W3C WS Choreography WG conference call


15th July 2003, 1pm PDT

1.   Role Call
2.   Confirm scribe

The following is a list of recent scribes (in order): Kevin Liu, Tony Fletcher, Jon Dart, David Burdett, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Monica Martin, Len Greski, Jean-Jacques Dubray, Monica Martin, Mayilraj Krishnan, Francis McCabe, Michael Champion, Abbie Barbir, David Burdett, Jon Dart, Carol McDonald, Yaron Goland, Leonard Greski, Ed Peters, Greg Ritzinger, Daniel Austin, Peter Furniss, Jim Hendler

3.   Approve minutes
               Face 2 Face Minutes (see attachment)
               Minutes 1st July Conf Call (see attachment)
               Minutes 8th July Conf Call  (see attachment)


Note: Could not access members area nor public area so apologies for lack of uri’s

4.   Action Item Review


13 ongoing action items and 4 new actions from last week. 


ACTION : Chairs, Have an agenda item on the requirement to have some level of understanding  of the meaning of messages and what that level should be, when Jim Hendler can be on the call

Ongoing: Put on the agenda for two weeks' time (22nd July 2003) – chairs note: This is a discussion item that needs to be grounded as a semantics use case with Jim Hendler on the call. Thus the trigger event is the submission of such a use case.


 ACTION: Chairs, Include ‘Burdett’ ML on the agenda when David is back (15th July, 2003 teleconference?) and  decide what to do with it.



ACTION: AlB will develop a use case / scenario for this broadcast use case.



ACTION: DB - Need design collaboration use case. 



ACTION: Yves, determine what format is required for the documents we produce. 



ACTION: DB to check with Commerce One legal, issues around IP and report back.



ACTION: SRT/MC to find venue in Seattle.


New ACTION: Steve ask Attachmate to make a formal offer to the group recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/07/08-ws-chor-irc - T20-21-23

New ACTION: Martin to post a straw poll via email about having f2f in Australia in Dec


ACTION: YL to give GR and DA editing access to Bugzilla.

Ongoing: Yves reports this should be done, but Greg and Daniel should confirm.


5.   Standing tracking items (a section designed to ensure that longer running items are properly tracked)
·                Mission Statement (re-visit after requirements review – see actions above)

ACTION: DA will do the wordsmith, summarize and put together revised mission statement.

Ongoing as part of submission of requirements document. The F2F draft forms the basis for this.



·                Requirements (progress/review)

ACTION: All team members who submit a use case must provide in the template format by 1 July 2003 if they wish it to be in this release. 

Ongoing. Its still not too late!

New ACTION: Martin propose text for call-back use case recorded in http://www.w3.org/2003/07/08-ws-chor-irc - T20-44-09



·                Issue tracking (progress/review)

ACTION: Martin, Track through past minutes for issues and put them into Bugzilla.


NEW ACTION: Greg will go through the June F2F minutes and log those issues.

ACTION: MC/SRT to summarize issues process.

From last week: Ongoing, MC has to restart, as the dog ate the first draft.



·                 Task forces (progress/review)

ACTION: TF owners, The owners of each task force to put together a task list for that task force, agree with task force members, and mail to the main group.


6.      Threads (on the archive not covered elsewhere in the agenda
·                Composition (see Monica’s email for uri)
·                Choreography protocol
·                Choreography State Definition
·                Proposed text for Choreography concepts
·                 Decision Points Requirement Proposals
7.   AOB.