
>> for use in end-to-end processes. The paper was written to more fully
>> explain the work of and its direction in creating BPMS
>> foundation technologies.
>> Peter Fingar and I have taken great care with this paper, and do hope
>> it adds to the understanding of BPML/BPMI/BPMS direction. While the
>> paper cannot present proof of these claims, you can consider it a
>> report on the work so far.
>> The paper can be downloaded from:
>> Regards,
>> Howard
>> ---
>> New Book - Business Process Management: The Third Wave
>> Howard Smith/CSC/
>> cell             +44 7711 594 494 (worldwide)
>> home office +44 20 8660 1963

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Received on Monday, 17 November 2003 14:32:05 UTC