RE: Co-ordination protocol and BPEL

Assaf Arkin sent:

> Ricky Ho wrote:
> >
> > There are a couple of issues ....
> >
> > Lets say in the following process
> >
> > <process>
> >   <sequence>
> >     ....
> >     <receive/>
> >     ....
> >     <reply/>
> >     ....
> >     <receive/>
> >     ....
> >     <reply/>
> >     ....
> >   </sequence>
> > </process>
> >
> > 1) Lets say the first <receive> pass in a transaction context.  What
> > is the "scope of work" ?  Between the first request and 
> first reply ?  
> > or everything after the first receive ?
> That depends on how you define the importing of the context.

Agreed (assuming I interpret "importing" as you meant).
 And obviously something known to both parties has got say what the
presence of a context on a particular message means. That might be
affected by the type of the message, by other "headers" on it, or be in
the choreography definition, I suppose.  It could even be inside the
message - and in that case it might not apply to all the message - it
would seem quite rational, if using BTP or WS-T BA (which allow choice
among participants of one transaction) to have a message that was
			<transaction-context id=104>
			 ... 1000 nuts ..
			<transaction-context id=105>
			 ... 1000 bolts ..

though that's not the same case Ricky raised.

For the sequence case, unless the first message is explicitly defined as
being the first of a conversation, and that definition says that a
context on it is implicit to the rest of the conversation, I'd kind of
assume that each message has it's own context. Of course, these could
always be the same context, meaning each of them are part of the same

> If you define the scope as the entire sequence then it will 
> start with 
> the first receive but it will end all the work after the last 
> activity 
> has occurred (i.e. after the second reply). The sender is not just 
> waiting for a reply, the sender is also waiting to later on either 
> receive a completed, exited, or failed message indicating that all 
> further work done after the reply has completed/failed.
> If the scope is for a single activity than only that activity is 
> performed, but again after the reply is sent you still need to send 
> completed/exited/failed which you could potentially piggyback on the 
> reply message (though not allowed in WS-TX currently).
> > 2) Lets say after receiving the first <reply>, the caller want to
> > commit the transaction.  What scope of work has been 
> committed ?  Does 
> > the caller wait for this whole process to be completed before the 
> > caller's transaction can commit successfully ?
> If we are talking BA then there are two modes: either you tell the 
> process when all work has been completed so it can wrap up 
> things on its 
> side and send a completed/exited message, or you wait for it 
> to tell you 
> when it completes and then wait for all others to tell you they 
> completed. In case of aborting, you would just tell working scopes to 
> cancel and completed scopes to compensate.

There's also the option (in BA and BTP) that the receiver registers
multiple participants, one for each receive (or, indeed, more than one).
If the context declares that the decision will be atomic (i.e. the same
for all participants), then how many participants there are, and how the
work is partitioned among them is a concern only of the receiver.

> The important thing here is that you should say what you mean 
> and mean 
> what you say. If what you meant is that no work could be completed 
> unless you received two requests, then that's what should happen. If 
> someone tries to commit before you completed all the work you 
> consider 
> this to be an inconsistent state and vote to rollback. This 
> means that 
> you will never do part of the work - either all or nothing.

Shouldn't the receiver/participant trust the "someone" to mean what they
say too ? If they said commit in relation to the context they sent, then
they want a commitment on what they've asked for so far. If the receiver
can do that to be internally consistent, it should vote commit. It's up
to the other end to decide what the totatlity is.

> If what you meant is that only some work needs to be done and 
> the rest 
> is optional, you should write it as such, perhaps by using an 
> event handler.

don't see why.
> > 3) If instead the caller want to cancel the transaction.  
> How does the
> > process cancel its work ?  Where is the compensation 
> handler defined ?
> Since you haven't yet completed the sequence you can't compensate for 
> it. Instead you get a terminate fault and handle it. However, 
> since you 
> already did some activities you may have nested scopes with their own 
> compensation handlers which you would invoke from the event 
> handler of 
> the sequence.

what you do to undo things is surely implementation detail - of no
concern to the top-end, and not needing to be distinguished in the
coordination protocol (contra ws-t). "cancel", "compensate" and
"rollback" all mean "make it not so". The receiver must know its own
state and work out how to revert, to the best of its ability.

> > 4) What if the second <receive> pass in a different context ?  (the
> > only way to prevent this happening is to use the context 
> itself as the 
> > correlation set)
> Good question.

if it was sent in a different context, it was meant in a different
context (as Arkin says, you must mean what you say). If the receiver
can't do the work separately, (and the requestor doesn't shortly confirm
the first transaction), then this use isn't going to work. But generally
it would be quite reasonable to do things step by step, confirming each
one. And, depending what this is, it could be just as reasonable to send
a sequence then confirm the effects of 1, 3 and 6 but cancel 2,4 and 5.
(or as the requestor pleases).

> In EJB if you have a session bean and you call it twice in 
> two different 
> transactions then the access would be serialized or you would get an 
> error. I don't exactly remember which case is true, but you won't get 
> two invocations from two transactions for the same bean if one 
> transaction has not completed yet.
> So I would tend to believe that the rule should be that all incoming 
> messages should either be part of the same scope, part of a 
> child scope 
> (if that activity is defined as part of a child scope), or not 
> associated with any scope. But it can't be part of a different scope 
> unless it observes a parent-child relationship.

Parent-child would be common, but again, if the application+coordination
protocol combination allows the sender to communicate a different wish,
it is possible to obey it.

> > Lets say I'm an airline company.  I don't want to reserve 
> the seat for
> > a lengthy period and later cancel it when the passenger change his 
> > mind.  So my strategy is to only book the seat when the customer 
> > commits its purchase.  After that, I don't refund (so not 
> > compensatable from the passenger's perspective).
> > The original state of the seat is "available".  When the passenger 
> > invoke my "TicketBookingService", the seat is marked 
> > "potentially-booked".  When the transaction commit 
> successfully, the 
> > seat status to be "booked".  After that, it is non-compensatable.
> >
> > How do I achieve this if I only have the CompensationHandler ?

excellent example - you are getting pushed out of shape by a protocol
that thinks it knows how the world always works, and this bit doesn't.

The general case is
	perform provisional work such that you can later:

	make it not so, if so instructed
	make it finally so, if so instucted

(slot in as many synonyms for provisional, make it not so, make it so as
you please)

so, I agree, you need at least two "handlers". Whether these are defined
as mainstream and exception, or both as event handlers is mostly a
matter of how the language works, I think.


Peter Furniss
Chief Scientist, Choreology Ltd

   Cohesions 1.0 (TM)
   Business transaction management software for application coordination

phone:  +44 20 7670 1679
direct: +44 20 7670 1783
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13 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2JX

Received on Thursday, 22 May 2003 08:57:13 UTC